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What camera do you regret selling most?

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For me it's the Nikon Df, I sold it when I got mine so cheap, because at the time I couldn't afford full frame AF lenses....I flipped it for $300 more than I had paid.  I sourced it locally at $700 on Craigslist, after I offered the seller $150 off asking watching it sit for 3 months.  Now that I've gotten the big promotion at work and better job, there's so much more I could do with the Df.  Plus it'd make a really fun trio to shoot with in addition to the Pentax K1, and Sony A99 I already own.

I really enjoy the IQ and colors the sensor output.  I got some really great shots out of it, and it had quite a bit latitude in the RAW files.  I don't think I'll see one ever that cheap again, minus faithfully looking everyday.

Daniel Gonzalez has reacted to this post.
Daniel Gonzalez
Quote from SpruceBruce on December 14, 2023, 3:15 pm

For me it's the Nikon Df, I sold it when I got mine so cheap, because at the time I couldn't afford full frame AF lenses....I flipped it for $300 more than I had paid.  I sourced it locally at $700 on Craigslist, after I offered the seller $150 off asking watching it sit for 3 months.  Now that I've gotten the big promotion at work and better job, there's so much more I could do with the Df.  Plus it'd make a really fun trio to shoot with in addition to the Pentax K1, and Sony A99 I already own.

I really enjoy the IQ and colors the sensor output.  I got some really great shots out of it, and it had quite a bit latitude in the RAW files.  I don't think I'll see one ever that cheap again, minus faithfully looking everyday.

The D4 has the same sensor. I think you mentioned that. Very unique look especially nice for portraits. I think the Df would be the perfect camera to collect and shoot with older Nikkor goodness. It even looks the part.  

Good article.


I sorta regret selling my F3.


SpruceBruce and Daniel Gonzalez have reacted to this post.
SpruceBruceDaniel Gonzalez
Quote from grover on December 13, 2023, 9:21 pm
Quote from on December 13, 2023, 7:27 pm
Quote from tristancarlos on December 12, 2023, 9:06 pm

 I think I will sell the 45-150mm and the 14-42mm to fund a 20mm 1.7 but we'll see.

I wouldn't hesitate on this. I've been thinking about what M43 body to buy to have a reason to get another 20 1.7.

Not long ago I picked up the Lumix 20mm f1.7. What an awesome lens.

I just added the 42.5mm Lumix f1.7 which is equally impressive.

The only m4/3 lenses I own and I am impressed with their IQ. These two lenses have given me a favourable impression of m4/3.

It's funny but that lens may be what makes me want MFT more than anything. I just keep hearing how good it is. A small body + lens combo like that is alluring. Sometimes I feel awkward with my big DSLR in certain public places...

Daniel Gonzalez has reacted to this post.
Daniel Gonzalez
Quote from JBP on December 14, 2023, 7:56 pm
Quote from grover on December 13, 2023, 9:21 pm
Quote from on December 13, 2023, 7:27 pm
Quote from tristancarlos on December 12, 2023, 9:06 pm

 I think I will sell the 45-150mm and the 14-42mm to fund a 20mm 1.7 but we'll see.

I wouldn't hesitate on this. I've been thinking about what M43 body to buy to have a reason to get another 20 1.7.

Not long ago I picked up the Lumix 20mm f1.7. What an awesome lens.

I just added the 42.5mm Lumix f1.7 which is equally impressive.

The only m4/3 lenses I own and I am impressed with their IQ. These two lenses have given me a favourable impression of m4/3.

It's funny but that lens may be what makes me want MFT more than anything. I just keep hearing how good it is. A small body + lens combo like that is alluring. Sometimes I feel awkward with my big DSLR in certain public places...

I bought an OM-D EM-5 ii out of the same curiosity. Small, light, and that 20mm lens.

It doesn't' disappoint. Personally, I would not call this combo "pocketable" but that doesn't bother me. I have a very small bag that just fits the camera and lens. It makes for a small enough setup that it is easy to take along for everyday outings "just in case".

