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Show me what film cameras you're currently shooting on!

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Just loaded the first roll into this little new addition.


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SpruceBruce and HeggenDazs have reacted to this post.
I ramble on sometimes about snap photography, photographic philosophy and equipment! Ye be warned.
Quote from agentlossing on July 20, 2022, 11:50 pm

Just loaded the first roll into this little new addition.


Is that the MX? I love my MX! I need to get it serviced to get the light meter back on. It's not necessary, but I like the connivence of seeing how off I am right in the viewfinder. But I love how small it is with a huge viewfinder, and the full mechanical controls. It's the best Pentax 35mm film mechanical camera you can buy, in my opinion. A close second would be the Spotmatics which I also really like shooting. I hear the LX is amazing, but is quite a bit more expensive. The MX somehow sneaks by being the same price as K1000's during college freshman enrollment season in the US 😀

SpruceBruce has reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂

Forgive the pic, I'm no product photographer and I have only a gloomy attic room to shoot in! I've been recently pouring my attention into this beloved cobbled-together Pentax LX (body, viewfinder, grip, and strap lugs all came from different lots!), which is my pride and joy, but I shoot other 35mm film cameras too: the Mamiya/Sekor DTL 1000 (if Apple made an SLR it'd look like this, lol), a Pentax PZ-1P, a Yashica Electro 35 GSN, and an old Soviet FED II, which I mostly own for the sheer cool factor.

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James Warner, KankRat and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerKankRatSpruceBruceHeggenDazs

 Pentax KM. Basically a K-mount Spotmatic, or a better K1000 but still with needle meter.

Some photos on Foma 100:


James Warner, HeggenDazs and Gideon Liddiard Photography have reacted to this post.
James WarnerHeggenDazsGideon Liddiard Photography
Quote from Henrique Alves on October 18, 2023, 10:30 pm

 Pentax KM. Basically a K-mount Spotmatic, or a better K1000 but still with needle meter.

Some photos on Foma 100:


Great shots! and what a snazzy looking Pentax, I don't know if I've ever looked into the KM but now I think I must, I'm a sucker for black paint on a 35mm!

Currently, it's mainly my Canon FTb, Canon A1, and Olympus XA.

I just sold my MZ-S with BG-10 battery grip so now I have the following:

Pentax LX, Pentax KX, and Pentax MZ-6

Here are a few shots from my MZ-6 which never misses an exposure!

 R1-02912-0003 by Tristan Carlos, on Flickr

 R1-02912-0006 by Tristan Carlos, on Flickr

 R1-02912-0014 by Tristan Carlos, on Flickr

James Warner, SpruceBruce and JBP have reacted to this post.
James WarnerSpruceBruceJBP

I've just updated my kit list, I currently have 73 film cameras in various states of working/not working, type, format, etc.

I clearly have a problem...

Tristan Carlos, SpruceBruce and JBP have reacted to this post.
Tristan CarlosSpruceBruceJBP
Quote from Gideon Liddiard Photography on November 29, 2023, 11:57 pm

I've just updated my kit list, I currently have 73 film cameras in various states of working/not working, type, format, etc.

I clearly have a problem...

Which one is your favourite? Or top 3?

SpruceBruce and Gideon Liddiard Photography have reacted to this post.
SpruceBruceGideon Liddiard Photography
Quote from tristancarlos on December 9, 2023, 10:28 am
Quote from Gideon Liddiard Photography on November 29, 2023, 11:57 pm

I've just updated my kit list, I currently have 73 film cameras in various states of working/not working, type, format, etc.

I clearly have a problem...

Which one is your favourite? Or top 3?

I would find it impossible to narrow it down to only a single camera, so let's go for a few categories.

35mm SLR: Canon FTb QL

Medium Format: Bronica ETRS

Compact (and Rangefinder for that matter): Olympus XA

'Toy' Camera: A toss-up between my Sprocket Rocket or my Agfa Clack (both are absurd in their own way)

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Tristan Carlos
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