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Share Your March 2022 Photos!

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Let me share some more I like

This image I like it because as I am 4 decades young, when I was younger Formula 1 cars had stickers on new tyres. And this EuroFormula car has them on. That made me come back years in my mind. And I think it looks fantastic.

 _IMG7848 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

Then just an iconic image

 _IMG7895 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

Circuits can have nature on them (the tree) and also be surrounded by them, here we see some hills in the back.

SpruceBruce, HeggenDazs and JBP have reacted to this post.
My social media:
Quote from red5isalive on March 19, 2022, 10:52 am
Quote from JBP on March 19, 2022, 12:22 am
Quote from red5isalive on March 18, 2022, 10:21 pm
Quote from JBP on March 18, 2022, 9:04 pm
Quote from red5isalive on March 18, 2022, 10:23 am

Hi everyone,

I haven't had the time to check all your images yet, but will do 🙂

Those two last days I have been busy at the Circuit as there was two days of Pre-Season testing for 2 categories or racing cars, so I have had lots of images. As those are test days, I also tried diferent things and angles and types of images.

I will slowly share images here as I don't want to overload the post.

One image I really like is this one:

 _IMG6320 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

The two types of race cars were single seaters as you can see in this image, and GT cars.

We have not had nice sunny days, but grey ones so action images do not look as spectacular to me,  and I just have uploaded Day 1 images on flickr (and flickr decided to not add them to an album xD)

So will just add this one about action here:

 _IMG0101 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

Just because I shoot this and a couple more photos at 1/20sec speed and so when one of those are on focus it's a great pleasure.

It was also great for me to take the chance to test out my new lens, the Tamron 70-200mm f2.8 Pentax mount, as I wasn't sure if this lens is a keeper or not. I haven't decided myself yet, but somehow it can produce images. That I can tell you 🙂

That Lambo photo is amazing.  1/20s, how the heck?! I've never tried it, but I think I get the basic idea of shooting action like this at low shutter speed. You want to pan with the subject so relative to the camera it isn't moving as much, and you get that nice background blur which conveys speed so nicely. But I don't get how that worked in this photo since it seems it is moving away from you. Just amazing. Can you tell me what your technique was? Which way you were panning, stuff like that. I can't wait to try this someday. 😁

Thank you!

Of course I can 🙂

First thing to do is see and find the spot. In this case I have seen it while driving my car on the service road going somewhere else.

So once in place: I have seat in the floor in a position I have lowered myself as much as I could. My elbows were touching my knees so I had stability.

Now: Of course you will not get a magnificent photo shooting only one image and your first image will probably suck.

What I do on my K3-II is I set it up to burst mode, central AF focus point, and then I just try to pan as much as I can. In this corner as you can see we have quite some seconds when the car is visible so that helps to have a better hit rate. I have been there shooting every single car that was passing by. Let's say that by any good image I have had like 20 blurry ones. Maybe it was 1 out of 15 but to be honest is not a great rate. So you also need patience.

Also to mention, as I know the radious of the corner is on the inside I was following the car (trying to point the AF central focus point) poiting on the right side of it, not the back, not the left side (outside side of the car in the corner). That also brings you more time to follow the car and shoot it while panning it.

My first idea was to do some 1/125sec images but my mate joined me with his Nikon D7200 and massive 150-600mm Sigma lens and was doing 1/20th sec images so I though "it's gonna be challenging but if he can, so should I", and I just started shooting.

As per camera configurations:

1. I use TV mode. I like it more than TAV mode.  (you can also shoot Manual or even TAV mode)
2. I do use Central Point AF

3. I just set the camera to 1/20th sec (you can start, I also did that) higher at 1/60th for example, and starting going down.

4. I did use auto white balance due to the fact that the day was quite grey

5. I did use high burst mode. This I think it is crucial.

6. Shoot, repeat, shoot, repeat, shoot repeat and don't worry on having zero images on focus. For me it was a testing day so I was expecting to test things.
7. Combined with TV I do use AUTO ISO most of the times. If the day is bright I do set ISO as low as possible but in this case I wasn't feeling that comfortable with the light. (it was a grey / cloudy day).

