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Quote from RyanG on July 28, 2022, 2:23 pm

@ahoyhere - Love the processing on those.  The 2nd one of the cactus is wonderful, the detail is great. Definitely, gives them a vintage/film vibe, but also getting that up-close with great detail. Are you using a kit lens with the adapters?  I recently picked up a  NX1100 locally with a kit lens for a good price.  I've only tested it a few time and I've been impressed with the detail and color quality. Do you have any recommendations for lens adapters?  I've been searching for a NX to MD mount, but haven't been able to find one.

** Couple snaps taken from a family outing last night to the local community farm / park. Testing out the Samsung NX1100 with 20-50mm lense.


Great images. That sunflower is so perfect. I like the lone water drop on the sunflower, a subject within a subject. I also really like the composition of the shot from the side.

Quote from kcphotogeek on July 28, 2022, 2:56 pm

Some IR photos from my trip last weekend to Lake Taal about 60kms south of Manila. Will need to look at maybe converting a bigger sensor for landscape IR, maybe the Pentax K-5 or the Lumix GX850 (both of which I was thinking of selling). But for now just enjoying the experience with the GXR S10, bigger IR prints would be nice though.

IR is so cool. Those photos are great, and what a view!


I was inspired by the raindrop flower photos by @bartkerste and the black and white by @sprucebruce and was really wanting to try both with my new-to-me 20-40 lens. Thankfully it rained last night and I was able to take some photos this morning. I took some various other shots as well. I'm enjoying the bokeh with this lens.

 IMGP5741 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP5773 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

Wild blackberry.
 IMGP5805 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

James Warner, kcphotogeek and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerkcphotogeekgroverDavid MaynardEckyHRyanG

I keep sneaking away to take photos with my 20-40. 🤫 I tried out my circular polarizer for the first time but that was mostly a bust. I learned some valuable lessons. First and foremost, remove your hand from the polarizer after you rotate it and before you take a photo. Took me a minute to realize why most of my photos had a weird smudgy red/fleshy colored thing in one corner. Sigh. Talk about a noob mistake.

 IMGP5933 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP5965 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

James Warner, denniscrommett and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerdenniscrommettgroverEckyHRyanG
Quote from JBP on July 29, 2022, 12:40 am

I keep sneaking away to take photos with my 20-40. 🤫 I tried out my circular polarizer for the first time but that was mostly a bust. I learned some valuable lessons. First and foremost, remove your hand from the polarizer after you rotate it and before you take a photo. Took me a minute to realize why most of my photos had a weird smudgy red/fleshy colored thing in one corner. Sigh. Talk about a noob mistake.

 IMGP5933 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP5965 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

Awesome! The CPL is by far my most used filter. If I know I'm going out during the day and might be taking landscapes or anything with water, I just leave it on my lens. There's rarely a time I want it off in those scenarios.

I get my finger in a lot of the shots on my point and shoot film cameras. Something about the lens being flush with the body messes me up, lol.

Thanks for all the fun things I get to see and read when I check this site. 🙂 I'm out of town so I'm not getting on very often, but when I do it's worth it.

I didn't bring my tripod on this hike, so I used a rock to try and stabilize this 8 second exposure 😮 It did not work very well unfortunately, otherwise this might make a really nice print. But it is what it is. Beautiful hike in Cascade Canyon, Grand Tetons.

Ricoh GR + ND64 + CPL + built-in ND + Rock 😀

Justin Tung, denniscrommett and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
Justin TungdenniscrommettJBPgroverDavid MaynardEckyHRyanG
Happy snappin' 🙂

It's FINALLY been raining here. Things are greening, finally. (Last winter was dry!) I took my trusty old Ricoh GXR and 2 Soviet lenses (Jupiter 12 35mm and Russar MP-2 20mm) with my husband on a quick jaunt to the national park about 10 minutes from our house.

We've gotten over 2 inches in the last 3 days, which is 2/3 of our rainfall so far this year. We should get another 3-4 by the time summer's over. 🤞

Quote from JBP on July 27, 2022, 2:07 pm

Thank you! I really appreciate your kind words. I'm glad you like the photos! 😁 I do love the lens. Right now I can't imagine parting with it. 🙂 It just has so much cool factor. It's my first Limited lens (much excite!). I was looking for that "pixie dust" or whatever they call it over on PentaxForums. 🤣 I think I see it but psychology is weird so I'm like "Yeah but do I just think that because I want to or is this the real pixie dust?!" 😛

@jbp, the fairy dust is like Tinkerbell… if you believe in it, it's there!

Uhhh, it looks to me like you need two of those cameras. 😲 I love the colors and quality of those photos and I really dig the retro look. Can't believe that's at ISO 1600... Awesome!

