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Your Favorite Photos of 2021!

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I can't believe we're in December already... and 2021 at that! COVID has messed me up forever and I feel like I've skipped a year. (even though we still did stuff, not like nothing happened...)

Here's a thread to post some of your favorite photos you took in 2021. It's a chance to look back, reflect on your year, remember good memories you've made, and maybe even find a picture you really like.

I have a few categories. Feel free to post as you find pictures. There's no limit, and no need to post them all in one go.

Overall Favorite picture of the year

If you can pick just one! Could be a favorite for any number of reasons.

Best Moment Captured

A moment you are grateful to have captured and treasure.

Most Unexpected Shot

You didn't see it coming, didn't think you'd get it, didn't see it until later kind of picture.

Favorite Overlooked Photo

A picture on your computer somewhere from this year that you initially passed by, but on scrolling back through found and enjoyed.


Feel free to add your own new categories ad-hoc 🙂

Beau Carpenter, SpruceBruce and denniscrommett have reacted to this post.
Beau CarpenterSpruceBrucedenniscrommett
Happy snappin' 🙂

Overall Favorite picture of the year

I'll start.

I actually was feeling kind of bad about this year, like I didn't capture any shots I liked. I'm not sure where that came from, because when I started actually going back through there are a few that I actually am pretty proud of or just plain happy with.

My favorites this year are from a set I took with my infrared Pentax K-01 and 20-40mm Limited lens on a hike with my family. I like them because they show my little girl behaving like she normally does really well. I like the contrast of size between these massive trees that look huge next to an adult, let alone a child. I like the funky colors that the infrared gave. I like that I have a set of photos instead of just one. That's something I've never really done before.

Even though I am saying they are my favorites overall, I can't actually find my final edits of them 🤣 So here are the jpegs out of the camera. The edited ones look a little more polished.

 IMGP9548 by Snappiness, on Flickr

 IMGP9540 by Snappiness, on Flickr

 IMGP9546 by Snappiness, on Flickr

Beau Carpenter, SpruceBruce and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Beau CarpenterSpruceBruceGawaddenniscrommett
Happy snappin' 🙂

Thank you @james-warner-b, that's really fun and I'm looking forward to looking back through my own photos and thinking about those fun categories, and also seeing what other people choose! I appreciate the notion that the photos could be favorites for a number of reasons, from being a nice memory, to even the idea of something we're grateful to have captured. Also, those photos are beautiful! The little bit of blue water in that first one is just so satisfying (I feel like I always want more blue in my photos!). Looking forward to seeing more, folks!

SpruceBruce has reacted to this post.

These were some of my favorites in 2021, and I think it’s the perfect illustration of the fundamentals of photography with a variety level of tech.  The C46 Scrapyard Skeleton was taken on the Canon Snappy Macro PnS with Fuji C200, I wasn’t expecting to get great results out of free camera, with very little internet known presence.  Funny enough, I have a 6x7 and Portra as my most top shelf film photography setup, yet I found this as my favorite film shot this year.

The KP has been such a fun first great DSLR as my first experience into the Pentax ecosystem.  The gecko in Hawaii & the morning dew on the flowers, are my favorite captures this past summer.

And lastly, my favorite sunrise this year.  They’re low RES cellphone photos, but the magenta skies were so beautiful on that chilly February morning.

@james-warner-b  That very first photo of your daughter on the K-01, is just magical to me.  It captures so much emotion and wonder.

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James Warner, KankRat and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerKankRatBeau CarpenterGawaddenniscrommett
Quote from SpruceBruce on December 5, 2021, 10:38 am

These were some of my favorites in 2021, and I think it’s the perfect illustration of the fundamentals of photography with a variety level of tech.  The C46 Scrapyard Skeleton was taken on the Canon Snappy Macro PnS with Fuji C200, I wasn’t expecting to get great results out of free camera, with very little internet known presence.  Funny enough, I have a 6x7 and Portra as my most top shelf film photography setup, yet I found this as my favorite film shot this year.

The KP has been such a fun first great DSLR as my first experience into the Pentax ecosystem.  The gecko in Hawaii & the morning dew on the flowers, are my favorite captures this past summer.

And lastly, my favorite sunrise this year.  They’re low RES cellphone photos, but the magenta skies were so beautiful on that chilly February morning.

@james-warner-b  That very first photo of your daughter on the K-01, is just magical to me.  It captures so much emotion and wonder.

Great shots from this year! Thanks for sharing a little bit of the story & equipment behind each. I must agree with you wholeheartedly, good technique + an interesting scene/moment is far more important than the equipment used.

The KP is awesome, certainly one I miss 😬

SpruceBruce and denniscrommett have reacted to this post.

Love them @sprucebruce, and definitely enjoyed the info/stories behind them and the range of photos you chose. Nice!

Best would be one in the session of hummingbirds I had in August.

 Rufous Hummingbird by Mark Kasick, on Flickr

James Warner, SpruceBruce and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerSpruceBruceGawaddenniscrommett
Quote from denniscrommett on December 5, 2021, 1:58 pm

Love them @sprucebruce, and definitely enjoyed the info/stories behind them and the range of photos you chose. Nice!

I agree.  I especially like the gecko.

SpruceBruce has reacted to this post.
Quote from denniscrommett on December 2, 2021, 3:47 am

Thank you @james-warner-b, that's really fun and I'm looking forward to looking back through my own photos and thinking about those fun categories, and also seeing what other people choose! I appreciate the notion that the photos could be favorites for a number of reasons, from being a nice memory, to even the idea of something we're grateful to have captured. Also, those photos are beautiful! The little bit of blue water in that first one is just so satisfying (I feel like I always want more blue in my photos!). Looking forward to seeing more, folks!

@james-warner-b I saw a few others you shot of your daughter that were really good too.

SpruceBruce has reacted to this post.
Quote from KankRat on December 6, 2021, 7:02 pm

Best would be one in the session of hummingbirds I had in August.

 Rufous Hummingbird by Mark Kasick, on Flickr

What an amazing picture! I've only shot hummingbirds once, so difficult to keep up sometimes.

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