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Share your June photos! (2022)

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Quote from Justin Tung on June 4, 2022, 9:14 pm

In a final bid to decide whether or not to keep the 6x9, I finally did this: shot big slide

I was doing a grad shoot for a friend when I decided to throw in the 6x9 and asked her to take some shots of me too. The results was this magnificent result.

I was initially really worried about metering, since Ektachrome 100 has like 6 stops of dynamic range. But overall, I'm really happy with these!


The contrast reminds me of digital a little bit, I think the crunchy dynamic range definitely reminds of some crunchier digital editing styles. The colors though are defintiely unique. It dies remind me of negative film, but punchier. Not necessarily in saturation, but just in... vibe?


Anyway. I'm really glad I tried this. I don't know if it'll be enough for me to hold onto the 6x9, since I really enjoy ground glass focusing and framing, but getting to have such a large piece of positive film right in my hand is certainly a unique experience.

@justintung the shorts, thumbs up lol.

Some Delta 100 from the Pentax 6x7 and SMC M 55MM F3.5 shots from a Prairie Sod House in SW MN.  And a single shot from the Pipestone National Monument




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James Warner, Beau Carpenter and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerBeau CarpenterJBPgroverPentaxEd

Somehow in May, most of my photo energies got sapped by work. But this past Saturday morning, I took a short drive to one of my favorite places, where I've posted about before, and will again, called Chesterfield Gorge. A few photos along the road to it, and just one in the gorge itself. Everything is growing like crazy here, and the green of it all really stood out even on a gray morning. Taken with my Fuji X100F.

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James Warner, Beau Carpenter and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerBeau CarpenterSpruceBruceJBPgroverPentaxEd
Quote from denniscrommett on June 7, 2022, 1:13 am

Somehow in May, most of my photo energies got sapped by work. But this past Saturday morning, I took a short drive to one of my favorite places, where I've posted about before, and will again, called Chesterfield Gorge. A few photos along the road to it, and just one in the gorge itself. Everything is growing like crazy here, and the green of it all really stood out even on a gray morning. Taken with my Fuji X100F.

Reminds me of Northern MN so much, awesome landscapes

denniscrommett has reacted to this post.

@justintung Very cool seeing those big negatives. And I agree about the getup, lol. Perfect for zoom meetings where they only see your top half... I'm not as Texan as you just yet but the Texas items are starting to build-up now we've been here four years. 😀

@sprucebruce Beautiful tones. I am reading a book right now I got from the library Tom Ang's: Photography, the definitive visual history. It's super good. I was struck at how focused early photographers were on tonal range, which totally makes since given their limitations at the time and how the development process was one of the few things they had control over, until someone invented a new photosensitive material to use. Anyway, point is I'm paying more attention that now.

@denniscrommett The blues and greens in those landscapes are just perfect. Really inviting and mysterious at the same time.

Here's a macro shot of some fungus on a new lens I bought 😛 It's okay, it won't actually affect image quality and it looks like it's just on the front element which is the easiest to clean anyway. Also, I got a killer deal on the whole setup so I'm not bummed. Sure is pretty...

 Lens fungus by Snappiness, on Flickr

Beau Carpenter, SpruceBruce and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
Beau CarpenterSpruceBrucedenniscrommettJBPgroverPentaxEd
Happy snappin' 🙂
Quote from SpruceBruce on June 3, 2022, 10:45 pm

Hit up South Dakota & the Southwest Corner of Minnesota.  Saw lots of Dakota/Sioux/Pioneer history.  I mainly brought along the Pentax 6x7, just a cell phone grab of the waterfall at the Pipestone National Monument.

Few first photos from a hike in Redwood Falls, MN with the SMC-A 35-105 & the DA Limited 40 2.8 on the K1.

Oof that WLF got me feeling all sorts of ways haha. the WLF seems to be much less common than a prism on those bad boys, but when done right, boy is it something special!

Ever striving for minimum competency
Quote from SpruceBruce on June 6, 2022, 9:12 pm
Quote from Justin Tung on June 4, 2022, 9:14 pm

In a final bid to decide whether or not to keep the 6x9, I finally did this: shot big slide

I was doing a grad shoot for a friend when I decided to throw in the 6x9 and asked her to take some shots of me too. The results was this magnificent result.

I was initially really worried about metering, since Ektachrome 100 has like 6 stops of dynamic range. But overall, I'm really happy with these!


The contrast reminds me of digital a little bit, I think the crunchy dynamic range definitely reminds of some crunchier digital editing styles. The colors though are defintiely unique. It dies remind me of negative film, but punchier. Not necessarily in saturation, but just in... vibe?


Anyway. I'm really glad I tried this. I don't know if it'll be enough for me to hold onto the 6x9, since I really enjoy ground glass focusing and framing, but getting to have such a large piece of positive film right in my hand is certainly a unique experience.