I actually just found a pre-converted camera for cheap on eBay, a slightly older model with 20mp sensor but it's way cheaper than getting this one converted not to speak of a second body… so I'm gonna play with that a while! Crisis averted!!

Quote from RyanG on July 28, 2022, 2:23 pm

@ahoyhere - Love the processing on those.  The 2nd one of the cactus is wonderful, the detail is great. Definitely, gives them a vintage/film vibe, but also getting that up-close with great detail. Are you using a kit lens with the adapters?  I recently picked up a  NX1100 locally with a kit lens for a good price.  I've only tested it a few time and I've been impressed with the detail and color quality. Do you have any recommendations for lens adapters?  I've been searching for a NX to MD mount, but haven't been able to find one.

Thank you @ryang!

I was not using a Samsung lens but an adapted mount for a Rodenstock enlarging lens. The NX series is great for adapting lenses, welcome to the club!

What you're looking for is an MD - to - NX adapter. The order matters, which is probably why you haven't found one yet. If you google "MD-NX adapter" you will find some. You don't need to go with the first result (an expensive one with a built-in ND filter). Looks like solid ones can be had for $15-25. I also always check eBay.

Your last sunflower pic is so sharp!


Justin Tung, SpruceBruce and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
Justin TungSpruceBrucedenniscrommettJBPgroverDavid MaynardEckyH
Quote from James Warner on July 29, 2022, 3:29 am
Quote from JBP on July 29, 2022, 12:40 am

I keep sneaking away to take photos with my 20-40. 🤫 I tried out my circular polarizer for the first time but that was mostly a bust. I learned some valuable lessons. First and foremost, remove your hand from the polarizer after you rotate it and before you take a photo. Took me a minute to realize why most of my photos had a weird smudgy red/fleshy colored thing in one corner. Sigh. Talk about a noob mistake.

 IMGP5933 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP5965 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

Awesome! The CPL is by far my most used filter. If I know I'm going out during the day and might be taking landscapes or anything with water, I just leave it on my lens. There's rarely a time I want it off in those scenarios.

I get my finger in a lot of the shots on my point and shoot film cameras. Something about the lens being flush with the body messes me up, lol.

Thanks for all the fun things I get to see and read when I check this site. 🙂 I'm out of town so I'm not getting on very often, but when I do it's worth it.

I didn't bring my tripod on this hike, so I used a rock to try and stabilize this 8 second exposure 😮 It did not work very well unfortunately, otherwise this might make a really nice print. But it is what it is. Beautiful hike in Cascade Canyon, Grand Tetons.

Ricoh GR + ND64 + CPL + built-in ND + Rock 😀

It's so nice! What a view. Is there some motion blur? I can't tell on my screen. I haven't tried it but I have heard if you don't have your tripod you can take multiple shots and then combine them in Photoshop to get the water to look like a long exposure. Not sure about the details of that but I've been meaning to try it.


Quote from ahoyhere on July 29, 2022, 4:14 am

It's FINALLY been raining here. Things are greening, finally. (Last winter was dry!) I took my trusty old Ricoh GXR and 2 Soviet lenses (Jupiter 12 35mm and Russar MP-2 20mm) with my husband on a quick jaunt to the national park about 10 minutes from our house.

We've gotten over 2 inches in the last 3 days, which is 2/3 of our rainfall so far this year. We should get another 3-4 by the time summer's over. 🤞

Quote from JBP on July 27, 2022, 2:07 pm

Thank you! I really appreciate your kind words. I'm glad you like the photos! 😁 I do love the lens. Right now I can't imagine parting with it. 🙂 It just has so much cool factor. It's my first Limited lens (much excite!). I was looking for that "pixie dust" or whatever they call it over on PentaxForums. 🤣 I think I see it but psychology is weird so I'm like "Yeah but do I just think that because I want to or is this the real pixie dust?!" 😛

@jbp, the fairy dust is like Tinkerbell… if you believe in it, it's there!

Uhhh, it looks to me like you need two of those cameras. 😲 I love the colors and quality of those photos and I really dig the retro look. Can't believe that's at ISO 1600... Awesome!

I actually just found a pre-converted camera for cheap on eBay, a slightly older model with 20mp sensor but it's way cheaper than getting this one converted not to speak of a second body… so I'm gonna play with that a while! Crisis averted!!

Quote from RyanG on July 28, 2022, 2:23 pm

@ahoyhere - Love the processing on those.  The 2nd one of the cactus is wonderful, the detail is great. Definitely, gives them a vintage/film vibe, but also getting that up-close with great detail. Are you using a kit lens with the adapters?  I recently picked up a  NX1100 locally with a kit lens for a good price.  I've only tested it a few time and I've been impressed with the detail and color quality. Do you have any recommendations for lens adapters?  I've been searching for a NX to MD mount, but haven't been able to find one.

