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Share your March photos (2023)

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Quote from SpruceBruce on March 10, 2023, 1:46 am

A variety of shots to share that I've taken/just gotten to upload this month.

Olympus E500 & 40-150 kit, that 4/3rds Kodak CCD is chef's kiss!


That Cosinon bokeh is beautifully smooth, gives the subject a nice soft pop


Some shots from a hike last weekend. The B&W is the K-3iii + 55-300, the rest are K10D + Helios 44k-4.

 IMGP9465 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP6823 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 Moss in the Winter Sun by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP6782 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

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Quote from Cory Maben on March 11, 2023, 11:42 pm

@jbp As promised, here are some shots of the d200 with the Helios on it.

Woow those CCD colors are so nice! Some lens/body combinations just seem right together. I think you just found one such combination!

The Motorsport Season has started (you can see my first 2023 race photos in the Topic "So I finally bought a K3-III") here the second round, first race at the local track

Let's spin some wheels?

 IMGP6718 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


Most of the images ( i have tried to shoot as much as possible with it) are taken with the Pentax K3-III and various lenses, as I also wanted to test how do images look or how does the camera work with the different ways of light metering it has

 IMGP8123 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


Lola in her car (yes, i took way too many pics of her during the weekend)

 IMGP9547 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 IMGP9775 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


There is always room for mistake

 IMGP7083 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


And now just a few images from Sunday i don't wanna add too many images

 IMGP0799 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


Lola getting in the car (yes, Lola again xD)

 IMGP0928 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


Here I have edited those front window screen in a diferent way, adding way more blacks in Lightroom. I am not sure if I like it or not. I kinda do, as I feel that you focus more on the driver's look.

 IMGP1122 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 IMGP1246 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 IMGP1292 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 IMGP1587 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


The main race, as you can see here was packed of cars (around 48 I believe) and so it was a bit chaotic at times, but overall quite paceful

 IMGP1753 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

And when the light went down, that guy was jumping over this kerb over and over and I was able to capture him twice doing that

 IMGP3283 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 IMGP3349 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


For this event I have used on Saturday the Pentax D-FA 150-450mm as my telephoto lens, but as we had to walk around the track (+ my backpack with the Sigma 100-300mm f4 on it and sometimes the Pentax DA* 50-135mm f2.8) on Sunday I first decided to go with my Sigma 100-300mm f4 due to being a lighter lens.

** I have a sweet spot in mu heart about this Sigma 100-300mm f4 lens because it has been my main telephoto lens since 2015 and it produces incredibly sharp and beautiful images. I love it, it focuses fast, is easy to zoom in and out with one finger, it's kind of portable.... you know, it's one of *these* lenses you fall in love quickly.

The problem is, and I thought that was solved, that the Sigma at some point decided to malfunction. It happened before, and I thought it was due to me using the camera at TV mode + Auto ISO and my thought was that AUTO ISO was making the lens behave this way (this is a lens that had a crash and was sent to repair 3 times).

BUT..... yesterday I was shooting at the right moment, in the right spot as you'll see in this photo, during the main Race that was 1h long, that car came off track and I got it! I knew I had a great picture. Since I reviewed it and the Sigma was again missfunctioning:

 IMGP2617 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


It doesn't matter if you change to Manual Focus, the lens just goes wide open from F4 to F5.6 and it doesn't close up to F16 or F22. I was trying to make it work by going low on exposure compensation to -2 or -3 but still wasn't working. So by the time it was, i just walked back to the pitlane, took action pictures there of driver's swapping and tyres being changed, went to my car where the Pentax 150-450mm was, took it, left everything else, and walked back all the way to, happily, be able to shoot when the Sun was going down those two previous photos of the Porsche cars.

All the best!



What's the gear?
K3-III + K3 Silver

Sigma 17-50mm f2.8, Pentax DA* 50-135mm f2.8, Sigma 100-300mm f4, and the Pentax D-FA 150-450mm is what I have been using and you'll find pictures taken with at my flickr albums from the weekend.

