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Sold my Pentax K-01 for parts today 🙁

Just shipped off my full-spectrum converted Pentax K-01 today. In case you hadn't heard from my constant complaints on social media, the shutter stuck issue took it's life a few weeks ago. I pursued getting it repaired, but it was too costly. I didn't buy the camera for very much, and I could sell it for parts and recover more than half, so I went that route.

If you saw my video (rant) about it you know I wasn't too fond of the K-01 design. But I did really like the images. It was my first full-spectrum camera. I will definitely be getting a new one someday. I was just getting my feet wet.

I know @sirfrankski had a camera break on him this year. This is only the second time for me, with the first being a cheap Canon point and shoot that was totally my fault. I was adding home made lenses to the front of the lens and jammed the lens so it wouldn't retract. Has anyone here had a camera they like break? How do you cope? (Mostly kidding. It's not really that sad, just a bummer). 😉


Justin Tung, SpruceBruce and sirfranski have reacted to this post.
Justin TungSpruceBrucesirfranski
Happy snappin' 🙂

My Fuji XT20 got ran over by a snow plow after a blizzard in the hangar parking lot, I still have what's left of it, it had the 18-55mm F2.8 kit lens too. I had text my girlfriend if I had left it in her car, but low and behold I knocked it out of mine in the deep snow we had that night when I had grabbed my Fly Away Tool Kit and Duffel Bag since I was about to disembark for a week of NCAA March Madness tournament and a few military charter flights.  The snow was at least 24-30 inches deep when I came into my work parking lot.  I was in Savannah Georgia at the hotel after we had just landed and spent the night at Hunter Army Airfield two days after I had it left, when one of my work buddies text me what was left of it.

I paid $1100 for it, at the time when it came out.  It's probably the driving reason I've learned latest and greatest ain't worth it, as well as buying pre-owned gear. I think I might cast it in epoxy as a reminder to be more careful.  It's still sitting in my work locker.

James Warner and Justin Tung have reacted to this post.
James WarnerJustin Tung

I was in South Italy 2 years ago and came across this nice water fall while driving through the non-touristy streets. We stopped for a swim quick dip and afterwards, started preparing for a shot. I had a Fuji X-E2 with XF 16mm 1.4 attached to it. Took a couple on one side of the river but the perfect shot is across it. Figured I could easily cross the river as the waters were shallow. I underestimated how slippery the rocks / boulders were. I had the camera around my neck and tripod on my left hand, slipped, and dipped it in water for a second.

Long story short, the camera didn't survive but the expensive lens did.

How did I cope? I fully switched my main gear to Pentax.

Justin Tung, Beau Carpenter and SpruceBruce have reacted to this post.
Justin TungBeau CarpenterSpruceBruce

I haven't had any major gear disasters yet, and y'all are making me sweat some bullets here fearing my gear's untimely demise haha

SpruceBruce has reacted to this post.
Ever striving for minimum competency
Quote from SpruceBruce on July 1, 2021, 5:19 am

My Fuji XT20 got ran over by a snow plow after a blizzard in the hangar parking lot, I still have what's left of it, it had the 18-55mm F2.8 kit lens too. I had text my girlfriend if I had left it in her car, but low and behold I knocked it out of mine in the deep snow we had that night when I had grabbed my Fly Away Tool Kit and Duffel Bag since I was about to disembark for a week of NCAA March Madness tournament and a few military charter flights.  The snow was at least 24-30 inches deep when I came into my work parking lot.  I was in Savannah Georgia at the hotel after we had just landed and spent the night at Hunter Army Airfield two days after I had it left, when one of my work buddies text me what was left of it.

I paid $1100 for it, at the time when it came out.  It's probably the driving reason I've learned latest and greatest ain't worth it, as well as buying pre-owned gear. I think I might cast it in epoxy as a reminder to be more careful.  It's still sitting in my work locker.

That's so sad!! It would be hard to spend that kind of money again on a new setup.

I have dropped one lens before and broken it. That's the extent of shattered and broken camera bits in my possession. Actually, I think I sold it for a little bit of change. No idea what the new owner planned to do with it.

SpruceBruce has reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