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Some Big Prints

I thought these came out pretty nice.  Excuse the angry look . Wind was being annoying.  There is some glare on these but you get the idea. One was done on an Epson 7570bon proofing paper The other on foam core matte board on a gigantic Digitech flatbed printer. I work for a printing ink company, they did them in our printer lab.  They look pretty amazing detail and color wise in person.  I used that Adobe Super Resolution in LR .  Which resulted in an enormous file.  I think the guy said the Epson can do 2500 dpi too. The print from the Epson has better detail, but both look pretty bomb diggity.

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  • 31DE6510-706A-4D25-AB93-5AE3677396C5.jpeg
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Justin Tung, Beau Carpenter and SpruceBruce have reacted to this post.
Justin TungBeau CarpenterSpruceBruce

And here I thought I was cool with my Canon Pro 100 and 13x19 prints.

I’ve never printed anything that big. Looks stunning from the pictures, and I’m sure even better in real life. I really need to get back into printing. I was just printing for other people or when I wanted something for my wall, but I like @sprucebruce idea of printing for yourself and just keeping them in a little box or something to look at whenever you want. Not sure why I thought I needed to hang everything I printed right away…

Happy snappin' 🙂

I usually give them away.  Where I live in northern Illinois, each county has a forest preserve district.  Basically natural areas, forests lakes and rivers set aside for public recreation. There are a few nature centers, I know a lot of the folks that work there. Anyway,  I donated the prints to them. They were going yo use them when they have their hummingbird fest (whatever that is).

SpruceBruce has reacted to this post.
Quote from SpruceBruce on September 6, 2021, 1:46 am

And here I thought I was cool with my Canon Pro 100 and 13x19 prints.

That sounds pretty cool to me.  A more reasonable size.

SpruceBruce has reacted to this post.
Quote from Snappy on September 6, 2021, 12:14 pm

I’ve never printed anything that big. Looks stunning from the pictures, and I’m sure even better in real life. I really need to get back into printing. I was just printing for other people or when I wanted something for my wall, but I like @sprucebruce idea of printing for yourself and just keeping them in a little box or something to look at whenever you want. Not sure why I thought I needed to hang everything I printed right away…

I think making  a photobook somehow would be good.  Or at least a binder full of shots.

For a while I was printing at Costco.  It was super cheap and the prints looked good.

I'm told that people might actually buy prints from photographers.  Hard to imagine a market for giant hummingbirds.  Maybe cityscapes of Chicago at night.  I think astrophotography might sell too.

Whoa! Those are awesome!