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I got the Tokina 100mm f2.8 macro a couple weeks ago. 150 clams on CL.  It didn't come with caps or the hood, but is in minty condition. I don't think it's ever really been used.

It also came with what looks like Kenko 10 and 20mm extension tubes.

Like the Tokina 11-16mm I also have, I pretty much agree with everything the interweb says.  For me the good out weighs the bad.


  • Super Sharp
  • Nice build quality.
  • Manual focus is great.
  • Cheap if you find used.
  • Light and compact.
  • Don't need hood.

Not Good.

  • Purple fringing- lots.
  • Autofocus is slow. Pretty accurate but slow. I once tried the Nikon 105mm f2.8 D and it was pretty much the same. I also shot with the Nikon 105mm G. Much more refined lens, better in most ways,  but heavy, bulky and expensive.

Like the Tokina 11-16mm good outweighs the bad especially if you are po' (or cheap).

Here is a dead mantis I dug out of my freezer.  Doesn't everyone have one?

I shot it with the D7200, the SB800 (a great flash also cheap used), the tokina and a cheap diffuser off amazon.  Need better.

If anyone has any diffuser that worked really well please let me know.

Zoom in and check out the compound eyes.  Alien.



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SpruceBruce, JBP and EckyH have reacted to this post.
Quote from red5isalive on March 13, 2023, 8:26 pm

The Motorsport Season has started (you can see my first 2023 race photos in the Topic "So I finally bought a K3-III") here the second round, first race at the local track

Let's spin some wheels?

 IMGP6718 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


Most of the images ( i have tried to shoot as much as possible with it) are taken with the Pentax K3-III and various lenses, as I also wanted to test how do images look or how does the camera work with the different ways of light metering it has

 IMGP8123 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


Lola in her car (yes, i took way too many pics of her during the weekend)

 IMGP9547 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 IMGP9775 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


There is always room for mistake

 IMGP7083 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


And now just a few images from Sunday i don't wanna add too many images

 IMGP0799 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


Lola getting in the car (yes, Lola again xD)

 IMGP0928 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


Here I have edited those front window screen in a diferent way, adding way more blacks in Lightroom. I am not sure if I like it or not. I kinda do, as I feel that you focus more on the driver's look.

 IMGP1122 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 IMGP1246 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 IMGP1292 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 IMGP1587 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


The main race, as you can see here was packed of cars (around 48 I believe) and so it was a bit chaotic at times, but overall quite paceful

 IMGP1753 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

And when the light went down, that guy was jumping over this kerb over and over and I was able to capture him twice doing that

 IMGP3283 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 IMGP3349 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


For this event I have used on Saturday the Pentax D-FA 150-450mm as my telephoto lens, but as we had to walk around the track (+ my backpack with the Sigma 100-300mm f4 on it and sometimes the Pentax DA* 50-135mm f2.8) on Sunday I first decided to go with my Sigma 100-300mm f4 due to being a lighter lens.

** I have a sweet spot in mu heart about this Sigma 100-300mm f4 lens because it has been my main telephoto lens since 2015 and it produces incredibly sharp and beautiful images. I love it, it focuses fast, is easy to zoom in and out with one finger, it's kind of portable.... you know, it's one of *these* lenses you fall in love quickly.

The problem is, and I thought that was solved, that the Sigma at some point decided to malfunction. It happened before, and I thought it was due to me using the camera at TV mode + Auto ISO and my thought was that AUTO ISO was making the lens behave this way (this is a lens that had a crash and was sent to repair 3 times).