Thank you @ryang!

I was not using a Samsung lens but an adapted mount for a Rodenstock enlarging lens. The NX series is great for adapting lenses, welcome to the club!

What you're looking for is an MD - to - NX adapter. The order matters, which is probably why you haven't found one yet. If you google "MD-NX adapter" you will find some. You don't need to go with the first result (an expensive one with a built-in ND filter). Looks like solid ones can be had for $15-25. I also always check eBay.

Your last sunflower pic is so sharp!


Lovely images! Glad for the rain and that you're finally getting green. 🙂 I love the downed tree photo. The textures and patterns in the wood are so interesting. It's wonderfully framed and the bokeh is so pleasing too.

It's been nearly 3yrs since I did any kind of travel photography. It thought me some lessons, I definitely need to trim my gear, I had 3 large cameras with me Sony A7 II, Pentax K70 and Lumix GH5 (This was for Timelapse's and video mainly). While the GH5 did it's job with Timelapse and video the A7 II (Tamron 28-75) was a bit of a let down for landscape, granted the volcanic air and constant mist is challenging but both the GR III and K70 kicked its butt for IQ. Will probably sell the A7 II and GH5 to buy a Lumix S5 and just bring that and the K70 in future (unless its a city break then smaller cameras are better). Also as I always have the GR with me and it's fantastic at covering the 28mm wide focal range,  do I need a standard zoom? would a 50mm do the job?

Anyway enough of my gassy ramblings, below pics of Lake Taal volcano all taken on the K70 w/55-300mm PLM

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Justin Tung, SpruceBruce and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
Justin TungSpruceBrucedenniscrommettJBPgroverEckyH
Quote from kcphotogeek on July 29, 2022, 3:22 pm

It's been nearly 3yrs since I did any kind of travel photography. It thought me some lessons, I definitely need to trim my gear, I had 3 large cameras with me Sony A7 II, Pentax K70 and Lumix GH5 (This was for Timelapse's and video mainly). While the GH5 did it's job with Timelapse and video the A7 II (Tamron 28-75) was a bit of a let down for landscape, granted the volcanic air and constant mist is challenging but both the GR III and K70 kicked its butt for IQ. Will probably sell the A7 II and GH5 to buy a Lumix S5 and just bring that and the K70 in future (unless its a city break then smaller cameras are better). Also as I always have the GR with me and it's fantastic at covering the 28mm wide focal range,  do I need a standard zoom? would a 50mm do the job?

Anyway enough of my gassy ramblings, below pics of Lake Taal volcano all taken on the K70 w/55-300mm PLM

Whoa! Heck yeah! Those views are incredible. Simply incredible. Great composition, I really like the portrait views. Glad your K70 and GR didn't let you down. 🙂

kcphotogeek and grover have reacted to this post.

Hey yall, I know it's been a looong while since I've been active here, but life has just been crazy recently for me. Here are some updates from my life (not strictly July, sorry).

That's my graduation ceremony, Yeti film tour, moving apartments, pool parties, dance recitals, barbecue brisket, and a getaway to the hills.


Got my hands on a Fujifilm again, an X70 this time, and it's very liberating. I don't worry about how many shots are left on a roll, the exposure, etc. The battery lasts forever, and a 32gb card feels infinite. Oh did I mention I get to use film recipes again?

Beau Carpenter, SpruceBruce and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
Beau CarpenterSpruceBrucedenniscrommettkcphotogeekJBPEckyH
Ever striving for minimum competency
Quote from JBP on July 29, 2022, 4:08 pm
Whoa! Heck yeah! Those views are incredible. Simply incredible. Great composition, I really like the portrait views. Glad your K70 and GR didn't let you down. 🙂

Thanks @jbp the Philippines is amazing currently on a bit of a health kick so I can tackle some other locations will be traveling more often now.

JBP has reacted to this post.
Quote from Justin Tung on July 29, 2022, 4:25 pm

Hey yall, I know it's been a looong while since I've been active here, but life has just been crazy recently for me. Here are some updates from my life (not strictly July, sorry).

That's my graduation ceremony, Yeti film tour, moving apartments, pool parties, dance recitals, barbecue brisket, and a getaway to the hills.


Got my hands on a Fujifilm again, an X70 this time, and it's very liberating. I don't worry about how many shots are left on a roll, the exposure, etc. The battery lasts forever, and a 32gb card feels infinite. Oh did I mention I get to use film recipes again?

Congrats on your graduation, greats pics

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