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The Attraction of Old Forgotten Cameras and your favorites?

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Quote from tristancarlos on September 29, 2022, 7:51 pm

Ok so Pentax is definitely "Doomed"

Pentax EL-200 (HP C618 variant) running Doom.

I got this one for 8.50 EUR and it looks like a film point and shoot from the 90s.

 XPRO9927 by Tristan Carlos, on Flickr

 XPRO9931 by Tristan Carlos, on Flickr


I do really love the look! And getting the HP variant is super cool. I've been meaning to pick up an HP or Epson camera for a while just to have one. Interesting piece of history, when digicams were so popular before smartphones that everyone was trying to get in on it.

How is that running doom?? is that even real??

Happy snappin' 🙂
Quote from James Warner on September 30, 2022, 11:32 am
Quote from tristancarlos on September 29, 2022, 7:51 pm

Ok so Pentax is definitely "Doomed"

Pentax EL-200 (HP C618 variant) running Doom.

I got this one for 8.50 EUR and it looks like a film point and shoot from the 90s.

 XPRO9927 by Tristan Carlos, on Flickr

 XPRO9931 by Tristan Carlos, on Flickr


I do really love the look! And getting the HP variant is super cool. I've been meaning to pick up an HP or Epson camera for a while just to have one. Interesting piece of history, when digicams were so popular before smartphones that everyone was trying to get in on it.

How is that running doom?? is that even real??

When you mentioned Epson, I guess the ultimate prize is the RD1!


Yep it runs doom albeit no sound. I found this video on YouTube.  It's got a link on it.  It's as simple as copying and pasting the extracted zip folder to the root of the CF card.

Quote from tristancarlos on October 1, 2022, 5:29 pm
Quote from James Warner on September 30, 2022, 11:32 am
Quote from tristancarlos on September 29, 2022, 7:51 pm

Ok so Pentax is definitely "Doomed"

Pentax EL-200 (HP C618 variant) running Doom.

I got this one for 8.50 EUR and it looks like a film point and shoot from the 90s.

 XPRO9927 by Tristan Carlos, on Flickr

 XPRO9931 by Tristan Carlos, on Flickr


I do really love the look! And getting the HP variant is super cool. I've been meaning to pick up an HP or Epson camera for a while just to have one. Interesting piece of history, when digicams were so popular before smartphones that everyone was trying to get in on it.

How is that running doom?? is that even real??

When you mentioned Epson, I guess the ultimate prize is the RD1!


Yep it runs doom albeit no sound. I found this video on YouTube.  It's got a link on it.  It's as simple as copying and pasting the extracted zip folder to the root of the CF card.

Haha! That's so cool! I love these little fun quirky old digital camera facts I never knew about 😀

Happy snappin' 🙂

Visiting this thread and going to say I love my Sony a350. I mostly use my d700 and 85mm 1.4 for "proper" portrait type stuff, but the other day I loaned the Sony to a friend and tested it once more, and I really like it. It's a small camera with some weird, interesting features and takes great photos, and meters great with the built in flash in a pinch. What's not to love?

I wish it had a pro-build quality. It's a bit creaky and flexy and plastic. It makes me want to find an a900 - that has the best viewfinder I've ever used in any camera ever. It does mean losing the weird psuedo live view function of the a350, but it could replace the d700 instead...

Read this thread with great interest. I'm still looking for my dream pre-2010 DSLR (I suspect it's the Sony A700, though I've yet to see one cheap enough to buy). I tried the Pentax K10D and the Sony A300 and, while I liked the K10D a lot, I was ultimately turned off it due to the super low-res screen. I know that's a stupid thing to get turned off by, but I like to check my focus after a shot when I shoot with manual focus lenses (which I was doing almost exclusively with the K10D), partly due to the small/dim viewfinders of early DSLRs (compared to manual SLRs), and the low-res screen made that difficult and unpleasant. I got rid of the Sony A300 almost instantly after realising it only had a single dial (dealbreaker!). The oldest DSLR I've had an amazing time with is the Pentax K-5, which is somehow a 2010 camera - it feels modern to me. A truly remarkable thing.

SpruceBruce has reacted to this post.

I can't narrow it down to one so I will throw out a few.  And each of these will get their own mini review on my blog and perhaps here:

  • Olympus Stylus XZ-1 (just did a post on this)
  • Canon Rebel T1i (First "Quality" DSLR I owned. It's still respectable to this day.)
  • Nikon D80/D200
  • Sony A290 (One of the last CCD sensor DSLRs)
  • Sony f828
  • Fujifilm S2 Pro (Really hoping to get my hands on a fully working one soon!)
  • Sigma SD15
James Warner and SpruceBruce have reacted to this post.
James WarnerSpruceBruce
Quote from North Wolf Photography on February 8, 2023, 6:28 pm

I can't narrow it down to one so I will throw out a few.  And each of these will get their own mini review on my blog and perhaps here:

  • Olympus Stylus XZ-1 (just did a post on this)
  • Canon Rebel T1i (First "Quality" DSLR I owned. It's still respectable to this day.)
  • Nikon D80/D200
  • Sony A290 (One of the last CCD sensor DSLRs)
  • Sony f828
  • Fujifilm S2 Pro (Really hoping to get my hands on a fully working one soon!)
  • Sigma SD15

Great list with some interesting cameras! I just picked up an S2 pro (thanks to @sprucebruce!) and it's sitting next to me in a backpack at work hoping to see some use after work 🙂

SpruceBruce and North Wolf Photography have reacted to this post.
SpruceBruceNorth Wolf Photography
Happy snappin' 🙂
Quote from North Wolf Photography on February 8, 2023, 6:28 pm

I can't narrow it down to one so I will throw out a few.  And each of these will get their own mini review on my blog and perhaps here:

  • Olympus Stylus XZ-1 (just did a post on this)
  • Canon Rebel T1i (First "Quality" DSLR I owned. It's still respectable to this day.)
  • Nikon D80/D200
  • Sony A290 (One of the last CCD sensor DSLRs)
  • Sony f828
  • Fujifilm S2 Pro (Really hoping to get my hands on a fully working one soon!)
  • Sigma SD15

I may have a lead on a seller in Fountain City, WI. I'll have to contact and see if there's any working S2 Pros left.

Fountain City WI isn't that far from me, well relatively speaking, heh.

I have a working Fuji S2 now as well after frankenstiening 3 parts bodies together I bought off Ebay.  It has the upper unit with a working shutter from one, the back assembly from the second, and the logic motherboard from the third (as combining cameras 1 and 2 the camera would shoot but couldn't write to either memory slot.

Working on the S2 taught me a lot about the inner workings of digital cameras and it was fascinating.  It was a fun little project that paid off in the end as I finally got it working.  There are a Ton of dead S2s out there and combining 3 to make one working S2 is still a lot better then all three going to E-Waste.

(Also I edited my original reply as I realized it should be its own thread)

James Warner and SpruceBruce have reacted to this post.
James WarnerSpruceBruce


You inspired me with the video about the Olympus C-740 Ultrazoom. This was the first digital camera I ever owned. These cameras are currently quite pricey for second-hand cameras, but I'm glad I was able to purchase its slightly bigger brother, the Olympus C-750. This camera has 4 megapixels and a hotshoe, so you can use an external flash. Fortunately, memory cards are supplied with the camera, otherwise they are of little use to you. Once I have the camera, I'll get to work with it. So cool to go back to about 20 years ago. I almost feel young again 😉

James Warner has reacted to this post.
James Warner
Within the limits of my equipment consciously looking for painting with light.
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