BUT..... yesterday I was shooting at the right moment, in the right spot as you'll see in this photo, during the main Race that was 1h long, that car came off track and I got it! I knew I had a great picture. Since I reviewed it and the Sigma was again missfunctioning:

 IMGP2617 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


It doesn't matter if you change to Manual Focus, the lens just goes wide open from F4 to F5.6 and it doesn't close up to F16 or F22. I was trying to make it work by going low on exposure compensation to -2 or -3 but still wasn't working. So by the time it was, i just walked back to the pitlane, took action pictures there of driver's swapping and tyres being changed, went to my car where the Pentax 150-450mm was, took it, left everything else, and walked back all the way to, happily, be able to shoot when the Sun was going down those two previous photos of the Porsche cars.

All the best!



What's the gear?
K3-III + K3 Silver

Sigma 17-50mm f2.8, Pentax DA* 50-135mm f2.8, Sigma 100-300mm f4, and the Pentax D-FA 150-450mm is what I have been using and you'll find pictures taken with at my flickr albums from the weekend.

Excellent as always!! Nice to see your new K-3iii putting in work. 🙂 Sorry about your Sigma 100-300. Are you going to get another or try to have it repaired again? I had a chance to get one for a good price on ebay a few weeks back but passed on it because I want weathersealing. I'm not sure how important that is anymore... I'm frequently out in the snow and light rain, but not often heavy rain. And I've been in those conditions many times with a lens I thought was weathersealed but isn't and it is still fine to this day (15 years now). The Sigma is appealing for sure, seems like it can do so much.


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So I was discussing on the Discord group how I'd used 13 digital cameras this year so far (19 if you include film, video and phone). So here's another eclectic group of shots from an eclectic group of cameras

First shot is my fiancee and daughter taken with the Samsung NX500 with Takumar 50mm F1.4 M42

Next up is a fire and water display in the next city over, taken with the Lumix GF9 with Leica 9mm F1.7

Next 3 shots are just around the corner from my place, first of those being taken with the Pentax *ist DS with Pentax 10-17mm Fish-eye

Next one is with the Pentax MX-1 though this was edited in DXO Film Pack, I used Generic Fuji Provia 100 upped vibrancy and micro contrast with a  light leak

Finally another one with the Pentax MX-1, the shadow of the fat guy is me

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  • untitled-10-2.jpg
  • untitled-8.jpg
  • untitled-37.jpg
  • untitled-10-2-Edit.jpg
  • untitled-35-2.jpg
James Warner, Justin Tung and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerJustin TungSpruceBrucered5isaliveGawadJBPEckyH

Have been busy and not out taking many pictures, spent an afternoon in Seattle with a friend and got a few pictures, I really like these Fire-Boats

James Warner, SpruceBruce and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerSpruceBrucered5isaliveGawadDeleted user
Quote from JBP on March 14, 2023, 5:18 pm
Quote from red5isalive on March 13, 2023, 8:26 pm

The Motorsport Season has started (you can see my first 2023 race photos in the Topic "So I finally bought a K3-III") here the second round, first race at the local track

Let's spin some wheels?

 IMGP6718 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


Most of the images ( i have tried to shoot as much as possible with it) are taken with the Pentax K3-III and various lenses, as I also wanted to test how do images look or how does the camera work with the different ways of light metering it has

 IMGP8123 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


Lola in her car (yes, i took way too many pics of her during the weekend)

 IMGP9547 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 IMGP9775 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


There is always room for mistake

 IMGP7083 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


And now just a few images from Sunday i don't wanna add too many images

 IMGP0799 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


Lola getting in the car (yes, Lola again xD)

 IMGP0928 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


Here I have edited those front window screen in a diferent way, adding way more blacks in Lightroom. I am not sure if I like it or not. I kinda do, as I feel that you focus more on the driver's look.

