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Some lanterns at the local park

This little guy gained some weight this winter lol

I like this eyes on this duck for some reason

All of these are with the Sony A99, with the Minolta 200mm f2.8 APO and Minolta 1.4x APO TC straight out of the camera on auto. I only had a few minutes before the park closed and I decided to take out the new to me A99. I finally decided that my switch to Micro four thirds wasn't really working out, because I kept using my old Sony Alpha gear and I got an A99 for $400 which is IMO a great deal despite being a 10 year old camera. I still have some of the micro four thirds stuff I don't think I will get rid of it, I guess I will just use both.

Justin Tung, SpruceBruce and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
Justin TungSpruceBruceGawadkcphotogeekEckyH

A mixed bag from the weekend GH5 w/30mm macro, Pentax MX-1 and yes the Sony A7 II w/Minolta Rokkor 55mm F1.8 (last 3 pics)

Ironically I had earlier in the week decided that I'd plunge for the K-3 III and forsake full frame and realign my MFT lens lineup a little. Then between the KF making me pause and after shooting the Christmas lights in the park with the Minolta on the A7 II I've shifted towards the S5 again once I sell the A7 II I just love the vintage lenses too much. Really you need FF to fully appreciate the vintage glass. Also the A7 II video in low light is surprisingly awful. I'll sell my GH5 and GX80 for either a G9 or Olympus EM1 Mk II.

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James Warner, Justin Tung and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerJustin TungSpruceBruceGawadEckyH
Quote from James Warner on November 9, 2022, 2:33 am
Quote from Justin Tung on November 8, 2022, 12:47 am

@james-warner-b Bold of you to talk about fall in our neck of the woods when it's still getting up into the 80's haha.

As per my custom, here's a smorgasbord of some shots from me.

These were taken out in hill country between a retreat I went on and some time I spent with a friend's family in a country property they have.

I've been playing with some film recipes on the Fuji X70. I think I dialed the shadows in a little too crunchy this time. There are a lot of things I liked, but I definitely want to tinker with it more.

Hey! Always good to see you stop by. We still need to figure out a time to go photograph together while we're still so close. We were just at Garner State Park camping, and the weather was so good! That river shot you took looks very similar to what we were seeing at the park.

I took my 645n but am waiting to finish that roll and have it developed, so in the meantime I also took with me my Olympus E300 and a Fuji I'm borrowing with the 7artisans 4mm f2.8 fisheye I am reviewing.


 Frio river by Snappiness, on Flickr

 Frio river by Snappiness, on Flickr

And the fisheye, which is admittedly really trippy but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it!

 Double starburst by Snappiness, on Flickr

 Camping by Snappiness, on Flickr


Yes for sure! Life has been a little crazy this season, but hopefully things chill out, and I'd love to get back into taking more pictures. You have my email haha!

Ever striving for minimum competency
Quote from kcphotogeek on November 14, 2022, 7:19 am

A mixed bag from the weekend GH5 w/30mm macro, Pentax MX-1 and yes the Sony A7 II w/Minolta Rokkor 55mm F1.8 (last 3 pics)

Ironically I had earlier in the week decided that I'd plunge for the K-3 III and forsake full frame and realign my MFT lens lineup a little. Then between the KF making me pause and after shooting the Christmas lights in the park with the Minolta on the A7 II I've shifted towards the S5 again once I sell the A7 II I just love the vintage lenses too much. Really you need FF to fully appreciate the vintage glass. Also the A7 II video in low light is surprisingly awful. I'll sell my GH5 and GX80 for either a G9 or Olympus EM1 Mk II.

I've heard nothing but good stuff from the actual users of the S5, I think that's an awesome choice! Great pics by the way! Amazing how much detail you captured in those low light shots.

kcphotogeek has reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂
Quote from Hikari2763 on November 13, 2022, 4:13 am

Some lanterns at the local park

This little guy gained some weight this winter lol

I like this eyes on this duck for some reason

All of these are with the Sony A99, with the Minolta 200mm f2.8 APO and Minolta 1.4x APO TC straight out of the camera on auto. I only had a few minutes before the park closed and I decided to take out the new to me A99. I finally decided that my switch to Micro four thirds wasn't really working out, because I kept using my old Sony Alpha gear and I got an A99 for $400 which is IMO a great deal despite being a 10 year old camera. I still have some of the micro four thirds stuff I don't think I will get rid of it, I guess I will just use both.

Really sharp results! I love that you shoot with the older Sonys. Such a cool niche to be a part of. That fat squirrel had me cracking up xD

Happy snappin' 🙂
Quote from James Warner on November 14, 2022, 3:00 pm
I've heard nothing but good stuff from the actual users of the S5, I think that's an awesome choice! Great pics by the way! Amazing how much detail you captured in those low light shots.

Yep my thinking is it will give me everything the GH5 does but will allow me to use vintage glass in their native aspect. Honestly that’s  the only thing about a full frame setup I like other than that I don’t think the IQ difference is that big. Sure my GH5 using native MFT glass is just as good in low light as the A7 II (though more modern FF cameras would be better). Will miss the GH5 and GX80 but the trade off makes sense.

love the colors from the Minolta 55mm I just found that reds and cyans are a little weak on the A7 II they require careful editing and even then I wouldn’t print the results big. Another benefit of changing to the S5



K-5IIs, 55-300/4-5.8 ED WR@f/5.8


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SpruceBruce and David Maynard have reacted to this post.
SpruceBruceDavid Maynard
Veni, vidi, serravi.

I took my K5 for a spin

 IMGP7129 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

It keeps shooting 🙂


There were cars at two wheels

 _IMG0324 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr



 _IMG0303 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


Formula 4 cars exiting their boxes

 _IMG0922 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


Overtakes at 2 wheels

 _IMG1216 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


And a great light

 _IMG1898 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


Those are from Saturday taken with a Pentax K5 and a Pentax K3 Silver + my regular lenses (Sigma 17-50mm f2.8, Pentax 50-135mm f2.8 and Sigma 100-300mm f4).

James Warner, SpruceBruce and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerSpruceBrucekcphotogeekDavid MaynardEckyH
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@james-warner-b, I keep thinking about that fisheye lens.. I might have to put it on my christmas list. 😉

I made it out for a drive and some solo sunset shooting in one of my favorite canyons in Malibu last night. Had fun playing with the light trails with the sunset/ocean in the background. I kept hoping for cars to be going up and down in the same shot, but it never happened. Here's one of each.

Fuji XE-4, 15-45mm, Velvia recipe:

 nov19 - 2 by David Maynard, on Flickr

 nov19 - 1 by David Maynard, on Flickr

James Warner, SpruceBruce and EckyH have reacted to this post.
James WarnerSpruceBruceEckyH

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

Ever striving for minimum competency
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