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What are your 2022 photography goals?

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Quote from denniscrommett on January 18, 2022, 3:19 am

These are all really great to read. In terms of gear, I would like to try to keep, and really use, the two cameras I have (Fuji X100F and Ricoh GR [the 2013 one; I used to have one, and it's coming back this week! Yay!]) for as long as possible, ha, without being tempted to sell them. I would like to get more brave about asking people if I can take their photo; the few times I have, they've been some of my favorite photos. I'd like to look for new things, or maybe just look differently, at the places I often go. I'd like to take more photos around my house.

Great goals with great cameras. Your post prompted me to refresh my memory about the Fuji X100F and, wow, what a beautiful camera! I did not know that it has a hybrid optical/electronic viewfinder. How do you like that feature? Which mode do you use most?

Asking people to take their photo seems intimidating, bravo on you for doing so. I have never done so, even if I wanted to. A great goal to have. I wish you success and look forward to seeing your work.

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Thanks @jbp, I appreciate that! The X100F really is great. I mostly use the EVF, though I am very interested in trying to use the OVF more. The fact is, before digging more into photography myself about 2 years ago, I had really only used a Fuji X-T1 we have at the school where I work; so, having really started to learn about taking photos (and how much I enjoy it) on a camera with an EVF, it's just where I feel most comfortable. I'm guessing my photography interests will lead me toward a camera with interchangeable lenses and an OVF one day, but for now, 35mm on the Fuji and 28mm on the Ricoh suit my needs, in a small package.

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