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Share your July Photos (2023)

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Quote from Cory Maben on July 22, 2023, 6:18 pm
Quote from Gideon Liddiard Photography on July 22, 2023, 11:38 am

My home town has just put on an art trail of 72 ballon dog statues, it's going to be like photographic Pokemon Go! He's my first one (found five so far).


On an unrelated note, @corymaben I've found a camera brand that does in-camera keystone compensation, it's Olympus/OM Systems.

lol of course it's an Olympus, is there anything they can't do in camera?

The statue hunting is a fun idea. But I really like that first shot. That's a cool building, is it an estate? I also like the angle in particular you put it at, combined with the wide angle it is kind of disorienting, I will have to try it out myself.

Have to admit the Olympus still blows me away every time I use it, a great camera. I noticed the Keystone option when I was looking for Focus Stacking to play around with my 30mm Macro lens.

The first shots my pick as well, used a 7artisans 7.5mm/f2.8 (15mm full frame) for it which is a a great lens. The artist who painted that dog has reached out for a copy of it as well which is cool.

The building is on a local estate and was originally a medieval manor house that was rebuilt in the 17th century, the local council owns it now and it's a museum. The house and ground are free to enter and explore and one of the places I like to wander around and shoot. They hold quite a lot of festivalsvand events in the grounds as well which is great.

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Quote from Cory Maben on July 23, 2023, 7:49 am
Quote from Gideon Liddiard Photography on July 22, 2023, 7:46 pm
Quote from Cory Maben on July 22, 2023, 6:18 pm
Quote from Gideon Liddiard Photography on July 22, 2023, 11:38 am

My home town has just put on an art trail of 72 ballon dog statues, it's going to be like photographic Pokemon Go! He's my first one (found five so far).


On an unrelated note, @corymaben I've found a camera brand that does in-camera keystone compensation, it's Olympus/OM Systems.

lol of course it's an Olympus, is there anything they can't do in camera?

The statue hunting is a fun idea. But I really like that first shot. That's a cool building, is it an estate? I also like the angle in particular you put it at, combined with the wide angle it is kind of disorienting, I will have to try it out myself.

Have to admit the Olympus still blows me away every time I use it, a great camera. I noticed the Keystone option when I was looking for Focus Stacking to play around with my 30mm Macro lens.

The first shots my pick as well, used a 7artisans 7.5mm/f2.8 (15mm full frame) for it which is a a great lens. The artist who painted that dog has reached out for a copy of it as well which is cool.

The building is on a local estate and was originally a medieval manor house that was rebuilt in the 17th century, the local council owns it now and it's a museum. The house and ground are free to enter and explore and one of the places I like to wander around and shoot. They hold quite a lot of festivalsvand events in the grounds as well which is great.

It's got to be a nice feeling that the artist wanted a copy of the photo. I wish we had cool old buildings like that here, but as far as I know none really exist outside of pioneer era shacks mostly. I bet that building would be great to shoot at night

We're absurdly fortunate in that regard, I even grew up in a village where the church building dates back to the 10th century, but it can mean that people end up taking some of it for granted.


I'm not sure how much they light up the building at night, but I'm going to a festival on the grounds next weekend, so will have to see if I can grab one (keep in mind I'm not planning on taking my full kit, so it will be my trusty everyday carry Canon G15.

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I am so happy! Last week I found a wonderful offer on an Olympus E410 + 18-180mm + 50mm macro 2.0 lens for 150 Euros. Lenses in very good condition! Camera also good, unfortunately memory card door a bit wobbly, so it's taped. Anyway, went out with the E410, a walk through the village with the 14-42 lens. It is a very pleasant lens for everyday use. Set the camera to black and white with a yellow filter. Black and white photography has been on my mind lately and is still a learning process. The first photo is straight out of the camera, the second has been edited. Normally, I do a lot of post-processing on my photos to get the image I have in mind. For me, black and white means clear black, clear white with stronger contrasts. I only had to do minimal editing to achieve this. I was going to resell the E410 as I already have the E620. But my son is very happy with the E620 and the 18-180 lens. So now I'm off with the E410, which is a nice little camera, a little less in terms of settings, but it really does the job.

(Translates from Dutch into English with DeepL)

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SpruceBruce, grover and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
SpruceBrucegroverDeleted userGideon Liddiard Photography
Within the limits of my equipment consciously looking for painting with light.
Quote from Bart Kerste on July 23, 2023, 2:17 pm

I am so happy! Last week I found a wonderful offer on an Olympus E410 + 18-180mm + 50mm macro 2.0 lens for 150 Euros. Lenses in very good condition! Camera also good, unfortunately memory card door a bit wobbly, so it's taped. Anyway, went out with the E410, a walk through the village with the 14-42 lens. It is a very pleasant lens for everyday use. Set the camera to black and white with a yellow filter. Black and white photography has been on my mind lately and is still a learning process. The first photo is straight out of the camera, the second has been edited. Normally, I do a lot of post-processing on my photos to get the image I have in mind. For me, black and white means clear black, clear white with stronger contrasts. I only had to do minimal editing to achieve this. I was going to resell the E410 as I already have the E620. But my son is very happy with the E620 and the 18-180 lens. So now I'm off with the E410, which is a nice little camera, a little less in terms of settings, but it really does the job.

(Translates from Dutch into English with DeepL)

Nice find! Especially with that 50mm. Those are getting harder to find and more expensive around here. Lovely B+W 🙂

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SpruceBruceBart Kerste
Happy snappin' 🙂

Went out with two film cameras this afternoon to get the rolls finished, but took along my Canon G15 just in case. So glad I did as I managed to get far closer to a building I love than I expected to and ended up with six shots I really quite liked.

First three:

James Warner, SpruceBruce and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerSpruceBrucegroverEckyH

Next three (new post - sorry about that but the five images limit forces my hand):

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James WarnerSpruceBrucegroverEckyHDeleted user

Fantastic photos in this thread.

I've been missing in action for the better part of a year. I more or less had put the camera down for a while. To much else going on.

But.. I'm trying to get out more and hope to be a bit more active again.

Currently I'm on vacation which is providing me some motivation.

Shot with my Pentax K-1 ii and Tamron 17-35

 IMGP5089_Export 1 by Neil Grover, on Flickr


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EckyHDeleted userGideon Liddiard Photography

Have you ever seen the rain?


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grover, Deleted user and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
groverDeleted userGideon Liddiard PhotographyUplaxer
Veni, vidi, serravi.
Quote from Cory Maben on July 28, 2023, 9:35 pm

My computer has been out of commission while waiting for a new graphics card to arrive but now that I'm back up and running I have several days worth of photos to sort through that have been piling up. Here are just a few for now:

 DSC02009-DSC02012 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 DSC02095-DSC02098 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 DSC02161 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

I'm really in love with 2161. I did basically no editing outside of minor highlight and contrast adjustments. It's basically the sooc raw file.  


Both 2161 and the Burger King shot are great, love them both.

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A crab spider shot with the 100mm token no flash

 Crab Spider by Mark Kasick, on Flickr


James Warner, EckyH and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerEckyHDeleted userGideon Liddiard PhotographyUplaxer
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