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Share your October Photos (2023)

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Quote from JBP on November 29, 2023, 4:36 pm
Quote from red5isalive on November 26, 2023, 8:30 pm

Might I have not added any of my Formula E Pre-Season 10 Testing images? 


Let me add some but I hope not to bore you down,

For the ones of you that don't know about Formula E, Formula E is a fully electric cars championship that will start it's 10th season in January I believe, in Mexico (I will not take part in races that are away from Europe unfortunatelly) and they have been testing in Valencia in October.

 IMGP0331 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


It is not that I was working for any team, just a coincidence that too good photos are from the orange cars

 IMGP0367 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 IMGP8930 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 IMGP0515 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 IMGP0615 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


This photo I like it because you can see some sparks (minor, it is true) 

 IMGP3359 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 IMGP0884 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


There were some new drivers to test the cars in a one-off test, like this lady Quick Gaby that tested the Porsche just one morning

 IMGP1300 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 IMGP2507 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


I was looking for the sparks here but....


 IMGP2586 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

The light newer shown up properly that day early morning, 

 IMGP4191 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


We have had mostly clowdy and very windy days

 IMGP6159 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

 IMGP6546 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


Funny thing is that this cars now only use front brakes, not rear. Those ones were a bit red, 

 IMGP7244 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 IMGP4516 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 IMGP5795 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


Overall it was very good and exhausting but we had had a very big moment on day 1 out of the 4 days of testing when a battery exploded in the garage of the guys that operate the cars batteries and we had to leave the racetrack and stay out of it for 2-3hours sitting in the parking lot. 

Luckily nothing really important happened and we were all okay.


Well, I hope you like them.

All those pics have been taken with the K3-III and some lenses like the 21mm limited, the 150-450mm and the 50-135mm lens (I think I did not bought anything else there).

All the best! 

Awesome shots as always!! That first one is my favorite, perfect!! How do you like that 21mm limited? I'm thinking of picking one up.

Thank you very much! 

It's also my fave. I am not sure IF I took it using only the 21mm or added to the TC 1.4X. 


I would say go for it. I mostly bought it because someone was selling it at a bargain price . I have used it in some races with dispair likes. Sometime I found it was a bit "too dark" for my likes, sometimes it creates superb images. 

But when I really feel in love with it was on last holidays in South Korea were I was mostly only using the 21mm. And it was perfect for me, for that matter. Light, compact, it doesn't scream "CAMERA!" and it creates great images. If you have the chance, I'd say go for it. I have no regrets having added this lens to my collection and I am starting to wonder if selling my DA 35mm instead as I am not using it as much now that I have the 21mm.

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