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Share your January Photos! (2022!)

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Quote from JBP on January 20, 2022, 2:27 am

I got to take some proper pictures of the epic snowfall we had over the weekend. I want to take some landscape shots, but I didn't have time for that. I did get to play in a nearby stream, though. It was impromptu and I didn't have my tripod on me, but by golly I wanted to make the water smooth. I managed to get a handheld (while kneeling holding the camera JUST above the water's surface) shot of reasonable sharpness at 135mm and... 1/6s. Thank you, Pentax shake reduction!

The icicles are on the roof of my house... I had a vehicle parked under them. No more...

 IMGP9449 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP9737 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP9684 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP9583 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

Those icicles are no joke!

They just closed schools down preemptively today in anticipating for a 40 percent chance of rain in 35 degrees. Coming from the midwest, I just have to laugh at these things 😄. But better to keep people safe on the roads who haven't driven on ice and know what to expect. Heck, even those who do know what to expect it's dangerous and unpredictable... You just have to do it anyway!

SpruceBruce and JBP have reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂
Quote from Snappy on January 20, 2022, 1:38 pm
Quote from JBP on January 20, 2022, 2:27 am

I got to take some proper pictures of the epic snowfall we had over the weekend. I want to take some landscape shots, but I didn't have time for that. I did get to play in a nearby stream, though. It was impromptu and I didn't have my tripod on me, but by golly I wanted to make the water smooth. I managed to get a handheld (while kneeling holding the camera JUST above the water's surface) shot of reasonable sharpness at 135mm and... 1/6s. Thank you, Pentax shake reduction!

The icicles are on the roof of my house... I had a vehicle parked under them. No more...

 IMGP9449 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP9737 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP9684 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP9583 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

Coming from the midwest, I just have to laugh at these things 😄. But better to keep people safe on the roads who haven't driven on ice and know what to expect. Heck, even those who do know what to expect it's dangerous and unpredictable... You just have to do it anyway!

I don't know what part of the midwest you are from, but where I live all experienced gained from a lifetime of driving in poor weather is forgotten over spring summer and fall.  The first snowday is a free for all.

JBP has reacted to this post.
Quote from Snappy on January 20, 2022, 1:38 pm

Those icicles are no joke!

They just closed schools down preemptively today in anticipating for a 40 percent chance of rain in 35 degrees. Coming from the midwest, I just have to laugh at these things 😄. But better to keep people safe on the roads who haven't driven on ice and know what to expect. Heck, even those who do know what to expect it's dangerous and unpredictable... You just have to do it anyway!

Now that's funny. Schools here would never even think of closing in those conditions. 😄 They did close for this storm, but I was surprised to find them open again the next day. Only the main roads were cleared; even the school's road was still a mess. But, yep, you just have to do it. Although I recall as a kid thinking every day it snowed should be a snow day. Oh how I hated those plow trucks. 😄

denniscrommett has reacted to this post.

Got my new-to-me Sigma 17-50mm f/2.8 HSM a couple nights ago. I introduced it to my Pentax K-3 and have been experimenting with it since. The focusing speed and accuracy is lower than I expected (I think my screw drive primes are better, believe it or not), but the IQ is really great, even wide open, and it's nice to have a fast aperture zoom for unpredictable situations indoors.

The cat is 1/20s, f/2.8, 36mm, ISO 1600.

The "I can't believe he is making me sit next to you" shot is 1/10s, f/8, 33mm, ISO 1600.

Yes, I know I need to clean the lenses and brush the cat. 😄 And, yes, our Christmas tree IS still up...

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James Warner, Gawad and denniscrommett have reacted to this post.
James WarnerGawaddenniscrommett
Quote from JBP on January 20, 2022, 5:25 pm

Got my new-to-me Sigma 17-50mm f/2.8 HSM a couple nights ago. I introduced it to my Pentax K-3 and have been experimenting with it since. The focusing speed and accuracy is lower than I expected (I think my screw drive primes are better, believe it or not), but the IQ is really great, even wide open, and it's nice to have a fast aperture zoom for unpredictable situations indoors.

The cat is 1/20s, f/2.8, 36mm, ISO 1600.

The "I can't believe he is making me sit next to you" shot is 1/10s, f/8, 33mm, ISO 1600.

