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The Telephoto Prime Club (100mm+)

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Quote from Snappy on September 18, 2021, 5:31 pm

Some of you may have seen these before, but here are some favorites from my Pentax-F 135mm f2.8 lens shown below:

On full-spectrum converted camera

While we are on 135mm, here's some from my Samyang 135mm F2



Great shots! I'm finding that 100-200mm is really nice outdoors when shooting photos with the kids. Nice compression and the working distance isn't too bad for compositions like you have there or even a full length shot.

Indoors, it's a bit much for me, but outdoors there are some great shots to be had!

Looking forward to the day you find a new full spectrum camera, really great photos 👍

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Quote from Snappy on September 18, 2021, 2:50 am

I have always thought a 200mm prime would be really interesting to shoot. Pentax has one modern one (and a few vintage). The modern one is unofficially full-frame, like the DA* 300mm I have, meaning it covers full frame at all f-stops but was marketed before they made their first full-frame digital camera so still advertised as not FF compatible for some reason. I guess the main advantage over a 70-200 would be weight and size if you knew you were only going to shoot at 200 anyway?

The shots of the kids are especially nice to me. The bokeh is very smooth and I find that level of separation really pleasing.

Nikon has their 20mm f2 lens, which is just crazy to me. Matt Granger on YouTube used to shoot with it a lot. Some photographer in my local San Antonio photographers Facebook group got one from her husband as a birthday gift (can you imagine? haha). Came in this big suitcase of a case.

I'll share some telephoto primes photos in my next post. Need to set down at the computer and flip through the archive.



Not sure if I should be putting these responses all in one post or not 😬

Agreed, I think the advantages are weight/size/and sometimes price. The Canon 200mm 2.8 I'm using is still sold new for $750 compared to $2,000 for the EF 70-200 f/2.8. Not exactly an apples to apples comparison as the prime lacks image stabilization.

Another thought on the use of these type of lenses is the potential for interesting perspectives on the same scene. In this photo, I've shot it with a number of wider focal lengths, but telephoto range gave it a unique look from my other shots of this area.

Recently with the 200mm f/2.8 on Canon 5D

 _MG_0034 by Beau Carpenter, on Flickr

January of this year 18mm f/3.5 on Pentax K-5

 IMGP1876 by Beau Carpenter, on Flickr

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Quote from Justin Tung on September 21, 2021, 9:48 pm
Quote from Gawad on September 21, 2021, 2:34 am

thought I can't pass by this thread without mentioning the soviet tank(jupiter 21m) sadly my time with the lens was short-lived as I somehow managed to break it which was a sad sad day and I would've picked it up again if I hadn't switched over to fd mount with a really nice replacement.

what can I say the lens was sharp with maybe some ca and the least bit of softness wide open stopped down it's just a beast of a lens with some lovely bokeh at the right circumstances if the size and weight aren't a problem to you but a bonus point other than the amazing build and image quality is the built in hood which was very useful when I remembered it.

added a photo with it on my smaller mirrorless camera because it felt ridiculous



Dang what a lens! How is the performance wide open? I have a 200m f/3.3 by Kamero(?) and it's pretty sharp wide open, but the chromatic aberrations are pretty out of control.

I would stop it down to f5.6 whenever possible but for something like portraits I think it can easily get away with the slight softness at f4

Here’s a few shots I forgot about from my trip last month to Idaho. We climbed a butte and watched the sunrise through the smoke. I mentioned this earlier, but I accidentally shot the whole trip with jpeg only (including the milkyway). This would’ve been a nice time to get more range out of these files. Oh well.

Both Pentax K-1 + DA* 300mm

[url=] [/url

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Beau CarpenterSpruceBruceGawad
Happy snappin' 🙂

Minolta 70-210 F4 "Beer Can" and surprisingly the more "Basic" Minolta 70-300 variable apeture lens are going to be my picks in the Telephoto lens category.  For lenses you can find under $50 a piece they are both incredible in quality as a few shots from both below:


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