8.Pre-Focus. Please see the attached photo. There is a bit of a straight before the corner so I used that part to pre-focus and focus on the car in order to keep tracking it at the corner.

I think i do not miss anything, if you see I do please let me know and I'll happily reply 🙂

Hope it helps !



Wait! Let me show you how did I seat on the floor. My friend decided to picture me.

You can also see how much of a view we had prior to the corner. We were able to see and pre-focus the cars some meters before they just turn into the corner, so that also helps a lot in order to get the auto-focus to work.

I would have never ever thought to shoot a race car at 1/20s, so this was super educational for me. That photo your friend took is great, very illuminating to see the photographer, scene, and subject like that. And where you said to focus on the car is something I'll definitely remember, because I was thinking (and I would have done if it were me) that you were focusing on the rear of the car.

Super helpful, thank you!


Glad it helps 🙂

Yes I thought the photo would show better than a thousand words 😛


One more thing I missed to say is that I think there is a rule or at least I just try to "follow that rule" that it is that depending on the distance between you and the subject/car, you can or can not slow down much. What I mean is, if the car is 1 meter away from you, probably panning at 1/20th will be very hard as you'll have just not much time to shoot it and the distance here doesn't help you at all.

If the car is 100 meters away from you, there you have plenty of time to shoot it. I don't know the rule, I just apply it that if it is not super close, you can lower your shutter down.

I know, it is a weird explanation. It works better when in the field.

Ah! You know what, that's something I actually knew about a while ago but completely forgot. When I started reading your post I was like "Oh yeah!" as I remembered. haha I just never got the chance to use that knowledge so I forgot it. Such great pointers, thank you. Now I need to get out there ASAP and try my hand at it before I forget the techniques you shared. 😅

Quote from red5isalive on March 19, 2022, 11:23 am

Let me share some more I like

This image I like it because as I am 4 decades young, when I was younger Formula 1 cars had stickers on new tyres. And this EuroFormula car has them on. That made me come back years in my mind. And I think it looks fantastic.

 _IMG7848 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

Then just an iconic image

 _IMG7895 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

Circuits can have nature on them (the tree) and also be surrounded by them, here we see some hills in the back.

Awesome! Great perspective and lovely backdrop 🙂

Daniel Gonzalez has reacted to this post.
Daniel Gonzalez
Quote from red5isalive on March 18, 2022, 10:21 pm
Quote from JBP on March 18, 2022, 9:04 pm
Quote from red5isalive on March 18, 2022, 10:23 am

Hi everyone,

I haven't had the time to check all your images yet, but will do 🙂

Those two last days I have been busy at the Circuit as there was two days of Pre-Season testing for 2 categories or racing cars, so I have had lots of images. As those are test days, I also tried diferent things and angles and types of images.

I will slowly share images here as I don't want to overload the post.

One image I really like is this one:

 _IMG6320 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

The two types of race cars were single seaters as you can see in this image, and GT cars.

We have not had nice sunny days, but grey ones so action images do not look as spectacular to me,  and I just have uploaded Day 1 images on flickr (and flickr decided to not add them to an album xD)

So will just add this one about action here:

 _IMG0101 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

Just because I shoot this and a couple more photos at 1/20sec speed and so when one of those are on focus it's a great pleasure.

It was also great for me to take the chance to test out my new lens, the Tamron 70-200mm f2.8 Pentax mount, as I wasn't sure if this lens is a keeper or not. I haven't decided myself yet, but somehow it can produce images. That I can tell you 🙂

That Lambo photo is amazing.  1/20s, how the heck?! I've never tried it, but I think I get the basic idea of shooting action like this at low shutter speed. You want to pan with the subject so relative to the camera it isn't moving as much, and you get that nice background blur which conveys speed so nicely. But I don't get how that worked in this photo since it seems it is moving away from you. Just amazing. Can you tell me what your technique was? Which way you were panning, stuff like that. I can't wait to try this someday. 😁

Thank you!