I'll be honest... I have a fear that one day I will find something I like more than my Pentax K-1 II. When I first got the EM-5 I had a moment of panic. "What if this m43 camera makes me forget about my mountain of Pentax stuff" ? Well, fear not Pentaxians there is no struggle. They are both great systems. At heart I am a full frame, zoom lens, landscape kinda guy and it's hard to beat the Pentax for that. BUT this little M4/3 combo compliments my gear nicely. It takes amazing photos at times when I wouldn't have bothered to pack "the big bag". A small m43 camera with a couple of primes is a totally different experience that I've been enjoying lately. I don't miss the Pentax when I'm strolling around down-town and I don't miss the EM-5 when I'm out shooting landscapes. They both have their intended uses and I use both systems a lot.

One thing I've come to enjoy on the EM-5 though is the tap-to-focus touch screen. That would be nice to have in live-view on the Pentax as well as focus stacking.

That was a bit of a tangent sorry 😉 The 20mm f1.7 is a fantastic sharp lens that is worth buying a small m43 body for 🙂

SpruceBruce, Daniel Gonzalez and JBP have reacted to this post.
SpruceBruceDaniel GonzalezJBP

You can sell them?!?!?!?

SpruceBruce and JBP have reacted to this post.

I'm constantly doing budget "math". What if I sold X, Y and Z? I'd have $xxx.xx (which in reality is that x .8) and I could get A, B and C! The allure of new gear underpinned by selling stuff to make it "free" is too appealing. 

Another tragedy for me was selling my X-pro1. Huge mistake. 

Daniel Gonzalez and JBP have reacted to this post.
Daniel GonzalezJBP
Quote from grover on December 15, 2023, 12:18 am
Quote from JBP on December 14, 2023, 7:56 pm
Quote from grover on December 13, 2023, 9:21 pm
Quote from on December 13, 2023, 7:27 pm
Quote from tristancarlos on December 12, 2023, 9:06 pm

 I think I will sell the 45-150mm and the 14-42mm to fund a 20mm 1.7 but we'll see.

I wouldn't hesitate on this. I've been thinking about what M43 body to buy to have a reason to get another 20 1.7.

Not long ago I picked up the Lumix 20mm f1.7. What an awesome lens.

I just added the 42.5mm Lumix f1.7 which is equally impressive.

The only m4/3 lenses I own and I am impressed with their IQ. These two lenses have given me a favourable impression of m4/3.

It's funny but that lens may be what makes me want MFT more than anything. I just keep hearing how good it is. A small body + lens combo like that is alluring. Sometimes I feel awkward with my big DSLR in certain public places...

I bought an OM-D EM-5 ii out of the same curiosity. Small, light, and that 20mm lens.

It doesn't' disappoint. Personally, I would not call this combo "pocketable" but that doesn't bother me. I have a very small bag that just fits the camera and lens. It makes for a small enough setup that it is easy to take along for everyday outings "just in case".

I'll be honest... I have a fear that one day I will find something I like more than my Pentax K-1 II. When I first got the EM-5 I had a moment of panic. "What if this m43 camera makes me forget about my mountain of Pentax stuff" ? Well, fear not Pentaxians there is no struggle. They are both great systems. At heart I am a full frame, zoom lens, landscape kinda guy and it's hard to beat the Pentax for that. BUT this little M4/3 combo compliments my gear nicely. It takes amazing photos at times when I wouldn't have bothered to pack "the big bag". A small m43 camera with a couple of primes is a totally different experience that I've been enjoying lately. I don't miss the Pentax when I'm strolling around down-town and I don't miss the EM-5 when I'm out shooting landscapes. They both have their intended uses and I use both systems a lot.

One thing I've come to enjoy on the EM-5 though is the tap-to-focus touch screen. That would be nice to have in live-view on the Pentax as well as focus stacking.

