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Can I just say how much I appreciate this group you've put together, @james-warner-b? And all you people in it? You're all so talented and lovely!

I had to dip into the dpreview forums yesterday for some technical research and it devolved into a long thread of pretend-astute name-calling and the question that started it off was never even answered. Also! The photos people post there are so often low-quality! They argue and argue with a superior tone and they're not even any good at photography! It's just so miserable, much of the time.

This place is a wonderful and inspiring place, not like that at all.

Your photographs are all so beautiful, I love the shots of your kids and cats and flowers and moths and waterfalls and lakes and toxic deadly pools and restaurant food and fireworks and sunsets with gnarly trees.

James Warner, SpruceBruce and 6 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerSpruceBrucedenniscrommettJBPwhereSsgroverDavid MaynardEckyH
Quote from Bart Kerste on July 26, 2022, 6:29 pm

After the rain comes sunshine.

Today it was a bit rainy after a dry period. A good time to go on a macro path. With luck I found a bee that was still drying from the rain. The flower with the drops completes it for me today.Both photos were taken with the Olympus E30 and the macro 35 mm f3.5



@bartkerste These Olympus E30/35mm Macro photos you keep sharing, are so great!  Are you using a flash and diffuser by any chance?

@ahoyhere Yeah I can't stand gatekeeping.  I was about to rant about this on general discussion soon.  I had an old coworker who got into film recently and now everything is inferior unless it's shot on specific emulsions and certainly digital.....people like that ruin this hobby.  Who cares what medium you use, a great photo is a great photo regardless.

Tried out the Super Takumar 50mm F1.4 combined with an M42 to Pk Adapter, Kenko Pk 12mm extension tube, and finally adapted to the Olympus EM10 II.  Got very good results and an ultra shallow DoF.




JBP, ahoyhere and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
JBPahoyheregroverBart KersteRyanG
Quote from grover on July 26, 2022, 7:29 pm
Quote from Bart Kerste on July 26, 2022, 6:29 pm

After the rain comes sunshine.

Today it was a bit rainy after a dry period. A good time to go on a macro path. With luck I found a bee that was still drying from the rain. The flower with the drops completes it for me today.Both photos were taken with the Olympus E30 and the macro 35 mm f3.5



wow nice.

I kinda thought I was done with macro flower photos this year but then I see these and think....  nope, I gotta chase that 😉

Right? The water droplets really elevate those shots. 🙂


Quote from ahoyhere on July 26, 2022, 9:04 pm

Can I just say how much I appreciate this group you've put together, @james-warner-b? And all you people in it? You're all so talented and lovely!

I had to dip into the dpreview forums yesterday for some technical research and it devolved into a long thread of pretend-astute name-calling and the question that started it off was never even answered. Also! The photos people post there are so often low-quality! They argue and argue with a superior tone and they're not even any good at photography! It's just so miserable, much of the time.

This place is a wonderful and inspiring place, not like that at all.

Your photographs are all so beautiful, I love the shots of your kids and cats and flowers and moths and waterfalls and lakes and toxic deadly pools and restaurant food and fireworks and sunsets with gnarly trees.

I couldn't agree more. This is my favorite corner of the internet by far. 🙂 I love seeing the wide range of photography styles, techniques, subject matter, and equipment; and the great thoughts and feedback and encouragement between us. All without any pretentiousness etc. often seen in photography groups. It's just great here. 😁


Quote from SpruceBruce on July 26, 2022, 11:39 pm
Quote from Bart Kerste on July 26, 2022, 6:29 pm

After the rain comes sunshine.

Today it was a bit rainy after a dry period. A good time to go on a macro path. With luck I found a bee that was still drying from the rain. The flower with the drops completes it for me today.Both photos were taken with the Olympus E30 and the macro 35 mm f3.5



@bartkerste These Olympus E30/35mm Macro photos you keep sharing, are so great!  Are you using a flash and diffuser by any chance?

@ahoyhere Yeah I can't stand gatekeeping.  I was about to rant about this on general discussion soon.  I had an old coworker who got into film recently and now everything is inferior unless it's shot on specific emulsions and certainly digital.....people like that ruin this hobby.  Who cares what medium you use, a great photo is a great photo regardless.

