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Share your July Photos (2023)

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Did not have many opportunities to take photos today, but took one that I'm Quite proud of. 

I got this camera yesterday from eBay, and was thinking I may return it due to a handful of bad pixels I had found in initial testing. But I wanted to get some actual use out of it before I decided- and I only really got one great shot today. But this one shot convinced me a million times over to keep the camera.

I pulled it out of my pocket. Took 5 shots. Put it away. And in the 15 seconds I had to take a photo while I was at work today- this is what I got:

"Photo of a Bee" - Canon Powershot S95, iso 80, f4.0, 1/1600

taken on the Canon Powershot S95.

As much as I don't want the prices on this camera to go even higher, I also can't recommend it enough. Amazing little pocket shooter.



SpruceBruce, Bart Kerste and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
SpruceBruceBart KersteEckyHDeleted userGideon Liddiard PhotographyUplaxer

I love the images and the new look of the website.

So apparently I've had my camera set to a lower resolution for a while now and I couldn't pinpoint the problem, goes to show my obsession with resolution didn't really make sense huh. But a nice side effect to that was the fact that I could post them here way more easily.

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Justin Tung, SpruceBruce and 6 other users have reacted to this post.
Justin TungSpruceBrucedenniscrommettEckyHDeleted userGideon Liddiard PhotographyUplaxerBoringPhoto

Dragonflies are my favorite insect.  They look cool, have great names and they eat mosquitos. What more could you ask from an insect.  Were it not for jumping spiders they would be my favorite arthropod.  Turns out the 200-500 @ 500 is a good way to photo them Blue Dasher-3 by Mark Kasick, on Flickr


SpruceBruce, Gawad and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
SpruceBruceGawadBart KersteEckyHUplaxer

one more smiling for the camera

 Blue Dasher-2 by Mark Kasick, on Flickr


SpruceBruce, Bart Kerste and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
SpruceBruceBart KersteEckyHUplaxer
Quote from BoringPhoto on July 7, 2023, 10:51 pm

Did not have many opportunities to take photos today, but took one that I'm Quite proud of. 

I got this camera yesterday from eBay, and was thinking I may return it due to a handful of bad pixels I had found in initial testing. But I wanted to get some actual use out of it before I decided- and I only really got one great shot today. But this one shot convinced me a million times over to keep the camera.

I pulled it out of my pocket. Took 5 shots. Put it away. And in the 15 seconds I had to take a photo while I was at work today- this is what I got:

"Photo of a Bee" - Canon Powershot S95, iso 80, f4.0, 1/1600

taken on the Canon Powershot S95.

As much as I don't want the prices on this camera to go even higher, I also can't recommend it enough. Amazing little pocket shooter.



Fantastic photo. Proves the capabilities of that mighty pocket camera and of you!

SpruceBruce has reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂
Quote from Gawad on July 8, 2023, 1:54 am

I love the images and the new look of the website.

So apparently I've had my camera set to a lower resolution for a while now and I couldn't pinpoint the problem, goes to show my obsession with resolution didn't really make sense huh. But a nice side effect to that was the fact that I could post them here way more easily.

The blue and orange glows with these are beautiful - well done! And I hope you are doing well!

Gawad has reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂
Quote from KankRat on July 8, 2023, 2:15 pm

Dragonflies are my favorite insect.  They look cool, have great names and they eat mosquitos. What more could you ask from an insect.  Were it not for jumping spiders they would be my favorite arthropod.  Turns out the 200-500 @ 500 is a good way to photo them Blue Dasher-3 by Mark Kasick, on Flickr


These are unbelievable. Well done! And great use of that lens! I love that it can focus closely like that. 

SpruceBruce has reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂
Quote from Cory Maben on July 7, 2023, 4:07 pm

So I ended up taking the SD1 out last night and I was immediately reminded why I needed another camera for night photography and it changed my perspective on the ar7iii a bit. As soon as the sun goes down the SD1 is extremely difficult to shoot for a number of reasons; double image ghosting, the metering falls apart, anything above iso 800 gets dicey on usability, autofocus completely fails. The rule of thumb I generated last night was that the SD1 stops being usable 15 minutes after sunset.

Here were the photos from before that point:

 SDIM2725 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 SDIM2732 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 SDIM2735 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 SDIM2762 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 SDIM2766 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 SDIM2773 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 SDIM2774 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 SDIM2783 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 SDIM2763 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 SDIM2758 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 SDIM2739 by Cory Maben, on Flickr


A pt.2 from the Sony soon!

Love the soft, diffuse glow you get from direct light sources or backlight like the sky behind the trees! Night shots are some of my favorite generally, and super dig the laundromat one.

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Ever striving for minimum competency
Quote from James Warner on July 8, 2023, 7:53 pm
Quote from KankRat on July 8, 2023, 2:15 pm

Dragonflies are my favorite insect.  They look cool, have great names and they eat mosquitos. What more could you ask from an insect.  Were it not for jumping spiders they would be my favorite arthropod.  Turns out the 200-500 @ 500 is a good way to photo them Blue Dasher-3 by Mark Kasick, on Flickr


These are unbelievable. Well done! And great use of that lens! I love that it can focus closely like that. 

thanks. I borrowed this book from the library.  It was quite good.

I was using a telephoto for close up back to my 70-300mm. Not an expensive lens, like $200 used.    I think most people try to do it with something like a 100 macro.  First it's really hard to get that close.  But even if you do it's going to be hard to get enough DOF.  I think you get more DOF from the telephoto just because you are farther away from the subject. Shooting at f11, you'll get some noise. But the new AI software handles that in post. 

There was a photographer named Ronnie Gaubert He passed away unfortunately  and not a lot of his work is out there. He shot similar stuff with the 300 f4 and extension tubes. Really nice work from what I have seen and he was using a D100 and D200. Old stuff.

This is an old shot with that 70-300mm. It's hard to say how much sharper my 300mm f4 or the 200-500 is, given the conditions and post processing.... and duh a D7000 vs D7200. This shot goes back 8 years. I still think it looks respectable. 

 Twelve Spotted Skimmer by Mark Kasick, on Flickr




James Warner, Bart Kerste and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerBart KersteEckyHGideon Liddiard Photography

here are two more shot with the 200-500 past week.

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  • Twelve-Spotted-Skimmer.jpg
  • Great-Spangled-Frittilary.jpg
SpruceBruce, Bart Kerste and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
SpruceBruceBart KersteEckyHGideon Liddiard Photography
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