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Where do you find out about old digital camera?

Where do you find out about old digital camera?
My own research
Dedicated camera catalog
Just browsing online/local used camera sections

I'm curious how people find out about some of these older and often forgotten about digital cameras. It seems that there's a bunch of really great ones out there for a steal. I think about one of my favorite YouTubers, Mattias Burling, who has found some really neat cameras. The joke is that once he posts a video on one, the price shoots up. But it's kind of true, and often the cameras shown can't be had for that price anymore.

How do you go about finding unique older digital cameras that can be had for cheap?

Deleted user and Gawad have reacted to this post.
Deleted userGawad
Happy snappin' 🙂

This is a fun topic! I definitely tried out a Sigma DP1 after the Mattias Burling video, and it was definitely cool and filmy (here's a photo) (oh and I guess I can attach one to this post; it's with the Sigma DP1 as well), but in terms of keeping it, eh, maybe only if I had gotten it cheaper. Anyway, I also read this article that others probably did too about a photographer named Sofi Lee who uses old "digicams," and tried out a couple of those for fun. The Sony T10 was actually pretty fun and so small (here's a pic, and another), and the Lumix FX150 was so small and pretty cool in its way, too. I definitely keep browsing cameras like that, and Pentax cameras based on your videos, thinking, "Could there be one thing that this one does in a cool way?" Like those slow shutter speed shots from the Sony T10. I had no idea what I was doing (still don't!) but it was fun, and a funny small metal body. I also get tempted by the Ricoh GRD IV, but then like with the others I think, "Would I really enjoy these photos, when I'm accustomed now to the results of my newer cameras?" Anyway, it'd be great to hear what other old, cheap gems people have tried!

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Beau Carpenter and SpruceBruce have reacted to this post.
Beau CarpenterSpruceBruce
Quote from dcrommett on May 5, 2021, 6:05 pm

This is a fun topic! I definitely tried out a Sigma DP1 after the Mattias Burling video, and it was definitely cool and filmy (here's a photo) (oh and I guess I can attach one to this post; it's with the Sigma DP1 as well), but in terms of keeping it, eh, maybe only if I had gotten it cheaper. Anyway, I also read this article that others probably did too about a photographer named Sofi Lee who uses old "digicams," and tried out a couple of those for fun. The Sony T10 was actually pretty fun and so small (here's a pic, and another), and the Lumix FX150 was so small and pretty cool in its way, too. I definitely keep browsing cameras like that, and Pentax cameras based on your videos, thinking, "Could there be one thing that this one does in a cool way?" Like those slow shutter speed shots from the Sony T10. I had no idea what I was doing (still don't!) but it was fun, and a funny small metal body. I also get tempted by the Ricoh GRD IV, but then like with the others I think, "Would I really enjoy these photos, when I'm accustomed now to the results of my newer cameras?" Anyway, it'd be great to hear what other old, cheap gems people have tried!

In regards to the results of a newer camera, it doesn’t sway me to not use older gear.  I’m thinking that like the analog film crowd, there might be a decent resurgence of people who want to shoot with old CCD sensors that might go more mainstream.  Well at least there seems to be a small cult of people on Pentax forums.

I have some very nice modern cameras as well, but playing with older cameras is fun.  My dad had a 6mp PnS Kodak when I was a teenager that always took great shots in good light conditions.  Maybe it’s the nostalgia of it, but I’d like to hunt one down on Ebay since it was my first experience with handling a camera of any kind.  And after all these years, I remember taking photos with him on the beach at sunset and fishing.

I acquired a Q after seeing Mattias Burling’s enthusiasm for it.   In all honesty putting the grind into getting good results has grown on me, than having the convenience of a top of the line CMOS sensor.  It’s a fun challenge to work the settings, with a limited sized sensor with bad ISO performance, and when you do get your intended shot it’s much more rewarding.   Plus it’s really fun adapting my Nikon/Pentax Film lenses and my 8mm D mount lenses to make some cool telephoto, tiny lens/camera photos.

Quote from Deleted user on May 5, 2021, 6:05 pm

This is a fun topic! I definitely tried out a Sigma DP1 after the Mattias Burling video, and it was definitely cool and filmy (here's a photo) (oh and I guess I can attach one to this post; it's with the Sigma DP1 as well), but in terms of keeping it, eh, maybe only if I had gotten it cheaper. Anyway, I also read this article that others probably did too about a photographer named Sofi Lee who uses old "digicams," and tried out a couple of those for fun. The Sony T10 was actually pretty fun and so small (here's a pic, and another), and the Lumix FX150 was so small and pretty cool in its way, too. I definitely keep browsing cameras like that, and Pentax cameras based on your videos, thinking, "Could there be one thing that this one does in a cool way?" Like those slow shutter speed shots from the Sony T10. I had no idea what I was doing (still don't!) but it was fun, and a funny small metal body. I also get tempted by the Ricoh GRD IV, but then like with the others I think, "Would I really enjoy these photos, when I'm accustomed now to the results of my newer cameras?" Anyway, it'd be great to hear what other old, cheap gems people have tried!

That DP1 shot really does look like film...

I've been digging up less "classics" like the Sigma DP1 and more just plain jane mainstream cameras people have forgotten about and can be had for cheap. Just the idea that you can pick up a DSLR and kit lens for $50 is so exciting. When I trying to get my first DSLR over a decade ago the cheapest old ones were still several hundred dollars. What a time we live in 🙂

Beau Carpenter and SpruceBruce have reacted to this post.
Beau CarpenterSpruceBruce
Happy snappin' 🙂

Found out about buying old cameras mainly from a few friends and channels like yours. I never would have thought it viable until just a few weeks ago. I was originally looking at mainly old Nikons and Canons as those are what were mostly recommended and I never even knew pentax existed prior to finding you channel (that's how much of a photography newbie I am) and I ended up buying a Pentax K5 since it would seem for the price it inched out better performance and features compared to older Nikons that were in the same pricerange at the time.

I was thinking of picking up an old D70 (and still am, especially to convert for infrared photography) since they're sold for pennies, or a D200 which go for about the same price I got the K5 for, but I couldn't pass up the pentax deal and chose to stretch the budget. And from my research pentax lenses were also way cheaper which was a huge factor.

Beau Carpenter has reacted to this post.
Beau Carpenter
Buying the cheapest lenses available because I'm cheap.

I picked up a Pentax K5 after watching Snapiness on YouTube 😁 Most of my content consumption would be through YouTube nowadays. And of course this forum has been an excellent source of information and inspiration.

The Sigma DP1 seems like an interesting option. Hoping to get my hands on one eventually!

James Warner and Herd have reacted to this post.
James WarnerHerd
Quote from Herd on May 13, 2021, 1:51 pm

Found out about buying old cameras mainly from a few friends and channels like yours. I never would have thought it viable until just a few weeks ago. I was originally looking at mainly old Nikons and Canons as those are what were mostly recommended and I never even knew pentax existed prior to finding you channel (that's how much of a photography newbie I am) and I ended up buying a Pentax K5 since it would seem for the price it inched out better performance and features compared to older Nikons that were in the same pricerange at the time.

I was thinking of picking up an old D70 (and still am, especially to convert for infrared photography) since they're sold for pennies, or a D200 which go for about the same price I got the K5 for, but I couldn't pass up the pentax deal and chose to stretch the budget. And from my research pentax lenses were also way cheaper which was a huge factor.

I've seen quite a few infrared converted D70's float by on ebay back when I was looking for an infrared camera. Seems like a good pick!


Happy snappin' 🙂