Tried out the Super Takumar 50mm F1.4 combined with an M42 to Pk Adapter, Kenko Pk 12mm extension tube, and finally adapted to the Olympus EM10 II.  Got very good results and an ultra shallow DoF.




Excellent photos! The detail is insane, and the depth of field is wonderfully shallow. Black and white really works for those shots, too. Man I really love the Olympus stuff you're doing! Sometimes when my wife isn't home I'll play with her EM10II a bit...😅 They're just so cool and fun and all in a small package. 😎


Sooooo I got a new toy in the mail today. Pentax 20-40 Limited. Complete impulse buy, spurred on by what I thought was a great deal (it was an OK deal lol). Immediate buyer's remorse. I shouldn't have done it. I really don't need it. I will likely sell one or more of my redundant lenses, or even this one. We'll see. I don't want to have gear I don't use, is all. Anyway, I really enjoyed my first outing with it, and I get why some people love it so much. And why others hate it. 😆 But I'm in the love it camp. 🙂

Some of these are with the Raynox 150 attached.

 IMGP5204 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP5312 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP5327 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP5386 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP5391 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP5434 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP5450 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP5530 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP5483 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr


SpruceBruce, denniscrommett and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
SpruceBrucedenniscrommettkcphotogeekDavid MaynardBart KersteEckyH
Quote from SpruceBruce on July 26, 2022, 11:39 pm

@ahoyhere Yeah I can't stand gatekeeping.  I was about to rant about this on general discussion soon.  I had an old coworker who got into film recently and now everything is inferior unless it's shot on specific emulsions and certainly digital.....people like that ruin this hobby.  Who cares what medium you use, a great photo is a great photo regardless.

Ugh YES. Why not be excited about all the possibilities instead of judgmental and sneering? It's such a happier way to be.

I love this one. That flower is down but not out!

Quote from JBP on July 27, 2022, 2:05 am

Sooooo I got a new toy in the mail today. Pentax 20-40 Limited. Some of these are with the Raynox 150 attached.

The vines are so beautiful. The shot you got of the dandelion seed floating is insaane, though! I definitely think you should sell other lenses and not this one, if this is what happens on day 1!

So, I got this NX500 body cheap to have professionally converted to infrared and the seller told me that I should really try out the color first. And so I did. I popped on my macro-adapted Rodagon Rodenstock lens and visited my friend.

And I am kinda regretting the fact that I am still definitely going to send it off to become black & white, because I really want a super sharp, but super lightweight, infrared camera. The colors tho… obviously these are edited but the colors are there to bring out!

And at ISO 1600!!

Maybe I need two of them? 🙈 I need to trim the rest of my collection.

(My friend took the one below)

But it'll make such a beautiful infrared camera, it does lovely b&w…

denniscrommett, kcphotogeek and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
denniscrommettkcphotogeekJBPgroverBart KersteRyanG
Quote from ahoyhere on July 27, 2022, 6:44 am
Quote from SpruceBruce on July 26, 2022, 11:39 pm

@ahoyhere Yeah I can't stand gatekeeping.  I was about to rant about this on general discussion soon.  I had an old coworker who got into film recently and now everything is inferior unless it's shot on specific emulsions and certainly digital.....people like that ruin this hobby.  Who cares what medium you use, a great photo is a great photo regardless.

Ugh YES. Why not be excited about all the possibilities instead of judgmental and sneering? It's such a happier way to be.

I love this one. That flower is down but not out!

Quote from JBP on July 27, 2022, 2:05 am

Sooooo I got a new toy in the mail today. Pentax 20-40 Limited. Some of these are with the Raynox 150 attached.

The vines are so beautiful. The shot you got of the dandelion seed floating is insaane, though! I definitely think you should sell other lenses and not this one, if this is what happens on day 1!

So, I got this NX500 body cheap to have professionally converted to infrared and the seller told me that I should really try out the color first. And so I did. I popped on my macro-adapted Rodagon Rodenstock lens and visited my friend.

And I am kinda regretting the fact that I am still definitely going to send it off to become black & white, because I really want a super sharp, but super lightweight, infrared camera. The colors tho… obviously these are edited but the colors are there to bring out!

And at ISO 1600!!

Maybe I need two of them? 🙈 I need to trim the rest of my collection.

