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Share your March photos (2023)

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Hi all, few photos from today. First 3 are with the Pentax Q w/06 Telephoto. The next 2 are with the Samsung NX500

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James Warner, Justin Tung and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerJustin TungSpruceBruceGawadJBPEckyHDeleted user
Quote from kcphotogeek on March 4, 2023, 4:13 pm

Hi all, few photos from today. First 3 are with the Pentax Q w/06 Telephoto. The next 2 are with the Samsung NX500

Very nice! I always enjoy your urban photography. I think my favorite is the first one. How perfect that their straps are symmetrical like that and the tree right between them. Perfect! I almost bought a Q the other day... so many cameras and lenses on my wish list but I need to pace myself. It's exciting to have things to look forward to though. 🙂

Here's my first March photos, with the Canon G7Xii:

 The Party's Over by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMG_3118 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

SpruceBruce, Gawad and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
SpruceBruceGawadkcphotogeekEckyHDeleted user

Good start to the month!

Went out to the park nearby and explored. Still getting to know the area around me and looking forward to see what it looks like NOT in the winter 🙂

Justin Tung, kcphotogeek and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
Justin TungkcphotogeekJBPEckyHmattlinardoDeleted user
Happy snappin' 🙂
Quote from James Warner on March 6, 2023, 2:49 pm

Good start to the month!

Went out to the park nearby and explored. Still getting to know the area around me and looking forward to see what it looks like NOT in the winter 🙂

The Mamiya renders so nicely! I love that first photo. Looks like you have some nice trails there.


Here's a set of photos of a friendly Black-capped Chickadee from a hike yesterday. The 55-300 PLM does a great job resolving detail when you have good light and get really close. Stopping down helps a little but not enough to be mandatory like it was with my 55-300 DA L. Of course AF fine adjustment is a must, mine is maxed out at -10 (all my lenses required AF adjustment of minus something w/this body).

 IMGP9390 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP9477 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP9535 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

James Warner, Justin Tung and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerJustin TungSpruceBruceEckyH
Quote from kcphotogeek on March 4, 2023, 4:13 pm

Hi all, few photos from today. First 3 are with the Pentax Q w/06 Telephoto. The next 2 are with the Samsung NX500

Love the cool, moody colors!


kcphotogeek has reacted to this post.
Ever striving for minimum competency

Yesterday during the lunch break there was a halo around the sun.

As usual I had the "wrong" camera with me (K-5IIm), so I had to take the image with the mobile phone.


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SpruceBruce, kcphotogeek and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
SpruceBrucekcphotogeekJBPDeleted user
Veni, vidi, serravi.
Quote from Cory Maben on March 7, 2023, 9:26 pm
Quote from EckyH on March 7, 2023, 7:20 pm

Yesterday during the lunch break there was a halo around the sun.

Was this visible to the eye? I've never seen anything like that before. That's really cool.

Yes, it was visible to the naked eye - and I've never perceived a halo around the sun before, too.

I had to put a fair amount of effort into post processing the image to emphasise the intensity and the colours of the halo. Fortunately the "Open Camera" app is able to save the images as DNG files...


Veni, vidi, serravi.
Quote from Cory Maben on March 7, 2023, 6:53 pm
Quote from James Warner on March 6, 2023, 2:49 pm

Good start to the month!

Went out to the park nearby and explored. Still getting to know the area around me and looking forward to see what it looks like NOT in the winter 🙂

Where ever you are, I bet that's going to be killer in fall. I like in that second photo how the lower plane of trees are in the light and the second plane of trees is in the shade, I like the contrast it creates

Yes I've seen photos from around here and it seems like there's some nice fall colors. I'm excited, because in southern Texas we didn't get that 😛

The sun halo is cool! I've seen that before. The first time I did I was pointing up at the sky in public for others to see. People just kinda starred at me. They must have seen one before xD

JBP has reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂

A variety of shots to share that I've taken/just gotten to upload this month.

Olympus E500 & 40-150 kit, that 4/3rds Kodak CCD is chef's kiss!

 Prairie Sunset by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

Followed by some shots I took of my Yashica LM experimenting with my Irix Dragonfly 150mm Macro F2.8

 Yashica by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 Yashica TLR Focusing Knob by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 Yashica TLR Exposure Meter by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

Testing out a relatively under reviewed and published M42 50 prime, these are a couple test shots of a Cosinon Auto 55mm F2.1, shot wide open with 1/4 Black Pro Mist fitler.  It's very soft and dreamy in rendering!

 Orchids 2 Cosinon Auto 55mm F2.1 by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 Orchids Cosinon Auto 55mm F2.1 by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

Justin Tung, kcphotogeek and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Justin TungkcphotogeekJBPEckyH

@jbp @corymaben @justintung Thanks all the 2 guys sitting on the bench is my favourite too.


I have a few scenes on that street photography route that I use to test cameras and or lenses. One of those is the picture looking down a street with a hospital on the right with a bridge running to a building across the road (included again for reference). As a scene it's a good test of DR, sharpness and contrast, I think the Samsung NX500 has handled this scene the best so far. The condo buildings in the background as well at the buildings in the mid ground are nicely exposed which is something quite challenging near sunset for this scene.

Such a shame Samsung gave up, imagine the cameras they'd be producing now


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James Warner, SpruceBruce and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerSpruceBruceJBPEckyHDeleted user
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