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Share your October Photos (2023)

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Hello all! Welcome to the Autumn Season! Share your photos from this month down below. I expect to start seeing some colorful leaves pretty soon 😉

Here's a sprinkling of random photos from the past few days:

Ricoh GR + Macro Lens

Sigma SD10 + fungus infested 17-50 f2.8

Kodak DCS Pro 14n + Nikon 50mm f1.8D

Pixii + TTArtisan 21mm f1.5


Justin Tung, SpruceBruce and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
Justin TungSpruceBrucedenniscrommettJBPgroverGideon Liddiard PhotographyJayTz_Photography
Happy snappin' 🙂

Lonely trees in the fall. Each taken during a two day drive I just finished through through the Quapelle Valley in province of Saskatchewan, Canada.

Pentax K-1 II with Tamron 17-35mm IMGP6652 by Neil Grover, on Flickr


Pentax K-1 II with Tamron 17-35mm

 IMGP5674 by Neil Grover, on Flickr

Pentax K-1 II with Tamron 28-85mm

 IMGP6622 by Neil Grover, on Flickr

Pentax K-1 II with Tamron 28-85mm

 IMGP6451 by Neil Grover, on Flickr

James Warner, Justin Tung and 6 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerJustin TungSpruceBrucedenniscrommettJBPGideon Liddiard PhotographyJayTz_PhotographyOutspaceKat

Crazy sunset tonight. I was in the house and didn't realize it was happening until the last few moments.

JPGs straight out of camera

Pentax K-3 II and Tamron 70-200 f2.8
 IMGP0019 by Neil Grover, on Flickr

 IMGP0031 by Neil Grover, on Flickr

SpruceBruce, denniscrommett and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
SpruceBrucedenniscrommettJBPGideon Liddiard PhotographyJayTz_Photography

 Cosmo Patch! by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

Petri 45mm F2.8 CC Auto adapted to Olympus E500, it's soft but dreamy

denniscrommett, JBP and grover have reacted to this post.

Wish i had the chops to make a video about the Minolta 7d theres almost nothing on youtube about it, but its such a good/fun camera.


Between this and the RB67 im about to sell my a7r3 lol (not really tho)


Minolta 24mm f2.8

 Do i really have to go to school? by Jaymes Fike, on Flickr


Minolta 35mm f2


 Waiting for the Bus by Jaymes Fike, on Flickr


 Pretty Kitty by Jaymes Fike, on Flickr


 Playing at Dusk by Jaymes Fike, on Flickr


And a bonus, RB67/ 90mm f3.8, Cinestill 50d

 Testing out Some Cinestill 50D by Jaymes Fike, on Flickr


 RB67/ Cinestill 50D by Jaymes Fike, on Flickr

SpruceBruce, denniscrommett and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
SpruceBrucedenniscrommettJBPgroverGideon Liddiard Photography

Some from around the streets of Seville, Lumix GX7 w 12-32mm Lumix kit lens.

SpruceBruce, denniscrommett and 3 other users have reacted to this post.

Got back a couple days ago from driving and sleeping solo in my old Jeep across the Canadian prairies including the beautiful Qu'appelle Valley in Saskatchewan, Canada. I'll throw up some photos as I go through them. I covered 3200 KMs (2000 miles) in 4 days so not a lot of time to ponder a composition. Most shots were hand held. Some with bracketed exposures. I do this every year to visit my Mom. If you ever want to do an overland style drive along secondary paved and remote gravel roads over the prairies of Canada let me know and I'll give you some suggestions for routes to take.

Self portrait somewhere in province of Saskatchewan, Canada. This was as surreal a feeling as it looks.

Pentax K-1 ii and Tamron 28-85mm

 IMGP6051 by Neil Grover, on Flickr

Abandoned home
Pentax K-3 ii and Tamron 70-200mm

 IMGP0097 by Neil Grover, on Flickr

Abandoned home

Pentax K-1 ii and Tamron 17-35mm
 IMGP6539 1 by Neil Grover, on Flickr

Peeking in the window

Pentax K-1 ii and Tamron 17-35mm

 IMGP6540 by Neil Grover, on Flickr

Mission de Qu´Appelle Church, founded in 1865, in the town of Lebret, Qu´Appelle Valley

Pentax K-1 ii and Tamron 17-35mm

 IMGP6252 by Neil Grover, on Flickr

Another old church in Lebret Saskatchewan. I believe this church replaced the one above.
Pentax K-3 ii and Tarmron 70-200mm
 IMGP0070 by Neil Grover, on Flickr

James Warner, Justin Tung and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerJustin TungSpruceBrucedenniscrommettJBPGideon Liddiard PhotographyJayTz_Photography
Quote from grover on October 5, 2023, 5:45 am

Lonely trees in the fall. Each taken during a two day drive I just finished through through the Quapelle Valley in province of Saskatchewan, Canada.

Pentax K-1 II with Tamron 17-35mm IMGP6652 by Neil Grover, on Flickr


Pentax K-1 II with Tamron 17-35mm

 IMGP5674 by Neil Grover, on Flickr

Pentax K-1 II with Tamron 28-85mm

 IMGP6622 by Neil Grover, on Flickr

Pentax K-1 II with Tamron 28-85mm

 IMGP6451 by Neil Grover, on Flickr

Lovely simply compositions. Painterly, or whatever it is that they say 🙂 Beautiful

grover has reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂

Finally developed and scanned some summer Hummingbird shots on the Pentax MZ-S and DA* 300mm F4, these came out super great!  I shot them on an expired roll of Kodak ColorPlus 200!

 Browsing the Mexican Sunflowers by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 Monarch by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 Hovering for Nectar by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 Snapdragon Approach by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 Hovering by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 Snapdragon sip! by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 Sipping Snapdragon! by Bruce Foster, on Flickr


denniscrommett, JBP and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
denniscrommettJBPGideon Liddiard PhotographyJayTz_Photography

My apologies for the back to back posts, but I've accomplished alot of film scans in the last few days.  These are some shots I took at Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia, this past February.  It's quite fitting with Halloween coming up, it's such a creepy abandoned place full of patina, and rust.  My first time shooting Arista EDU 400, which apparently is just Fomopan 400 from reading online.  Lenses used were the Pentax SMC A 35-105mm F3.5 "Stack of Primes" & Spiratone 20mm F2.8 on the MZ-S.

 Eastern State Penitentiary by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 Prison Walls by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 Eastern State Dark Cellblock by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 Ghostly Selfie by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 Ghastly Gates by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 The Walls of Eastern State Penitentiary by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 Guard Tower by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

James Warner, JBP and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerJBPgroverGideon Liddiard Photography
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