(My friend took the one below)

But it'll make such a beautiful infrared camera, it does lovely b&w…

Thank you! I really appreciate your kind words. I'm glad you like the photos! 😁 I do love the lens. Right now I can't imagine parting with it. 🙂 It just has so much cool factor. It's my first Limited lens (much excite!). I was looking for that "pixie dust" or whatever they call it over on PentaxForums. 🤣 I think I see it but psychology is weird so I'm like "Yeah but do I just think that because I want to or is this the real pixie dust?!" 😛

Uhhh, it looks to me like you need two of those cameras. 😲 I love the colors and quality of those photos and I really dig the retro look. Can't believe that's at ISO 1600... Awesome!

SpruceBruce has reacted to this post.
Quote from SpruceBruce on July 26, 2022, 11:39 pm
Quote from Bart Kerste on July 26, 2022, 6:29 pm

After the rain comes sunshine.

Today it was a bit rainy after a dry period. A good time to go on a macro path. With luck I found a bee that was still drying from the rain. The flower with the drops completes it for me today.Both photos were taken with the Olympus E30 and the macro 35 mm f3.5



@bartkerste These Olympus E30/35mm Macro photos you keep sharing, are so great!  Are you using a flash and diffuser by any chance?

@ahoyhere Yeah I can't stand gatekeeping.  I was about to rant about this on general discussion soon.  I had an old coworker who got into film recently and now everything is inferior unless it's shot on specific emulsions and certainly digital.....people like that ruin this hobby.  Who cares what medium you use, a great photo is a great photo regardless.

Tried out the Super Takumar 50mm F1.4 combined with an M42 to Pk Adapter, Kenko Pk 12mm extension tube, and finally adapted to the Olympus EM10 II.  Got very good results and an ultra shallow DoF.


No, I only use the lens and the camera 😉 I once tried that with a flash, but I notice that I don't have enough knowledge of good flash. The pictures are therefore too hard in color and the light gives too much shadow. Usually I wait for a more cloudy day or shoot the flowers in the shade. Diffuse light from an overcast day or flowers in the shade of another plant rather than direct sunlight works best for me. If I do want the bright colors, then I look for the plant or flower with the fewest shadows, the flower well lit from all sides and I try to keep the shadow of my lens away from the flower. Which is sometimes difficult 😉 I've never tried macro in black and white. I've looked at your photos and I'm going to give black and white a try. Thank you for your comment.



SpruceBruce has reacted to this post.
Within the limits of my equipment consciously looking for painting with light.


RAWs from the Pentax K10D (with the FA 50/1.7) converted to JPEG in darktable with no further editing, just a crop of square image.


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  • 20220727_bumble-bee-sy_0001.jpg
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  • 20220727_bumble-bee-sy_0003.jpg
SpruceBruce, kcphotogeek and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
Veni, vidi, serravi.

@ahoyhere - Love the processing on those.  The 2nd one of the cactus is wonderful, the detail is great. Definitely, gives them a vintage/film vibe, but also getting that up-close with great detail. Are you using a kit lens with the adapters?  I recently picked up a  NX1100 locally with a kit lens for a good price.  I've only tested it a few time and I've been impressed with the detail and color quality. Do you have any recommendations for lens adapters?  I've been searching for a NX to MD mount, but haven't been able to find one.

** Couple snaps taken from a family outing last night to the local community farm / park. Testing out the Samsung NX1100 with 20-50mm lense.


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  • SAM3035-copy.jpg
  • SAM3037-copy.jpg
  • SAM3031-copy.jpg
  • SAM3033-copy.jpg
SpruceBruce, kcphotogeek and JBP have reacted to this post.

@ahoyhere those flower pics with the NX500 look great. I often thought it was a pity Samsung and Pentax didn't continue their collaboration we'd have a mirrorless with the technology of Samsung with Pentax/Takumar glass. I'd only need one system


Some IR photos from my trip last weekend to Lake Taal about 60kms south of Manila. Will need to look at maybe converting a bigger sensor for landscape IR, maybe the Pentax K-5 or the Lumix GX850 (both of which I was thinking of selling). But for now just enjoying the experience with the GXR S10, bigger IR prints would be nice though.

Uploaded files:
  • R1310685.jpg
  • R1310662.jpg
  • R1310669.jpg
  • R1310673.jpg
James Warner, SpruceBruce and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
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