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What are your 2022 photography goals?

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I want to develop some color film. I have everything I need to do it (except maybe some better temperature control for the solutions), I just need to shoot more color and to have enough time to do it.


Other than that, I'm not sure. I have a fledgling themed project that I want to shoot more for and explore, so that will direct what I shoot to an extent. I'm sure tired of the state of the world right now, so I hope things open up in 2022 and folks reach something approaching a normal level of travel and activities.

Justin Tung has reacted to this post.
Justin Tung
I ramble on sometimes about snap photography, photographic philosophy and equipment! Ye be warned.
Quote from Justin Tung on December 28, 2021, 6:15 pm

Same goal as last year, which I did not succeed very much in. I want to consume more media (whether books, videos, blog posts, etc) about photographs than gear. I can get super wrapped up in researching and buying or selling gear, and at some point it simply isn't helping me be a better photographer.

Yeah, I can definitely relate to that! I'm not sure why looking at gear is so much more entertaining than watching a short video on color from a wonderful artist that will do way more for my photography.

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Justin TungdenniscrommettTSTS
Happy snappin' 🙂

I guess I'll also add I do want to print more just for the sake of printing. I always feel like I need a spot on a wall before I print something, but I really like @sprucebruce idea of printing and having a little box with them. Just to view your work on paper is something special. Doesn't need to be on a wall if you're like me and have run out of space 😛

TSTS has reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂

I would really like to get back to shoot some Formula 1 races as media photographer. It has been 2 years now (when January will came tomorrow) since last time.


I would also like to photograph more Formula E races as media, and I would love to do Monaco Formula 1 Historic as I have been about to do it twice but it never worked out.

A part from that the usual yearly media stuff in our local Circuit (hopefully) and 2 GT races in France in 2022 instead of one I have covered the past 2 years.


But let's see what 2022 brings.

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Last year was a transition for me, I was blessed with a plethora of film cameras all at once.  I started to shoot film again and had what I can say moderate success,  I have shot film in the past, returning to it last year was somewhat a "scary" thing. That being said, I really enjoy taking photos and doing videos.  As for 2022. I want to get out more, do more and best way I can say is enjoy more of the process of taking pictures again. More freedom and maybe more commitment to short term projects. My focus has not been doing well lately, but I can feel that need to get out and just do.  I never promise or make a resolution.

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I started tidying my LR catalog in November so would like to get that done in Q1 2022.

I’d like to trim my gear a bit most likely will offload my K-5 and Lumix GX80 (plus a couple of lenses). They’re great cameras but I just don’t use them enough, I may use the proceeds on a K-3 MkII, who knows it things go really well a MkIII 🙂

Get more into IR photography, I’ve an old Olympus OMD EM10 that I repaired before, it’s still on my parents house back in Ireland. I’ll be there in a couple of months so will get it converted then.

Repair more old lenses. Maybe earn a little bit of money from photography.

Do more video, I put up a video on YouTube today of the NYE fireworks here in Manila maybe 10 people will watch it, but at least it a start.


Best of luck to everyone else on their goals


From my personal side it's been quite a few time now that I have been planning on how to create an affordable photobook with some of my own images on it as I saw (and bought some) some other guys (Formula 1 professionals and also F1 and photography fanatics but non professionals) do their own and if it's well done it looks fantastic.

So last year I made a couple of tests, in webs like Blurb and some others and this year I have already ordered a very reduced amount of copies of a new book to see test a new print site. Hopefully this time it will work great and at a reasonable price because yes Blurb is fantastic but very expensive!

I did also tested Blurb magazines and I do recommend them, they look great. But I wanted to create something more like a book, so let's see how does it goes. It's an idea I have had for some year/s now in my head. Hopefully 2022 will bring a solution 🙂

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This seems like a good place to make a first post. I have so much to improve that my goals are many. In no particular order:

- I plan to be more content with what I already have. I have room to grow with the gear I have so why buy more?

- I really, really need to get organized. File organization is getting there, gear organization has only gotten worse of late. I plan to rectify this ASAP! The short Snappiness organization video was really inspirational in this regard.

- I want to improve my action and low light photography skills. This was the reason I bought the K-3 (coming from K10D), and when I didn't have immediate success I was disappointed. I've come a long way since I got the K-3 in 2019. Somewhere along the way I realized the thing that needed upgrading the most was me!

- Take more photos in general, and increase opportunities to do so. Bring my camera with me as much as possible.

That's it!

Gawad and denniscrommett have reacted to this post.
Quote from JBP on January 12, 2022, 6:45 pm

This seems like a good place to make a first post. I have so much to improve that my goals are many. In no particular order:

- I plan to be more content with what I already have. I have room to grow with the gear I have so why buy more?

- I really, really need to get organized. File organization is getting there, gear organization has only gotten worse of late. I plan to rectify this ASAP! The short Snappiness organization video was really inspirational in this regard.

- I want to improve my action and low light photography skills. This was the reason I bought the K-3 (coming from K10D), and when I didn't have immediate success I was disappointed. I've come a long way since I got the K-3 in 2019. Somewhere along the way I realized the thing that needed upgrading the most was me!

- Take more photos in general, and increase opportunities to do so. Bring my camera with me as much as possible.

That's it!

welcome to the Snappinness forum, those goals sound realistic and achievable so good luck with them and I'm sure you got this.

also looking forward to seeing the shots you share and the progress you're making.

JBP has reacted to this post.

These are all really great to read. In terms of gear, I would like to try to keep, and really use, the two cameras I have (Fuji X100F and Ricoh GR [the 2013 one; I used to have one, and it's coming back this week! Yay!]) for as long as possible, ha, without being tempted to sell them. I would like to get more brave about asking people if I can take their photo; the few times I have, they've been some of my favorite photos. I'd like to look for new things, or maybe just look differently, at the places I often go. I'd like to take more photos around my house.

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