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Sony V3

Dear @james-warner-b (and everyone else who has experience with the Sony V3), after the V1 video, sales and prices of the V1 went considerably up so I thought I just look for V3s... I am hovering over the buy button of one but I am still wondering what your thoughts are bout that small camera. Will there be a follow up video or can you speak about how you like it and how the infrared performance is on here? Is the magnet trick required again? There is not a whole lot to find about those olde cameras.


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Brandon B

I purchased one as well soon after his video on the V1 released, picked a working model up with battery, charger, and memory stick for $50. It's pretty much the exact same camera. Magnet hack still works (and is required) to do color infrared in standard shooting modes. I have the same filter he uses and colors are pretty much the same. Being able to shoot in RAW plus the higher megapixel count are the main benefits. Otherwise it's the same. Still haven't found a good method for consistently getting focus. 

To follow up on this conversation - I do plan to do a video on the v3 once I have more time with it. The magnet hack works, like @p1xel noted and it has the same focusing issues you have to deal with in the hacked mode.

I did learn from someone that the Sony H50 has the nightshot infrared mode, but I haven't heard of anyone using the magnet hack on it. I don't know if would work or not. They told me instead they opened the camera and actually cut a certain ribbon, that basically permanently kept it in infrared mode. I won't promote that idea without any personal experience, but the H50 does look like it doesn't get a lot of attention on eBay and could be a good camera.

Happy snappin' 🙂