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Your Favorite Photos of 2021!

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Quote from KankRat on December 6, 2021, 7:02 pm

Best would be one in the session of hummingbirds I had in August.

 Rufous Hummingbird by Mark Kasick, on Flickr

That's really stunning. What a shot. I'd be very pleased with that myself 🙂

Beau Carpenter has reacted to this post.
Beau Carpenter
Happy snappin' 🙂

Here's one that I think falls under unexpected. Not because the spider was unexpected. I had been photographing it with my DA* 300mm and getting some cool pics, but I wanted a shot that showed the massive web and environment around it. I didn't think such a wide shot would capture the spider very well, but I whipped out the 28mm and started playing with how it would look. I quickly came across the idea based on the spiders current position to make it look like it was crawling on the orb of the sun and composed the shot quickly like that.

I'm really surprised how well it turned out. The black/white high contrast makes the relatively small in the frame spider stand out clearly, along with it being the center of the frame and the trees and grass framing around it. It's one of my absolute favorite shots of this year not just because of how it turned out but what it taught me about composition.

KankRat, Beau Carpenter and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
KankRatBeau CarpenterSpruceBruceGawaddenniscrommettkcphotogeek
Happy snappin' 🙂

I think what really makes it pop as well, is the overall dynamic range.  It just adds to the photo and the way it grabs.  I can't recall you sharing this shot on here previously, but what a banger!  Very cool, I need to do more insect photography, I'll add it to my 2022 list of goals.  Was this the Ricoh GR, I think that's what it was on Flickr data?  Impressive results from such an old sensor.

Hi there, I had previously put my favorites in here, but would like to rethink them, but i can't seem to just delete this comment altogether.

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