Of course I can 🙂

First thing to do is see and find the spot. In this case I have seen it while driving my car on the service road going somewhere else.

So once in place: I have seat in the floor in a position I have lowered myself as much as I could. My elbows were touching my knees so I had stability.

Now: Of course you will not get a magnificent photo shooting only one image and your first image will probably suck.

What I do on my K3-II is I set it up to burst mode, central AF focus point, and then I just try to pan as much as I can. In this corner as you can see we have quite some seconds when the car is visible so that helps to have a better hit rate. I have been there shooting every single car that was passing by. Let's say that by any good image I have had like 20 blurry ones. Maybe it was 1 out of 15 but to be honest is not a great rate. So you also need patience.

Also to mention, as I know the radious of the corner is on the inside I was following the car (trying to point the AF central focus point) poiting on the right side of it, not the back, not the left side (outside side of the car in the corner). That also brings you more time to follow the car and shoot it while panning it.

My first idea was to do some 1/125sec images but my mate joined me with his Nikon D7200 and massive 150-600mm Sigma lens and was doing 1/20th sec images so I though "it's gonna be challenging but if he can, so should I", and I just started shooting.

As per camera configurations:

1. I use TV mode. I like it more than TAV mode.  (you can also shoot Manual or even TAV mode)
2. I do use Central Point AF

3. I just set the camera to 1/20th sec (you can start, I also did that) higher at 1/60th for example, and starting going down.

4. I did use auto white balance due to the fact that the day was quite grey

5. I did use high burst mode. This I think it is crucial.

6. Shoot, repeat, shoot, repeat, shoot repeat and don't worry on having zero images on focus. For me it was a testing day so I was expecting to test things.
7. Combined with TV I do use AUTO ISO most of the times. If the day is bright I do set ISO as low as possible but in this case I wasn't feeling that comfortable with the light. (it was a grey / cloudy day).

8.Pre-Focus. Please see the attached photo. There is a bit of a straight before the corner so I used that part to pre-focus and focus on the car in order to keep tracking it at the corner.

I think i do not miss anything, if you see I do please let me know and I'll happily reply 🙂

Hope it helps !



Wait! Let me show you how did I seat on the floor. My friend decided to picture me.

You can also see how much of a view we had prior to the corner. We were able to see and pre-focus the cars some meters before they just turn into the corner, so that also helps a lot in order to get the auto-focus to work.

Good explanation and behind the scenes photos 😉

Daniel Gonzalez has reacted to this post.
Daniel Gonzalez
Happy snappin' 🙂
Quote from James Warner on March 19, 2022, 8:32 pm
Quote from red5isalive on March 18, 2022, 10:21 pm
Quote from JBP on March 18, 2022, 9:04 pm
Quote from red5isalive on March 18, 2022, 10:23 am

Hi everyone,

I haven't had the time to check all your images yet, but will do 🙂

Those two last days I have been busy at the Circuit as there was two days of Pre-Season testing for 2 categories or racing cars, so I have had lots of images. As those are test days, I also tried diferent things and angles and types of images.

I will slowly share images here as I don't want to overload the post.

One image I really like is this one:

 _IMG6320 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

The two types of race cars were single seaters as you can see in this image, and GT cars.

We have not had nice sunny days, but grey ones so action images do not look as spectacular to me,  and I just have uploaded Day 1 images on flickr (and flickr decided to not add them to an album xD)

So will just add this one about action here:

 _IMG0101 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

Just because I shoot this and a couple more photos at 1/20sec speed and so when one of those are on focus it's a great pleasure.

