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Share Your November Photos! (2021)

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@justintung Enjoy the jump to fullframe, it's been passing on my mind about the mirrorless jump to FF, since I could make better use of my wide angle film lenses.  That second pic with the porch, chefs kiss!  Funny enough, that Silo is someone's front lawn deco apparently, there's a house is only 20 yard away.  Do you have any film lenses that you're going to adapt to it?

@james-warner-b In regards to the office comment lol, funny enough I was studying to become an aerospace engineer before I decided to get my FAA A&P certificate.  I made it two years in school, and decided that being a desk jockey wasn't for me. And it's amazing everything I've experienced with my current job with the travel opportunities.  Although I took those on lunch as I was working a landing gear change. Rigging the control cable for nose gear steering that afternoon definitely made me envy an office job for a moment.  Lots of awkward painful contortion to reach a turnbuckle, I've got a softball size bruise on my ribs and right shoulder from squeezing my way into a hell hole. I'll be running in and out Portland on a weekly rotation for work through new years overseeing freight operations. Can't wait to make the best of the opportunity to shoot the PNW, and share it with you guys!  On a later note I've considered publishing a zine or two with my aircraft photos and possibly abandoned Midwest farms.

The GXR content (low key really want to buy it too and you're not helping me resist lol) and the Macro capabilities on the F828 look great! The millipede shot should be in Nat Geo.  It just proves gear doesn't matter to a certain degree!

@heggendazs I really enjoy the K3 content you've been putting out.  That caster wheel texture and depth of field make me all giddy inside.

My girlfriend suggested we visit the Northfield, MN area.  We checked out a small stream waterfall that was barely a trickle unfortunately, some mill ruins on the Canon River, a random sailboat that was on stilts in the middle of nowhere which had metered electric hooked up to it.  Seems like it was a weird cabin/man cave work in progress We got our first snowfall today too!  Pentax KP, 18-135 kit/15mm Limited.

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James Warner, Justin Tung and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerJustin TungGawadHeggenDazs

OOOooo, I really like that old mill and the look of that lightly flowing waterfall. Looks like a super picturesque spot to be in. Is there any back story on that mill or is it just chilling there? I wonder if there was a production plant or maybe a saw mill attached to it.

 Reaching for the Stars by Alec Heggen, on Flickr

 Enjoying the View by Alec Heggen, on Flickr

 In Flight by Alec Heggen, on Flickr

 Power by Alec Heggen, on Flickr

 Shelter by Alec Heggen, on Flickr

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Finally got around to editing some shots from November! Shooting mostly with the Canon EOS R these days with 17-35mm or 200mm lenses

 _J7A2753 by Beau Carpenter, on Flickr

 _J7A2534 by Beau Carpenter, on Flickr

 _1410398 by Beau Carpenter, on Flickr

 _1410384 by Beau Carpenter, on Flickr

 _MG_2985 by Beau Carpenter, on Flickr

 _MG_2978 by Beau Carpenter, on Flickr

 _MG_2963 by Beau Carpenter, on Flickr

James Warner, SpruceBruce and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerSpruceBruceGawadHeggenDazs

that last shot is absolutely gorgeous and a little bit magical. Thanks for sharing @beau-carpenter!

Beau Carpenter has reacted to this post.
Beau Carpenter
Quote from HeggenDazs on November 15, 2021, 3:18 am

that last shot is absolutely gorgeous and a little bit magical. Thanks for sharing @beau-carpenter!

Thanks! I listened to a really helpful video from James Popsys ( where he mentioned one of the mistakes people make is taking a good photo at the wrong time of day. I've taken photos around this bridge many times, but almost never early morning. The time of day and conditions really made a difference!

Another photo from this month taken on iPhone and edited in the photos app. I had a 200mm lens on my camera, but couldn't pass up making a photo from this spot with the wide angle camera!


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James Warner, SpruceBruce and Gawad have reacted to this post.
James WarnerSpruceBruceGawad

@heggendazs I really like the Birdhouse/Cables composition, is that the K3 II 50mm Combo?

@beau-carpenter Isn’t the RP becoming more budgetable with the latest release from Canon’s R series,  I can’t keep up with Canon anymore I lost track lol.  I really like how you isolate your subjects, it’s something I’m personally trying to make a better strength in my own photography.  You’ve definitely mastered of drawing your attention act.  Are those adapted EF to RF lenses that you’ve been using with your 5D as well?  Beautiful fall colors on that IPhone shot too!

@sprucebruce That Birdhouse I shot with a Makinon 135mm f2.8 vintage film lens. The Cables are with the nifty Pentax-F 50mm f1.7. Both with my K-3 II and I think they are both very busy and interesting images.

SpruceBruce has reacted to this post.
Quote from SpruceBruce on November 16, 2021, 10:24 pm

@heggendazs I really like the Birdhouse/Cables composition, is that the K3 II 50mm Combo?

@beau-carpenter Isn’t the RP becoming more budgetable with the latest release from Canon’s R series,  I can’t keep up with Canon anymore I lost track lol.  I really like how you isolate your subjects, it’s something I’m personally trying to make a better strength in my own photography.  You’ve definitely mastered of drawing your attention act.  Are those adapted EF to RF lenses that you’ve been using with your 5D as well?  Beautiful fall colors on that IPhone shot too!

I think that's a fair assessment with the Canon mirrorless cameras. The RP is the most affordable of the lot, the R (what I picked up used about a month and a half back) is the first mirrorless (I think?) they released with the RF mount.

As far as lenses, yes I'm shooting a lot with EF adapted lenses with the basic adapter. When people say the performance is just like native lenses, they aren't kidding. EF lenses work flawlessly on the RF mount with Canon's adapter. I only have one RF lens at the moment, the 35mm f/1.8 IS STM Macro which I used exclusively to shoot my son's birth about a month back, it was a great experience. As far as EF, I have the 50mm f/1.8, 200mm f/2.8, Sigma 35mm  f/1.4, and Tamron 17-35mm f/2.8-4 and they all work great. One could easily shoot all EF glass on the RF cameras and really not be missing out on anything.

Considering swapping out both the Sigma 35mm and the RF 35mm for the older 35mm f/2.

Quote from SpruceBruce on November 16, 2021, 10:24 pm

@heggendazs I really like the Birdhouse/Cables composition, is that the K3 II 50mm Combo?

@beau-carpenter Isn’t the RP becoming more budgetable with the latest release from Canon’s R series,  I can’t keep up with Canon anymore I lost track lol.  I really like how you isolate your subjects, it’s something I’m personally trying to make a better strength in my own photography.  You’ve definitely mastered of drawing your attention act.  Are those adapted EF to RF lenses that you’ve been using with your 5D as well?  Beautiful fall colors on that IPhone shot too!

I would certainly not consider myself a master of anything photography related 😅

When it comes to isolating a subject, there are a few things I've picked up from various places that were helpful:

  • The first big change was to realize how often I was shooting a scene without a subject. Now, I'm always thinking, "What's the subject of this photo?"
  • Another was to realize in editing you can often push exposure quite a bit if your subject is well lit, this is one example:
  • Watching anything by Boris Hajdukovic has also been instructive on editing to create better isolation and contrast. Especially by using selective edits and building up contrast in small increments:

Then there's observing other's work. Really enjoy this forum as well as two others on Instagram Sean Tucker and Meg Loeks.

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