@justintung the shorts, thumbs up lol.

Some Delta 100 from the Pentax 6x7 and SMC M 55MM F3.5 shots from a Prairie Sod House in SW MN.  And a single shot from the Pipestone National Monument





Quote from James Warner on June 7, 2022, 7:23 pm

@justintung Very cool seeing those big negatives. And I agree about the getup, lol. Perfect for zoom meetings where they only see your top half... I'm not as Texan as you just yet but the Texas items are starting to build-up now we've been here four years. 😀

@sprucebruce Beautiful tones. I am reading a book right now I got from the library Tom Ang's: Photography, the definitive visual history. It's super good. I was struck at how focused early photographers were on tonal range, which totally makes since given their limitations at the time and how the development process was one of the few things they had control over, until someone invented a new photosensitive material to use. Anyway, point is I'm paying more attention that now.

@denniscrommett The blues and greens in those landscapes are just perfect. Really inviting and mysterious at the same time.

Here's a macro shot of some fungus on a new lens I bought 😛 It's okay, it won't actually affect image quality and it looks like it's just on the front element which is the easiest to clean anyway. Also, I got a killer deal on the whole setup so I'm not bummed. Sure is pretty...

 Lens fungus by Snappiness, on Flickr

Thanks yall haha. I sort of feel like the only thing I have time for these days is the occasional novel experiment, instead of having the comfort and ease of a tried and true sort of deal. It's not bad, but it can feel tiring at times.

denniscrommett has reacted to this post.
Ever striving for minimum competency

I've been super busy and finally today had a chance to see all the posts in this thread. I don't have anything to contribute right now but I wanted to say WOW! Great photos, all!! Everyone is on fire this month!  Keep it up and keep sharing, please! 😁

SpruceBruce and denniscrommett have reacted to this post.

@james-warner-b I think that's why I shoot alot in B&W, I think the long dull winters have conditioned myself to see in contrast and tones.  Since I'm not always blessed with green and blue sky scenarios.  I'll have to check out his book.  Have you been shooting the K5 monochrome alot lately? If you ever decide to part ways.....not that I need anymore cool gear lol.

Last set of Pentax 6x7 photos, Portra 400. Devil's Gulch in South Dakota and the Pipestone National Monument in MN.  I never knew that Dakota and Sioux tribes quarried the stone from this rock formations in the prairie and literally carved their peace pipes out of it.

I unfortunately had half of my shots not come out, I think my 6x7 needs a good CLA.  It's having shutter and mirror issues at lower speeds at 1/60 to 1/30.

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Justin Tung, denniscrommett and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
Justin TungdenniscrommettJBPgroverPentaxEd
Quote from SpruceBruce on June 8, 2022, 6:00 am

@james-warner-b I think that's why I shoot alot in B&W, I think the long dull winters have conditioned myself to see in contrast and tones.  Since I'm not always blessed with green and blue sky scenarios.  I'll have to check out his book.  Have you been shooting the K5 monochrome alot lately? If you ever decide to part ways.....not that I need anymore cool gear lol.

Last set of Pentax 6x7 photos, Portra 400. Devil's Gulch in South Dakota and the Pipestone National Monument in MN.  I never knew that Dakota and Sioux tribes quarried the stone from this rock formations in the prairie and literally carved their peace pipes out of it.

I unfortunately had half of my shots not come out, I think my 6x7 needs a good CLA.  It's having shutter and mirror issues at lower speeds at 1/60 to 1/30.

Wow, Devils Gulch looks stunning. Not quite like anything I have ever seen before in my travels. I've been to the Badlands twice but we just clipped that corner of South Dakota on the way down to Missouri. Never explored further. I remember the black hills national forest being beautiful and really wanting to go back someday. Little bit further away now.

I haven't shot my monochrome k5 much recently because I was doing a big film project. Now that that's over I will be getting back to it. I'll let you borrow it one of these days when it's just sitting around. Too fun not to share, but too cool to ever sell 😎

I bought a Sigma SD10 to go with my SD14. I know that doesn't make much sense if you know how much I've struggled to get along with the SD14, but a really nice lens deal came up kind of like what happened with the SD14 and I jumped for it. I might be going crazy, but I think I might like the SD10 even more in some ways... time will tell as I compare these two dinosaur bizarre DSLRs.

SD10 and Sigma 150mm f2.8 macro

 Sigma SD10 by Snappiness, on Flickr

 Sigma SD10 by Snappiness, on Flickr

 Sigma SD10 by Snappiness, on Flickr

 Sigma SD10 by Snappiness, on Flickr

SpruceBruce, denniscrommett and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂

Was out for an evening rip on my bike.

Not spectacular photos but with all this talk of pocket cameras I thought I'd share these. They were taken with my Fuji XF1 (fits in my pocket nicely)


SpruceBruce, Daniel Gonzalez and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
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