It was also great for me to take the chance to test out my new lens, the Tamron 70-200mm f2.8 Pentax mount, as I wasn't sure if this lens is a keeper or not. I haven't decided myself yet, but somehow it can produce images. That I can tell you 🙂

That Lambo photo is amazing.  1/20s, how the heck?! I've never tried it, but I think I get the basic idea of shooting action like this at low shutter speed. You want to pan with the subject so relative to the camera it isn't moving as much, and you get that nice background blur which conveys speed so nicely. But I don't get how that worked in this photo since it seems it is moving away from you. Just amazing. Can you tell me what your technique was? Which way you were panning, stuff like that. I can't wait to try this someday. 😁

Thank you!

Of course I can 🙂

First thing to do is see and find the spot. In this case I have seen it while driving my car on the service road going somewhere else.

So once in place: I have seat in the floor in a position I have lowered myself as much as I could. My elbows were touching my knees so I had stability.

Now: Of course you will not get a magnificent photo shooting only one image and your first image will probably suck.

What I do on my K3-II is I set it up to burst mode, central AF focus point, and then I just try to pan as much as I can. In this corner as you can see we have quite some seconds when the car is visible so that helps to have a better hit rate. I have been there shooting every single car that was passing by. Let's say that by any good image I have had like 20 blurry ones. Maybe it was 1 out of 15 but to be honest is not a great rate. So you also need patience.

Also to mention, as I know the radious of the corner is on the inside I was following the car (trying to point the AF central focus point) poiting on the right side of it, not the back, not the left side (outside side of the car in the corner). That also brings you more time to follow the car and shoot it while panning it.

My first idea was to do some 1/125sec images but my mate joined me with his Nikon D7200 and massive 150-600mm Sigma lens and was doing 1/20th sec images so I though "it's gonna be challenging but if he can, so should I", and I just started shooting.

As per camera configurations:

1. I use TV mode. I like it more than TAV mode.  (you can also shoot Manual or even TAV mode)
2. I do use Central Point AF

3. I just set the camera to 1/20th sec (you can start, I also did that) higher at 1/60th for example, and starting going down.

4. I did use auto white balance due to the fact that the day was quite grey

5. I did use high burst mode. This I think it is crucial.

6. Shoot, repeat, shoot, repeat, shoot repeat and don't worry on having zero images on focus. For me it was a testing day so I was expecting to test things.
7. Combined with TV I do use AUTO ISO most of the times. If the day is bright I do set ISO as low as possible but in this case I wasn't feeling that comfortable with the light. (it was a grey / cloudy day).

8.Pre-Focus. Please see the attached photo. There is a bit of a straight before the corner so I used that part to pre-focus and focus on the car in order to keep tracking it at the corner.

I think i do not miss anything, if you see I do please let me know and I'll happily reply 🙂

Hope it helps !



Wait! Let me show you how did I seat on the floor. My friend decided to picture me.

You can also see how much of a view we had prior to the corner. We were able to see and pre-focus the cars some meters before they just turn into the corner, so that also helps a lot in order to get the auto-focus to work.

Good explanation and behind the scenes photos 😉

Thank you James,

Sometimes it's hard to explain yourself in a language that is not your own one, specially while writting. But if you guys understood the ideas I wanted to explain, that is great 🙂

My social media:
Quote from JBP on March 19, 2022, 6:21 pm
Quote from red5isalive on March 19, 2022, 10:52 am
Quote from JBP on March 19, 2022, 12:22 am
Quote from red5isalive on March 18, 2022, 10:21 pm
Quote from JBP on March 18, 2022, 9:04 pm
Quote from red5isalive on March 18, 2022, 10:23 am

Hi everyone,

I haven't had the time to check all your images yet, but will do 🙂

Those two last days I have been busy at the Circuit as there was two days of Pre-Season testing for 2 categories or racing cars, so I have had lots of images. As those are test days, I also tried diferent things and angles and types of images.

I will slowly share images here as I don't want to overload the post.

One image I really like is this one:

 _IMG6320 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

The two types of race cars were single seaters as you can see in this image, and GT cars.

