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Share your January Photos (2024)

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Thought I would start this year. Took my K100D out for a spin with the FA* 24mm f2. Although winter solstice has passed, it still gets dark at 4pm in the afternoon so why not take the 6MP CCD out for some night shots while a buy groceries.

ISO1600 which I find not too bad. I remember my limit on the K200D and K10D was ISO 800 so pixel density must play a big part in the K100D's high ISO performance.

 IMGP0082 by Tristan Carlos, on Flickr


SpruceBruce, kcphotogeek and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
SpruceBrucekcphotogeekJBPGideon Liddiard PhotographyCory Maben

I've another older Pentax DSLR I've been putting through its paces. In this case a K10D with the 18-55 WR, all shot in rain/storm conditions.


Tristan Carlos, SpruceBruce and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
Tristan CarlosSpruceBrucekcphotogeekJBPCory Maben
Quote from tristancarlos on January 3, 2024, 10:24 pm

Thought I would start this year. Took my K100D out for a spin with the FA* 24mm f2. Although winter solstice has passed, it still gets dark at 4pm in the afternoon so why not take the 6MP CCD out for some night shots while a buy groceries.

ISO1600 which I find not too bad. I remember my limit on the K200D and K10D was ISO 800 so pixel density must play a big part in the K100D's high ISO performance.

 IMGP0082 by Tristan Carlos, on Flickr


Very nice! You're right, ISO 1600 looks great. Pretty amazing from the K100D!! I would tend to keep my K10D at or below 800 also, but occasionally bump it up to 1600 if I needed. There's definitely a noticeable jump in noise but some shots come out good even at 1600! Others aren't recoverable, like if I need to adjust exposure at all. You have to nail it in camera for sure at such high ISO.

Quote from Gideon Liddiard Photography on January 4, 2024, 1:01 pm

I've another older Pentax DSLR I've been putting through its paces. In this case a K10D with the 18-55 WR, all shot in rain/storm conditions.


These are great! The two of you are making me want to bust out my only CCD cam, my K10D, soon. 🙂

Here's a shot with my Lumix GX7 and 20mm f/1.7. Both are recently acquired and I'm loving them. That combo fits in my jacket pocket... awesome.
 P1020036 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

Tristan Carlos, Gideon Liddiard Photography and Cory Maben have reacted to this post.
Tristan CarlosGideon Liddiard PhotographyCory Maben
Quote from JBP on January 5, 2024, 5:55 pm
Quote from tristancarlos on January 3, 2024, 10:24 pm

Thought I would start this year. Took my K100D out for a spin with the FA* 24mm f2. Although winter solstice has passed, it still gets dark at 4pm in the afternoon so why not take the 6MP CCD out for some night shots while a buy groceries.

ISO1600 which I find not too bad. I remember my limit on the K200D and K10D was ISO 800 so pixel density must play a big part in the K100D's high ISO performance.

 IMGP0082 by Tristan Carlos, on Flickr


Very nice! You're right, ISO 1600 looks great. Pretty amazing from the K100D!! I would tend to keep my K10D at or below 800 also, but occasionally bump it up to 1600 if I needed. There's definitely a noticeable jump in noise but some shots come out good even at 1600! Others aren't recoverable, like if I need to adjust exposure at all. You have to nail it in camera for sure at such high ISO.


Quote from Gideon Liddiard Photography on January 4, 2024, 1:01 pm

I've another older Pentax DSLR I've been putting through its paces. In this case a K10D with the 18-55 WR, all shot in rain/storm conditions.


These are great! The two of you are making me want to bust out my only CCD cam, my K10D, soon. 🙂

Here's a shot with my Lumix GX7 and 20mm f/1.7. Both are recently acquired and I'm loving them. That combo fits in my jacket pocket... awesome.
 P1020036 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

Thanks, and glad you're enjoying the GX7 and 20mm combo, it's one that's favourite of mine as well.

JBP has reacted to this post.