That was a bit of a tangent sorry 😉 The 20mm f1.7 is a fantastic sharp lens that is worth buying a small m43 body for 🙂

My wife has an Olympus EM-10ii which I've used just enough to set it up for her and help her out when she needs it. I don't let myself play with it because I immediately started falling in love with the little thing and I didn't want to hog it!

I bought the little DA limited lenses to make the K-3iii as compact a package as possible. It worked! It didn't feel *too* huge during a recent indoor Christmas tree lane visit with the family. But it is still a large, valuable item the care (and concealment) of which is always on my mind. I am not at ease when I have to throw it behind my back to pick up kids (what if I bump it into something, or someone, it protrudes quite a bit after all). The weight isn't too bad but you don't forget its there, either.

Well, yesterday I submitted a low-ball offer on ebay for a Lumix GX7 and it was accepted... so I now have that and the original 20mm f/1.7 on the way. I came to the same conclusion as you. I really don't see myself leaving behind the K-3iii on a hike, or kayaking, etc. But the m43 would come along all those times I can't bring myself to carry around a honkin' DSLR. I even think there will be situations where a more compact camera would be desirable, but the Pentax DSLR still wins out. Like low light situations, or scenarios where good continuous autofocus (lol, yes Pentax has that now!!) may be needed.

So the Pentax gear won't be going anywhere. Except for the stuff I have listed on ebay right now to help fund those DA limited lenses and m4/3 camera! lol

Quote from on December 15, 2023, 9:35 am

I'm constantly doing budget "math". What if I sold X, Y and Z? I'd have $xxx.xx (which in reality is that x .8) and I could get A, B and C! The allure of new gear underpinned by selling stuff to make it "free" is too appealing. 

Another tragedy for me was selling my X-pro1. Huge mistake. 

Yes! It's quite bad. My problem is I buy the new stuff before I sold the old stuff. If I was patient and sold stuff *first*, that would be great. 😆

If Pentax rumours is correct about a new Pentax K-1 iii in the works, then I'd better sell some stuff now to be ready!

JBP has reacted to this post.
Quote from grover on December 19, 2023, 2:04 am

If Pentax rumours is correct about a new Pentax K-1 iii in the works, then I'd better sell some stuff now to be ready!

Yeah, same! Although I really shouldn't. I'm pretty invested in APS-C glass at this point. But the K-1 with its amazing articulating screen + the K-3iii autofocus would be nigh irresistible. I said it before but the K-3iii is *this close* to being my perfect camera. It just needed the K-1 screen.

BTW, the K-3iii has that tap-to-focus feature you like, so the K-1iii will as well. It's neat, it can tap to focus or tap to focus and instantly snap a photo once it achieves focus.

SpruceBruce and grover have reacted to this post.
Quote from SpruceBruce on December 14, 2023, 3:15 pm

For me it's the Nikon Df, I sold it when I got mine so cheap, because at the time I couldn't afford full frame AF lenses....I flipped it for $300 more than I had paid.  I sourced it locally at $700 on Craigslist, after I offered the seller $150 off asking watching it sit for 3 months.  Now that I've gotten the big promotion at work and better job, there's so much more I could do with the Df.  Plus it'd make a really fun trio to shoot with in addition to the Pentax K1, and Sony A99 I already own.

I really enjoy the IQ and colors the sensor output.  I got some really great shots out of it, and it had quite a bit latitude in the RAW files.  I don't think I'll see one ever that cheap again, minus faithfully looking everyday.

I happened to be browsing MPB the other day and the price on them seems to be coming down I remember like 6-12 months ago they were well over 1k for a nice copy, but now they seem to be around $700. I feel like the Zf is putting pressure on the price of them.

For me personally. I mercifully don't have any major regrets in terms of selling gear. I wish I had hung on to the d200 for a bit longer and gave it longer to grow on me, but I'm not losing any sleep over it.

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