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Quote from Christian K. on July 23, 2024, 11:11 am


I never shot slide film that old, but you got me thinking why your film would come out blank. I would imagine that the numbers on the border are blank too?

When slide film is developed you have 2 development steps. 1st step with a high contrast BW-developer results in a bw-negative image. Next step is to dissolve that silver image. No image at that point. (Where the negative was black, there would no light sensitive material left and on the light parts of the negative there would still be plenty of sensitive silver). Then the remaining undeveloped light sensitive silver gets exposed (usually chemically, but could be done with actual light). Now the color development is done resulting in the positive color image and simultaneously a positive BW image. Last step is to dissolve the BW image and fix it leaving only the final positive color image on the film.

My theory:
That HP5 I mentioned (as well as the FP3 in the suggested video) were heavily fogged. It would look all black, when lying on a white paper. It needed about 4 Stops (16 times !) more light for Darkroom-printing/ DSLR-scanning. I assume that ektachrome is heavily fogged too. (The fog is developed silver even in the unexposed areas...well unexposed by light..heat or (background) radiation did expose those areas ). The result would be that after the first bleach-step, there won't be any / much light sensitive material left for the positive development because the fog used it all blank film.

If my theory is correct, you won't get any image in E6 at any exposure. Your only chance would be to cross-process in C41 or even Black and White. Results will not be what you bought the film for, might still be worthwhile or might be terrible. Shoot a test roll with controlled lighting and get it processed in C41, then go from there.

In general is it better for me to set the exposure comp to +1 or is it better to set the ISO to half it's rated value (ISO 50 in this case), does it matter?

For the film it's the same, I set it on the ISO, because then I don't accidently switch back to "normal" and still have the exposure comp available.

Then importantly when I go to have it developed to I need to tell them to push it or do I develop it like normal?

Develop normal. (Expired film lost sensitivity over time, so may actually be ISO 50 when the box says 200. "Overexposing" it +2 with regards to box speed would then actually be the proper normal exposure.  The series of Testexposures I suggested is to find out what the actual ISO with fresh film to, as manufacturers have sometimes been known to overstate the ISO...)

PUSH is a longer development time to compensate for UNDER exposure (e.g. shooting 400 speed film as if it were 800). Gives higher contrast and looses shadow detail.
PULL is to develop shorter to compensate for OVER exposure. Gives flatter contrast.

Good luck!

Thanks so much for the write up! That was super helpful! Unfortunately I don't develop them myself, I send them off to a lab and I don't have the chemicals for c-41 either, only b&w. I may call up the lab I use and see if they can do some test exposures to figure it out for me, what I should be shooting these at, or at least get a baseline without wasting a bunch of film/money. The film isn't from the 60s, it expired in the 90s. I just mean that slide film always gives me a 60s vibe, I'm not sure why that is.

Bought a Nikkor AF Micro 60mm F2.8 for film scanning, but it's also a pretty capable street photography setup with the Sony A7C. The overpass in these pictures will soon be no more so capturing scenes here including the graffiti in the next few weeks

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Didn't have much time to shoot recently but here some from last week.

And another somewhat failed attempt at flying insects

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Fujifilm Q1 4.0mb edition

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Hi again guys, 


I would not take much time because I have been shoooting those past months, so I'll try to be cautious and select only a few pics from my last event, the Season Closer Formula E London double header e-Prix.

I have been in this venue last year and I saw that you have 2 Metro/Subway lines very close to the venue itself and I wanted to try shooting from one of those trains. So on the first day of the event, on Friday I decided to spend some practice session there. It wasn't what I was expecting, to be honest, but this picture came out quite okay and I was looking for a different picture so I embrace it xD

 IMGP2472-3 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


This next photo is from Sunday, last race of the season where two drivers got involved in a crash and if you check it well you can see two drivers after a fence. Lucky me a yellow light is hitting the main character in the picture

 IMGD0382 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


That is also from the same scene some moments before, my second camera I don't know why decided to shoot at 0,5" speed, so I found that the image is quite cool

 IMGP3977 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

And even one more from the same moment, one of the drivers involved is looking trackside into I don't know what, maybe deep thoughts and I tried to focus on his eye

 IMGP4001 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


A part from those shots I'm quite happy with this one and I'll explain you why: 

 IMGP3795 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

This is a picture where cars were speeding really quick very very close to the concrete wall and catch fence where I was. There was a small photographer's hole, but to be honest if you could take your camera and lens out, you might cause issues. So I had to position myself in a way that I could use the Live View from the Camera and the camera and lens (my Sigma 17-50mm f2.8 a compact lens, not a telephoto zoom) where half in the wall half "flying" but not too close to the cars. And it quite worked.


That is one image you need to take from this circuit (and the train is the same line I used to jump in and out until I got the first image you can see attached here)

 IMGD9786 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


That guy. I was lucky to get Grid Access, and I think this guy (as most of them in this competition) is so talented, so I was lucky to be able to shot him on the grid, 

 IMGD7577 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

Unfortunately I was also there where he had to retire the car and I think I was one of the few (or the only one, I don't remember) photographer's there and he looks like looking at me/us 

 IMGD8096 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

Funny thing is I was going to this location: 

 IMGP3342 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

 IMGP3421 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

And then just a close look to Saturday's winner trophy because I have found it to be really cool and have inscriptions that I did not knew this was like it

 IMGD9023 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

And I will add two more images: 

One of Pascal Wherlein who later on will become Formula E Season 10 World Champion on Friday on the press conference, and I saw that red ceilings and I thought it would create a beautiful image, 

 IMGD5068 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

And one of the same Pascal Wehrlein Celebration his championship in the Podium. Images I saw a few moments back I haven't uploaded to Flickr yet.

 IMGD2011 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


All those images have been taken with a Pentax K3-III camera/s and either one of those lenses: 

  • Sigma 17-50mm f2.8
  • Pentax DA 21mm Limited
  • Pentax DA 50-135mm f2.8
  • Sigma 100-300mm f4

All the best and I hope you like them! 🙂 


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These were shot over a couple weeks of me traveling around Oregon. These were exclusively shot on the Pentax Takumar-F 28-80mm f/3.5-4.5, which has quickly become my favorite lens to use.

I've got quite a few more that I didn't post here so be sure to check out my Flickr if you liked them!

 MFP_0478 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 MFP_0448 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 MFP_0449 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 MFP_0477 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 MFP_0472 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

In other news: I picked up an F100 + Nikon 24-85mm f/2.8-4 D. Which will be a bulkier setup but I hope provides a faster, more intuitive shooting experience compared to more experimental design of the MZ-S and I just wanted to try something new and see how I felt about it. I also decided to return the k10d.

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 IMGD1296 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

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Some shots from yesterday. Went out with 2 cameras to test manual focus adapter on my mirrorless.
Ignore the JPEG compression, I send the files over via messenger.

Mostly an accidental shot but technically there are 3 damselflies on it😁



Not easy to identify these dragonflies but I think its a ruddy darter (Sympetrum sanguineum), and old male judging by the coloration.



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Apple trees with Ricoh GRiii
 R0003566 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

Heron with K3iii & DA*300
 IMGP5141-DNG-001 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

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Last few from my rolls:

 MFP_0557 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 MFP_0549 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 MFP_0542 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 MFP_0553 by Cory Maben, on Flickr


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