We have not had nice sunny days, but grey ones so action images do not look as spectacular to me,  and I just have uploaded Day 1 images on flickr (and flickr decided to not add them to an album xD)

So will just add this one about action here:

 _IMG0101 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

Just because I shoot this and a couple more photos at 1/20sec speed and so when one of those are on focus it's a great pleasure.

It was also great for me to take the chance to test out my new lens, the Tamron 70-200mm f2.8 Pentax mount, as I wasn't sure if this lens is a keeper or not. I haven't decided myself yet, but somehow it can produce images. That I can tell you 🙂

That Lambo photo is amazing.  1/20s, how the heck?! I've never tried it, but I think I get the basic idea of shooting action like this at low shutter speed. You want to pan with the subject so relative to the camera it isn't moving as much, and you get that nice background blur which conveys speed so nicely. But I don't get how that worked in this photo since it seems it is moving away from you. Just amazing. Can you tell me what your technique was? Which way you were panning, stuff like that. I can't wait to try this someday. 😁

Thank you!

Of course I can 🙂

First thing to do is see and find the spot. In this case I have seen it while driving my car on the service road going somewhere else.

So once in place: I have seat in the floor in a position I have lowered myself as much as I could. My elbows were touching my knees so I had stability.

Now: Of course you will not get a magnificent photo shooting only one image and your first image will probably suck.

What I do on my K3-II is I set it up to burst mode, central AF focus point, and then I just try to pan as much as I can. In this corner as you can see we have quite some seconds when the car is visible so that helps to have a better hit rate. I have been there shooting every single car that was passing by. Let's say that by any good image I have had like 20 blurry ones. Maybe it was 1 out of 15 but to be honest is not a great rate. So you also need patience.

Also to mention, as I know the radious of the corner is on the inside I was following the car (trying to point the AF central focus point) poiting on the right side of it, not the back, not the left side (outside side of the car in the corner). That also brings you more time to follow the car and shoot it while panning it.

My first idea was to do some 1/125sec images but my mate joined me with his Nikon D7200 and massive 150-600mm Sigma lens and was doing 1/20th sec images so I though "it's gonna be challenging but if he can, so should I", and I just started shooting.

As per camera configurations:

1. I use TV mode. I like it more than TAV mode.  (you can also shoot Manual or even TAV mode)
2. I do use Central Point AF

3. I just set the camera to 1/20th sec (you can start, I also did that) higher at 1/60th for example, and starting going down.

4. I did use auto white balance due to the fact that the day was quite grey

5. I did use high burst mode. This I think it is crucial.

6. Shoot, repeat, shoot, repeat, shoot repeat and don't worry on having zero images on focus. For me it was a testing day so I was expecting to test things.
7. Combined with TV I do use AUTO ISO most of the times. If the day is bright I do set ISO as low as possible but in this case I wasn't feeling that comfortable with the light. (it was a grey / cloudy day).

8.Pre-Focus. Please see the attached photo. There is a bit of a straight before the corner so I used that part to pre-focus and focus on the car in order to keep tracking it at the corner.

I think i do not miss anything, if you see I do please let me know and I'll happily reply 🙂

Hope it helps !



Wait! Let me show you how did I seat on the floor. My friend decided to picture me.

You can also see how much of a view we had prior to the corner. We were able to see and pre-focus the cars some meters before they just turn into the corner, so that also helps a lot in order to get the auto-focus to work.

I would have never ever thought to shoot a race car at 1/20s, so this was super educational for me. That photo your friend took is great, very illuminating to see the photographer, scene, and subject like that. And where you said to focus on the car is something I'll definitely remember, because I was thinking (and I would have done if it were me) that you were focusing on the rear of the car.

Super helpful, thank you!


Glad it helps 🙂

Yes I thought the photo would show better than a thousand words 😛


One more thing I missed to say is that I think there is a rule or at least I just try to "follow that rule" that it is that depending on the distance between you and the subject/car, you can or can not slow down much. What I mean is, if the car is 1 meter away from you, probably panning at 1/20th will be very hard as you'll have just not much time to shoot it and the distance here doesn't help you at all.

