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Share your March photos (2023)

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Hello! I haven't been out shooting much (or posting in a while). I went for a rainy day photo walk in one of the parks nearby last week and got a few fun shots. We went XC skiing up in the local mountains this weekend, and the foothills were so green and lush from all the rain we're getting in LA this year.

Also including a few shots from our magical Minnesota ski vacation at the end of February. I mostly shot with the iPhone as we were out skiing in snowy conditions with our 3 year old, so not much time for pulling out the 'real' camera. 🙂

Rainy day walk:

Fuji XE-4, 60mm Macro, Acros film simulation:

 mar - 2 by David Maynard, on Flickr

Same setup, Velvia simulation:

 mar - 1 by David Maynard, on Flickr

Mountains near LA

Fuji XE-4, 15-45mm zoom, Polarizer, Velvia simulation:

 mar - 1 (1) by David Maynard, on Flickr

Minnesota Trip

Fuji XE-4, 15-45mm zoom, Velvia simulation:

 feb - 2 by David Maynard, on Flickr

iPhone 13 Pro, primary lens, Magical ski trail near Grand Marais:

 feb - 1 by David Maynard, on Flickr



red5isalive and EckyH have reacted to this post.
Quote from SpruceBruce on March 28, 2023, 1:59 am
Quote from JBP on March 27, 2023, 11:31 pm
Quote from SpruceBruce on March 26, 2023, 2:18 am

Caught the Aurora Borealis on full display overhead here in rural Minnesota.  It was such a magical display! Olympus EM1X Laowa 7.5mm F2

 Aurora Farm by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 Aurora Rolling Across the Prairie by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

Farmall Underneath the Aurora by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

Aurora Tye Dye! by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 The Aurora roaring overhead by Bruce Foster, on Flickr


Amazing shots and what an experience! Someday I hope to see them myself. 🙂

This march has been an interesting, albeit frustrating, mix of weather as winter and spring duke it out.

K3iii & 35mm macro. This is a camera JPEG with Pentax's lens-specific Fuyuno image profile. I hope they release those for all lenses soon.
 Snow Railroad by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

With my new-to-me DA*300mm. A very heavy crop. The 1.4x teleconverter is next on my list.
 Dance in Flight by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

With my K10D & 20-40mm + Satobi JPEG profile, which you can apply in Digital Camera Utility 5.
 IMGP6901_satobi by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

Another K10D & 20-40mm + Satobi.
 IMGP6970_satobi by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

DA*300 close focusing distance comes in handy. 🙂
 IMGP1900 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

And it has nice bokeh!
 IMGP2034 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

You're killing it Josh!

Some more Pentax K1 work, 1st shot is the FA 31 Limited shot wide open @ F1.8

 Pentax FA 31 LTD Pollen Bokeh by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

Then I recently acquired this Tomioka Tominon 5cm F2, aka the poor man's Leica Summicron for dirt cheap of Pentax Forums.  It's such a sharp lens with beautiful bokeh, these are shot wide open.

 Taking in the view Tomioka Tominon 5cm F2 by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 Ollie Tomioka Tominon 5cm F2 Pentax K1 by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

Lovely photos! I always enjoy your K-1 shots. That camera really brings out the best of any lens you put on it.

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Dupe post, so here’s my product shot of the *ist DS 🙂


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Enjoyed shooting older cameras with unique colours this month in the IR converted GXR S10 and the Pentax *ist DS w/18-135mm

First 2 with the GXR, next 3 are the Pentax *ist DS


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  • untitled-20.jpg
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SpruceBruce, red5isalive and EckyH have reacted to this post.

I finished a couple of rolls in March while visiting Arkansas and was rewarded with some pics taken earlier this year in Japan and the Philippines (the last two black n whites). Accidentally had the PZ-1P's stupid panorama mode turned on for a few shots with the colour Kodak ProImage 100 roll but thankfully it didn't spoil the images too much!

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After checking the image, I have edited it. By adding some brightness and cropping in.

I don't have the skills to set it way more diferent, I kinda like it. I don't know what would you think.


 IMGP9864 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr



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Likely my last shots this month, from yesterday:

There was a surprise snowfall in the morning which was quite lovely. I wish I had more time to take photos. It was the sticky snow that stays on everything and makes everything pretty.

 IMGP2124 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

By afternoon it was warm and sunny and the snow was melted, except for some holding out in the shade.

 IMGP2272 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP2354 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP2414 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP2484 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

SpruceBruce and red5isalive have reacted to this post.
Quote from JBP on March 31, 2023, 8:14 pm

Likely my last shots this month, from yesterday:

There was a surprise snowfall in the morning which was quite lovely. I wish I had more time to take photos. It was the sticky snow that stays on everything and makes everything pretty.

 IMGP2124 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

By afternoon it was warm and sunny and the snow was melted, except for some holding out in the shade.

 IMGP2272 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP2354 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP2414 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP2484 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

Beautiful images

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