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Standard lens mount

I don’t know what it’s like in the rest of the world but in Europe there is a big legal battle going on between Apple and EU about having a standardised usb-c cables for all small portable electrical equipment and this got me thinking, could/would/should the same happen to lens mounts and have just one lens mount across the board?

would there be any advantage to this?

be interested to hear others view on this.

In my opinion the USB-C charging and connecting thing is based on the sheer amount of smartphones and how they become more and more ubiquitary - if that is still possible.

On the contrary the market for dedicated cameras is shrinking for years now and much less important than the smartphone market.

Additionally there are some technical constraints in cameras, eg. the flange focal distance (FFD). Pentax K (and other 35mm format DSLRs mounts) need the space between the sensor and the last lens for the mirror swing. Mirrorless cameras don't need that, so they would be more bulky. But there are also medium format cameras out there, some of them with mirror, eg. the Pentax 645 series. Due to the larger mirror these cameras need an even bigger FFD.
Similar constraints relate to the mount diameter - a 645 sensor needs a bigger diameter than eg. Micro Four Thirds.

So I think that one day we will still have different lens mounts, USB-C as a common standard and of course a "crooked" USB-C implementation from Apple.


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