If the car is 100 meters away from you, there you have plenty of time to shoot it. I don't know the rule, I just apply it that if it is not super close, you can lower your shutter down.

I know, it is a weird explanation. It works better when in the field.

Ah! You know what, that's something I actually knew about a while ago but completely forgot. When I started reading your post I was like "Oh yeah!" as I remembered. haha I just never got the chance to use that knowledge so I forgot it. Such great pointers, thank you. Now I need to get out there ASAP and try my hand at it before I forget the techniques you shared. 😅

Quote from red5isalive on March 19, 2022, 11:23 am

Let me share some more I like

This image I like it because as I am 4 decades young, when I was younger Formula 1 cars had stickers on new tyres. And this EuroFormula car has them on. That made me come back years in my mind. And I think it looks fantastic.

 _IMG7848 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

Then just an iconic image

 _IMG7895 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

Circuits can have nature on them (the tree) and also be surrounded by them, here we see some hills in the back.

Awesome! Great perspective and lovely backdrop 🙂

🙂 Thanks

My social media:

Let me share some other photo I like from those days


 _IMG4007 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG3604 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG3274 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr



SpruceBruce, kcphotogeek and JBP have reacted to this post.
My social media:

I haven't been getting out as much as I'd like, no hikes in a while. I have been snapping away though, mostly family photos. But I did manage a few wildlife shots over the past week while in the yard or on a picnic in the park. Always keep that tele handy!

The quality of this one isn't the greatest, particularly because it's a very heavy crop, but I like that it's a "3-for-1" shot.

 IMGP7404 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

Here is a sequence of SOOC jpegs. The first one is redundant but I included it because I was happy the bird was in focus despite the branches. 😀

 IMGP7801 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP7802 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

Somewhere in the park a family may have had to make half a sandwich. 🤣 Another "SOOC"

 IMGP7815 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

SpruceBruce, Daniel Gonzalez and TSTS have reacted to this post.
SpruceBruceDaniel GonzalezTSTS

Packed my EM10 II with the 14-42EZ while trout fishing today, this setup is so compact, it fit nicely into my fly fishing pack.  Chased native Brook trout in Western Wisconsin , they’re not trophy size by any means, but they’re some of the most beautiful fish I’ve ever pursued. The Driftless regions of Northern Illinois, Iowa, SE Minnesota, and SW Wisconsin has some of the most beautiful fly fishing opportunities in the US.

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Daniel Gonzalez and JBP have reacted to this post.
Daniel GonzalezJBP
Quote from SpruceBruce on March 22, 2022, 4:58 am

Packed my EM10 II with the 14-42EZ while trout fishing today, this setup is so compact, it fit nicely into my fly fishing pack.  Chased native Brook trout in Western Wisconsin , they’re not trophy size by any means, but they’re some of the most beautiful fish I’ve ever pursued. The Driftless regions of Northern Illinois, Iowa, SE Minnesota, and SW Wisconsin has some of the most beautiful fly fishing opportunities in the US.

That sounds like a great outing. Those trout are beautiful! And the rendering from that EM10 II is so sweet! I have been eyeing Olympus 4/3 models. Really I want one for myself, but the only way I could get one in the house without getting in trouble is if it is for the wife. 🤣 So that may be what happens... she would probably prefer a "real camera" (she never took to the point-and-shoot Canon G7XII I got her, despite its all-around awesomeness) that is a compact package.

I was just talking with a neighbor about fly fishing yesterday. I've never done it (but I did play with a fly fishing pole as a kid in the yard lol). I know someone who makes the lures by hand - very cool craft. I'd like to try kayak fishing this year if life allows it. I feel like I'd spend more time taking photos so I'd need to rig up a pole holder so I could have free hands. 😆

It's happening! K-3 & my cantankerous 55-300 DA L

 IMGP8176 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP8165 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP8153 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

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