Not artistic pictures, but a comparison. Through an accident I ended up with a Canon 1d mkii and a 1d mkiv. I was planning on returning the mkii. But first just wanted to do a quick comparison. I checked to make sure that the color profiles are the same. But there are definitely color and contrast differences between the cameras. These shots are both raw conversions. There is also bizarrely less noise in the mkii. It almost looks like noise reduction has been applied. But I checked and noise reduction is off on both cameras. Which shot do you guys do prefer?

 1d mk2 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 1d mk4 by Cory Maben, on Flickr


Just an oldie.

Uploaded files:
  • snap-thewall.jpg
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Some shots on the Lumix G9 w/Lumix Leica 9mm F1.7

Uploaded files:
  • G9010624-034.jpg
  • G9010624-024-Enhanced-NR.jpg
  • G9010624-017.jpg
  • G9010624-022.jpg
  • G9010624-016.jpg
James Warner, JBP and Cory Maben have reacted to this post.
James WarnerJBPCory Maben
Quote from Gideon Liddiard Photography on January 4, 2024, 1:01 pm

I've another older Pentax DSLR I've been putting through its paces. In this case a K10D with the 18-55 WR, all shot in rain/storm conditions.


Lovely images! I especially like Consecrated #07

Went on a photowalk with my 1D mk2 yesterday. I really noticed during my comparison test that the camera has those nice yellowish greens and color rending that looks CCD-like to me. So I went out thinking about color:

 MAK_7295 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 MAK_7268 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 MAK_7265 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 MAK_7257 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 MAK_7255 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 MAK_7271 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 MAK_7274 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 MAK_7302 by Cory Maben, on Flickr


Despite being a camera from 2008, the raws were very easy to edit and I felt like they had more flexibility than my Foveon files. I don't know if that is an indictment of Foveon, or praise for this camera lol, but either way it was very pleasant to edit. 8mp was absolutely no problem either but the camera itself was a big adjustment. I'm not sure if it's just old or part of using a 'pro' level camera, but the interface and controls seemed obtuse to the point of hostility. My thought it that maybe it's designed with weather-sealing and preventing accidental settings changes as higher priorities than ease-of-use, but it some adjustment either way. Overall a lot of fun to use and I think I'll be keeping the mk2 and the mk4 instead of returning the mk2, like I initially planned. 

James Warner, SpruceBruce and JBP have reacted to this post.
James WarnerSpruceBruceJBP
Quote from photography.cory on January 7, 2024, 10:49 pm

Went on a photowalk with my 1D mk2 yesterday. I really noticed during my comparison test that the camera has those nice yellowish greens and color rending that looks CCD-like to me. So I went out thinking about color:

 MAK_7295 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 MAK_7268 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 MAK_7265 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 MAK_7257 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 MAK_7255 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 MAK_7271 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 MAK_7274 by Cory Maben, on Flickr

 MAK_7302 by Cory Maben, on Flickr


Despite being a camera from 2008, the raws were very easy to edit and I felt like they had more flexibility than my Foveon files. I don't know if that is an indictment of Foveon, or praise for this camera lol, but either way it was very pleasant to edit. 8mp was absolutely no problem either but the camera itself was a big adjustment. I'm not sure if it's just old or part of using a 'pro' level camera, but the interface and controls seemed obtuse to the point of hostility. My thought it that maybe it's designed with weather-sealing and preventing accidental settings changes as higher priorities than ease-of-use, but it some adjustment either way. Overall a lot of fun to use and I think I'll be keeping the mk2 and the mk4 instead of returning the mk2, like I initially planned. 

I really like that chalk shot especially! I still have yet to dive into old Canon land much, but it sounds like a keeper. You have more experience with Foveon than me, but I've always felt like those cameras really shined best when you get as close as you can to what you want in-camera. There's still flexibility in the files (especially the later cameras) but I just find them harder to edit without colors changing on me and looking off. Some of these older CCD/CMOS sensors are really surprising what you can pull back from the file.

SpruceBruce and Cory Maben have reacted to this post.
SpruceBruceCory Maben
Happy snappin' 🙂
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