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Share your January Photos! (2022!)

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Quote from denniscrommett on January 28, 2022, 7:36 pm

@jbp, I've used the Fuji 18-55 f/2.8-4 quite a lot, and can definitely say it's really good! I should post some photos from it on the Kit Lens Appreciation thread (which is just such a cool topic and proves how refreshingly unpretentious this group/forum is). I've been learning on a Fuji X-T1 that we have at work, and now my own X100F, and I can definitely say they're really nice cameras, and am happy to weigh in with any tips if you or anyone is interested in trying one.

You definitely should! I am always impressed by images SOOC from Fuji...good stuff. I think the Fuji body styles are the best looking, and of course I'm always tempted by the mirrorless AF. I am becoming a Fuji fan, if only I had the money to invest in two lens mounts. My hope is the Pentax K-3iii's AF is good enough that I won't be tempted by mirrorless anymore. Then again, those X-T1 and X-T2 used prices are so tempting, and I just found a kit lens for ~$100... haha, it never ends.

Here's another photo from my winter wonderland. I'm using the K-3 and my new-to-me Sigma 17-50. It's a wonderful lens but unfortunately I think I'll be returning it. I have the AF fine adjustment maxed out and it is still back focusing a fair amount. 🙁

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James Warner, denniscrommett and kcphotogeek have reacted to this post.
James Warnerdenniscrommettkcphotogeek

Nice @jbp, that's a beautiful photo! I went on a walk in the snowy woods here in MA last weekend, and was trying to channel your photos of close-up details, vs. my usual tendency to take wider shots. Good to know about the Sigma, as I mentioned  I've eyeballed that as it's supposed to be super sharp. And boy I hear you on affording all the gear we want! But can definitely say I enjoy the Fuji stuff I've used, which has been X-T1 for years (dependable, film-like 16mp), X-T2 (just so great, fast, and love the AF joystick), and X100F (the closest thing to a "forever camera" I've had in my hands).

Quote from denniscrommett on January 28, 2022, 8:24 pm

Nice @jbp, that's a beautiful photo! I went on a walk in the snowy woods here in MA last weekend, and was trying to channel your photos of close-up details, vs. my usual tendency to take wider shots. Good to know about the Sigma, as I mentioned  I've eyeballed that as it's supposed to be super sharp. And boy I hear you on affording all the gear we want! But can definitely say I enjoy the Fuji stuff I've used, which has been X-T1 for years (dependable, film-like 16mp), X-T2 (just so great, fast, and love the AF joystick), and X100F (the closest thing to a "forever camera" I've had in my hands).

Thank you! That's funny because I was trying to work my wide shot photos muscle on my hike last weekend. I take my 18-135 on hikes because I value its useful range...but then I rarely use the wide end. Doh!

If returning this one isn't a hassle I may try another copy of the Sigma. My other zooms required zero adjustment (but some primes did), so I figure it's probably not my camera body at fault.

Now I need to go look into the X100F - that's high praise indeed! I know so little about mirrorless cameras. It was ignorance by choice though because I didn't want to be tempted by everything out there. But here I am tempting myself. lol

Justin Tung, denniscrommett and kcphotogeek have reacted to this post.
Justin Tungdenniscrommettkcphotogeek

Hi everyone, took the GXR w/Voightlander 40mm f1.4 and the Pentax MX-1. Hadn’t had a chance to get out with any camera since NYE so was nice to spend a few hours on the streets of Manila. Used the MX-1 during daylight and the GXR after dark. Would love to see a modern Ricoh camera body with an M Mount preferably a tilt screen too.

The token color pic is my partner GeiGei who puts up with my street photography nonsense while walking home from dinner 😉

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James Warner, Justin Tung and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerJustin TungSpruceBrucedenniscrommett
Quote from kcphotogeek on January 29, 2022, 1:54 pm

Hi everyone, took the GXR w/Voightlander 40mm f1.4 and the Pentax MX-1. Hadn’t had a chance to get out with any camera since NYE so was nice to spend a few hours on the streets of Manila. Used the MX-1 during daylight and the GXR after dark. Would love to see a modern Ricoh camera body with an M Mount preferably a tilt screen too.

The token color pic is my partner GeiGei who puts up with my street photography nonsense while walking home from dinner 😉

Lovely photos, super cool vibe. The barber shop and color one are my favorite. Cool to see the MX-1 in action, I want one someday. 🙂

kcphotogeek has reacted to this post.
Quote from kcphotogeek on January 29, 2022, 1:54 pm

Hi everyone, took the GXR w/Voightlander 40mm f1.4 and the Pentax MX-1. Hadn’t had a chance to get out with any camera since NYE so was nice to spend a few hours on the streets of Manila. Used the MX-1 during daylight and the GXR after dark. Would love to see a modern Ricoh camera body with an M Mount preferably a tilt screen too.

The token color pic is my partner GeiGei who puts up with my street photography nonsense while walking home from dinner 😉

Lol, that's a patient partner! I totally know what you mean. My family puts up with a lot from me too. Like today we were at the Zoo and I was playing with two new cameras the whole time. BUT I also kept the toddler from jumping into the lions exhibit so I'm still a good dad 👍

One of those cameras was the Sigma SD14, which I just posted a thread about. This time I tried the Sigma 50mm f1.4 lens on it after some failed attempts in the backyard. At F1.4 it's almost unusable, except for portraits where the soft effect is kinda nice, but it's definitely soft. Stopped down it does get better though, but really takes a while it seems. The picture of the tree and the waterfall is at f5.6 I believe. The waterfall is slightly out of focus, and the palm tree is what I focused on and looks tack sharp. I wanted to point this out since Foveon's whole thing is going to be sharpness, but you really need the right lens and lens settings to portray that I'm learning.

 Walk around the zoo by Snappiness, on Flickr

 SDIM0205 by Snappiness, on Flickr

 SDIM0196 by Snappiness, on Flickr

denniscrommett and kcphotogeek have reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂

After yesterdays storm!

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James Warner, denniscrommett and JBP have reacted to this post.
James WarnerdenniscrommettJBP
Quote from TSTS on January 30, 2022, 1:27 pm

After yesterdays storm!

I can never get good flares like that shooting toward the sun, bravo. I really like how the snow mound looks with the sun touching the top and the wonderfully blurred out background. It's such a clean image. Snow makes for great photo opportunities, doesn't it?

Here's one I snapped today after winching my Dad's truck up a hill he slid down (curve in his driveway, kept going straight because of all the snow/ice. Oops!). I was in a hurry to go help him but I'm glad I grabbed the K-3 on my way out. Always bring a camera! I was kind and didn't take any photos of his situation, though. lol

 IMGP3333 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

I've been really fortunate with weather and photo opportunities lately. Best winter we've had in a long time.


 IMGP3456 by Mobusaki, on Flickr


 IMGP3434 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

My affinity for Douglas as usual, got a break from training today and checked out the Delta History Museum.  Nikon Z7 and Minolta MD 28mm F2.8

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James Warner, Justin Tung and JBP have reacted to this post.
James WarnerJustin TungJBP
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