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Share your June photos! (2022)

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Quote from kcphotogeek on June 15, 2022, 6:43 pm

I’ve never seen a thumbs down on Snappiness before…and it’s on my post.

If I’m too ugly to post selfies I can post my parents address here and you can complain to them as they made me 😉

if it’s because I’m wearing a mask, well that’s the law here so what can I do

Or if you think my pics are awful, well they aren’t my best but I was just having a relaxing day in the park deciding what gear to sell, so I’m not bothered but I always welcome constructive feedback in all aspects of my life so feel free to tell me why I suck


most of all don’t take any of the above seriously (I hope it’s obvious I’m joking) I’m just having some fun at the end of a very long workday, it’s nearly 3am here in Manila 15hr workdays suck I think we can all  agree on that

Crap.  As soon as I read this I am like ....  I hope it aint me.  Well... sure enough... It was me, and a total mistake.  I just must have clicked the wrong icon.

My bad.  Please accept my most humble apology. Never in a million years would I dis you for the way you look.  You are a handsome devil with excellent taste in eyeglasses.  I am completely on board with the masking thing.

in the future I will not click without my cheaters.

SpruceBruce, kcphotogeek and JBP have reacted to this post.
Quote from KankRat on June 15, 2022, 10:25 pm
Quote from kcphotogeek on June 15, 2022, 6:43 pm

I’ve never seen a thumbs down on Snappiness before…and it’s on my post.

If I’m too ugly to post selfies I can post my parents address here and you can complain to them as they made me 😉

if it’s because I’m wearing a mask, well that’s the law here so what can I do

Or if you think my pics are awful, well they aren’t my best but I was just having a relaxing day in the park deciding what gear to sell, so I’m not bothered but I always welcome constructive feedback in all aspects of my life so feel free to tell me why I suck


most of all don’t take any of the above seriously (I hope it’s obvious I’m joking) I’m just having some fun at the end of a very long workday, it’s nearly 3am here in Manila 15hr workdays suck I think we can all  agree on that

Crap.  As soon as I read this I am like ....  I hope it aint me.  Well... sure enough... It was me, and a total mistake.  I just must have clicked the wrong icon.

My bad.  Please accept my most humble apology. Never in a million years would I dis you for the way you look.  You are a handsome devil with excellent taste in eyeglasses.  I am completely on board with the masking thing.

in the future I will not click without my cheaters.

Sh!t happens.

I often click the thumbs down because in my mind the up/down should be swapped.

side note: kcphotogeek I found myself dazing at your last photo. The empty market and the dude in the chair who is probably ready for a beer after a hard day. The colors and texture are spot on to me.

SpruceBruce, kcphotogeek and JBP have reacted to this post.
Quote from SpruceBruce on June 15, 2022, 9:40 pm

KP & DA 35 Limited Macro, on a neighborhood walk with the dog.

Nice subjects found on your walk. That mailbox under the post rain clouds is such a beautiful color contrast. Still want to try that lens one of these days. Almost pulled the trigger multiple times, but now playing with the DA 35mm 2.4 has me covered for a while.

@heggendazs I'm so impressed by how far you've gotten into that camera and film and developing it yourself. Results are looking really nice. I got some more film stuff coming to the channel soon. The MX, z1p, and maybe this PC35AF if it ended up working. We'll see. Two rolls into it and seems like it is.

This is a deer I call Bambi that my friend spotted on a bike ride. For two weeks now every time I go out biking I've lugged my telephoto lens in hoping I'd spot it, but it's been elusive. This morning I did for a fleeting second. It wasn't exactly the picture I'd hoped for, but still turned out nice. The mother was being incredibly defensive - she started stomping her hooves at me even though I was still a ways back, so I backed off further... no need to cause them additional stress.


KankRat, SpruceBruce and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂
Quote from KankRat on June 15, 2022, 10:25 pm
Quote from kcphotogeek on June 15, 2022, 6:43 pm

Crap.  As soon as I read this I am like ....  I hope it aint me.  Well... sure enough... It was me, and a total mistake.  I just must have clicked the wrong icon.

My bad.  Please accept my most humble apology. Never in a million years would I dis you for the way you look.  You are a handsome devil with excellent taste in eyeglasses.  I am completely on board with the masking thing.

in the future I will not click without my cheaters.

No worries @Kankrat knew it was likely a mistake. I didn’t even know the red thumb was on my post at first, as I only got a glance as I scrolled by to newer posts.

I got a good chuckle out of it as after a bizarre day at work it was just funny as snappiness is such a positive space (which is a credit to James and all the other longer participating members) so I decided to have a bit of fun with it 🙂

Oddly on my own FB my aunt gave me abuse for wearing a mask 😂😂

Quote from kcphotogeek on June 16, 2022, 7:08 am

Oddly on my own FB my aunt gave me abuse for wearing a mask 😂😂

That's why I got off FB.  I call it anti-social media.

Quote from grover on June 15, 2022, 10:43
Sh!t happens.

I often click the thumbs down because in my mind the up/down should be swapped.

side note: kcphotogeek I found myself dazing at your last photo. The empty market and the dude in the chair who is probably ready for a beer after a hard day. The colors and texture are spot on to me.

Thanks @Grover was all good fun. I liked that photo too, the little Lumix is a very good street shooter I’m just lucky to have the GR III.


Recent street shot taken on the Lumix GX80 with the Lumix G 30mm F2.8. The 30mm Macro is a much underrated lens, a perfect travel prime the macro is good for getting details in markets or gardens and I find 60mm FF equiv focal range to be a nice compromise good for portraits/street photos as well.

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Tristan Carlos, KankRat and grover have reacted to this post.
Tristan CarlosKankRatgrover

These pictures were taken earlier this year when I was in Munich but was developed in June. All shots were taken with the Pentax MX, K 28mm 3.5, and a roll of Kodak Gold 200. Some were cropped because I failed to realise that the 28mm lens hood + POL filter causes some heavy vignetting. Beginner mistake!

 imm024_23 by Tristan Carlos, on Flickr

 imm020_19 by Tristan Carlos, on Flickr

 imm015_14 by Tristan Carlos, on Flickr

 imm014_13 by Tristan Carlos, on Flickr

 imm013_12 by Tristan Carlos, on Flickr

 imm012_11 by Tristan Carlos, on Flickr

 imm011_10 by Tristan Carlos, on Flickr

 imm007_6 by Tristan Carlos, on Flickr

 imm005_4 by Tristan Carlos, on Flickr

 imm004_3 by Tristan Carlos, on Flickr

 imm002_1 by Tristan Carlos, on Flickr

SpruceBruce, HeggenDazs and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
Quote from tristancarlos on June 19, 2022, 10:18 am

These pictures were taken earlier this year when I was in Munich but was developed in June. All shots were taken with the Pentax MX, K 28mm 3.5, and a roll of Kodak Gold 200. Some were cropped because I failed to realise that the 28mm lens hood + POL filter causes some heavy vignetting. Beginner mistake!


Great pics love the colours, this makes me want to get out my MX and go film shooting


One of my first attempts at bug photography. Olympus Em10 II with 60mm 2.8 macro. Unedditted

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Beau Carpenter, SpruceBruce and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
Beau CarpenterSpruceBruceHeggenDazsdenniscrommettkcphotogeekJBPgrover
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