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Quote from grover on August 3, 2022, 1:31 am
Quote from JBP on August 3, 2022, 12:58 am
Quote from grover on August 2, 2022, 4:53 pm
Quote from JBP on August 1, 2022, 4:03 pm

This is a focus stacked image, of a set of images I took using a rock as a makeshift tripod. It probably isn't perfect but it's done, after much struggling. I was using Photoshop and just couldn't get it right. Turns out there are better programs out there for it. This was done using the a free trial of Zerene Stacker, which I can already highly recommend. It was a million times easier than Photoshop, because the latter kept introducing artifacts you had to try to fix by hand.

Processing is not the fun part of photography for me, and focus stacking adds quite a bit of it, so I was thinking I would never do it again (lol, drama llama) but software that's easier (for me) to use makes a big difference.

 2022-08-01-11.45.52 ZS by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr


Editing to add the last of my July photos. It was a satisfying photography month for me. Seems like more often than not there was good light and good subjects. This thread has been a great one - so many wonderful pictures from everyone!

 IMGP6504 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP6472 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP6432 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

That first image... what a neat effect. A very realistic 3d look. I'm not a bokeh connoisseur but that last shot is dreamy. Nicely done.

Thank you! This was a great outing to end the month with. Initially when I got down by the water I didn't see much to photograph. Then I started looking closer. That's what I love about close up/macro photography and blurred backgrounds. There's always something nearby you can take a nice photo of. πŸ™‚ But lately I've been trying to force myself to shoot more landscapes and wide angle in general. I could blame the area and buildings/roads/power lines etc. but I think it's just a weak point of mine. Gotta practice. πŸ™‚

I do like closeup/macro. I'd like to improve in this area. I have a hard time capturing focus and detail like others have in this forum. What I like most about closeup/macro is that every shot is unique. I never see the same closeup/macro shot more than once.

I find it hard to be original with wide angle and I often get in a slump trying to find that next scene. What I do in these times is embrace imitation. That is, I seek to imitate an existing photo that catches my attention. I browse the local landscape FaceBook groups and see what others are doing in my area and what I can try to replicate. No shame in that. I do this for fun so I'll take whatever I can get. For example, I keep seeing photos of a place near me called "Morant's Curve". It is a train track with an epic mountain background and it's probably been shot a billion times. I see those and think " if I can get a shot anything near that I'd be happy "... then I'll go there and try. I find this to be an extremely productive exercise. Even though others have taken a similar shot "to death", I can learn something. Usually I'm happy if I get something that looks similar to what others have done. Better yet is when I tweak the formula by trying a slightly different focal length / composition or maybe I can play around with filter/iso/aperture/shutter-speed to come up with a twist on things etc.

I grew up in Manitoba Canada.. completely pancake flat and notoriously boring. But I'm always amazed at what I see others pulling off. An old barn, that perfect river curve with leading lines and a gorgeous prairie sunset... etc.

This is Morant's Curve. Not my shot... but I like it. Hopefully you'll see something like this from me in the future. If not, well hopefully I can figure out why πŸ™‚

That's a good point about close up/macro. Each one is unique, if not necessarily "original." But like you I'm doing this for fun so if it's the 100x mushroom photo I've taken who cares? 😁

Landscapes are a weakness of mine so I'm always in a slump in that area. πŸ˜… That's a great idea trying to recreate iconic photos you've seen of local landscapes. A perfect way to learn, like a photography quiz. I think often people don't realize how difficult something is until they try it. Getting those stellar shots is no different. It's not just point and shoot. OK, sometimes it is, but not often! 🀫

I look forward to seeing your shot of that train. What an amazing scene that is!

 Backyard Bird: House finch by Pierson Mason
Took this photo of a Male house finch through our backyard screen door

 Backyard Bird: House Finch by Pierson Mason
I tell you the neighbors House behind us is Ugly but it's color makes for great contrasting colors when taking shots of little birds πŸ™‚

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