 IMGP1122 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 IMGP1246 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 IMGP1292 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 IMGP1587 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


The main race, as you can see here was packed of cars (around 48 I believe) and so it was a bit chaotic at times, but overall quite paceful

 IMGP1753 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

And when the light went down, that guy was jumping over this kerb over and over and I was able to capture him twice doing that

 IMGP3283 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 IMGP3349 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


For this event I have used on Saturday the Pentax D-FA 150-450mm as my telephoto lens, but as we had to walk around the track (+ my backpack with the Sigma 100-300mm f4 on it and sometimes the Pentax DA* 50-135mm f2.8) on Sunday I first decided to go with my Sigma 100-300mm f4 due to being a lighter lens.

** I have a sweet spot in mu heart about this Sigma 100-300mm f4 lens because it has been my main telephoto lens since 2015 and it produces incredibly sharp and beautiful images. I love it, it focuses fast, is easy to zoom in and out with one finger, it's kind of portable.... you know, it's one of *these* lenses you fall in love quickly.

The problem is, and I thought that was solved, that the Sigma at some point decided to malfunction. It happened before, and I thought it was due to me using the camera at TV mode + Auto ISO and my thought was that AUTO ISO was making the lens behave this way (this is a lens that had a crash and was sent to repair 3 times).

BUT..... yesterday I was shooting at the right moment, in the right spot as you'll see in this photo, during the main Race that was 1h long, that car came off track and I got it! I knew I had a great picture. Since I reviewed it and the Sigma was again missfunctioning:

 IMGP2617 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


It doesn't matter if you change to Manual Focus, the lens just goes wide open from F4 to F5.6 and it doesn't close up to F16 or F22. I was trying to make it work by going low on exposure compensation to -2 or -3 but still wasn't working. So by the time it was, i just walked back to the pitlane, took action pictures there of driver's swapping and tyres being changed, went to my car where the Pentax 150-450mm was, took it, left everything else, and walked back all the way to, happily, be able to shoot when the Sun was going down those two previous photos of the Porsche cars.

All the best!



What's the gear?
K3-III + K3 Silver

Sigma 17-50mm f2.8, Pentax DA* 50-135mm f2.8, Sigma 100-300mm f4, and the Pentax D-FA 150-450mm is what I have been using and you'll find pictures taken with at my flickr albums from the weekend.

Excellent as always!! Nice to see your new K-3iii putting in work. 🙂 Sorry about your Sigma 100-300. Are you going to get another or try to have it repaired again? I had a chance to get one for a good price on ebay a few weeks back but passed on it because I want weathersealing. I'm not sure how important that is anymore... I'm frequently out in the snow and light rain, but not often heavy rain. And I've been in those conditions many times with a lens I thought was weathersealed but isn't and it is still fine to this day (15 years now). The Sigma is appealing for sure, seems like it can do so much.


Thank you very much indeed 😀

About the sigma is a long story. I bought a new one but i just re-sell it as i though my copy was back in shape and working conditions, yet is not.

The Sigma is a beast, don't hesitate in getting one if you have a chance. Here in Europe very few appear for sale if any.  You can check reviews on Pentaxforums (one is mine)


I have used mine in bad weather conditions keeping it in a backpack weather sealed while not using it and I can only say good things about this lens to be honest.

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More pics!

Today we have had a preseason test for 2 categories: GT Open (gt cars) and EuroFormula Open together. They also run tomorrow but I have only been able to be away from work one day.

Here some pics I like

 IMGP4832 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


I know, I know, I should have taken off some zoom but then the 150-450mm is a bit hard to zoom-out or in with 2 fingers, or at least it is for me 😛 so I wasn't able to do so.


A Japanese driver in a Japanese decaled car here? That's strange.

 IMGP5242 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


The inside front wheel is in the air I believe

 IMGP5510 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


That guy

 IMGP5688 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 IMGP5694 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG9735 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 IMGP5818 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

Taken mostly with Pentax K3-III and also some images with the Pentax K3.

The lenses I have used are Pentax D-FA 150-450mm, Sigma 17-50mm and Pentax DA 50-135mm.

All the best,

SpruceBruce, Gawad and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
SpruceBruceGawadkcphotogeekJBPEckyHDeleted user
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