Yes, I know I need to clean the lenses and brush the cat. 😄 And, yes, our Christmas tree IS still up...

Are those hand-held? Another point for Pentax SR 😀

Nice optics, and a good find for the price! I had a 28-75 f2.8 Tamron for my K-1 for a while. For whatever reason I fell away from those normal range zooms, but now I'm wondering why. They are so handy. Zoom in tight and shoot wide open looks great for portraits (of people or cats :P) and still can shoot wide for scenes.

JBP has reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂

I haven't been very active lately, been obligated with a future career move that's occupying free time.  Glad to see all the new members submitting awesome content! Welcome as well, if I've yet to introduce myself.  I traded my Nikon Z50 in for a Z7 that had some cosmetic damage for an irresistible deal. I took it to a junk yard this afternoon to rural western Minnesota with a work buddy, that was full of classic cars.  We were so excited that the -14F temps didn't even hamper our shooting. Minolta MD Rokkor 28mm F3.5 was the lens of my choice, and SOOC JPEG.  It's so satisfying being able to use the whole image circle with full frame and my film adapted lenses.

 French Lake Junkyard by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 French Lake Junkyard by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 French Lake Junkyard by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 French Lake Junkyard by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 French Lake Junkyard by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 French Lake Junkyard by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 French Lake Junkyard by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 French Lake Junkyard by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 French Lake Junkyard by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 French Lake Junkyard by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 French Lake Junkyard by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 French Lake Junkyard by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

James Warner, Justin Tung and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerJustin TungGawaddenniscrommettJBP
Quote from SpruceBruce on January 21, 2022, 7:54 am

I haven't been very active lately, been obligated with a future career move that's occupying free time.  Glad to see all the new members submitting awesome content! Welcome as well, if I've yet to introduce myself.  I traded my Nikon Z50 in for a Z7 that had some cosmetic damage for an irresistible deal. I took it to a junk yard this afternoon to rural western Minnesota with a work buddy, that was full of classic cars.  We were so excited that the -14F temps didn't even hamper our shooting. Minolta MD Rokkor 28mm F3.5 was the lens of my choice, and SOOC JPEG.  It's so satisfying being able to use the whole image circle with full frame and my film adapted lenses.

 French Lake Junkyard by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 French Lake Junkyard by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 French Lake Junkyard by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 French Lake Junkyard by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 French Lake Junkyard by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 French Lake Junkyard by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 French Lake Junkyard by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 French Lake Junkyard by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 French Lake Junkyard by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 French Lake Junkyard by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 French Lake Junkyard by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 French Lake Junkyard by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

Z7 is definitely drool worthy... How do you like the 28mm f/3.5? I've only ever used the 2.8 and it was a good lens, but not a preferred focal length for me. Love those colors you got on it though!

Quote from JBP on January 20, 2022, 5:25 pm

Got my new-to-me Sigma 17-50mm f/2.8 HSM a couple nights ago. I introduced it to my Pentax K-3 and have been experimenting with it since. The focusing speed and accuracy is lower than I expected (I think my screw drive primes are better, believe it or not), but the IQ is really great, even wide open, and it's nice to have a fast aperture zoom for unpredictable situations indoors.

The cat is 1/20s, f/2.8, 36mm, ISO 1600.

The "I can't believe he is making me sit next to you" shot is 1/10s, f/8, 33mm, ISO 1600.

Yes, I know I need to clean the lenses and brush the cat. 😄 And, yes, our Christmas tree IS still up...


Quote from JBP on January 20, 2022, 5:25 pm

Got my new-to-me Sigma 17-50mm f/2.8 HSM a couple nights ago. I introduced it to my Pentax K-3 and have been experimenting with it since. The focusing speed and accuracy is lower than I expected (I think my screw drive primes are better, believe it or not), but the IQ is really great, even wide open, and it's nice to have a fast aperture zoom for unpredictable situations indoors.

The cat is 1/20s, f/2.8, 36mm, ISO 1600.

The "I can't believe he is making me sit next to you" shot is 1/10s, f/8, 33mm, ISO 1600.

Yes, I know I need to clean the lenses and brush the cat. 😄 And, yes, our Christmas tree IS still up...

Nice! I ought to try handholding slower speeds

Ever striving for minimum competency

Oh man, @sprucebruce, those photos of the junkyard are great and that is a total dream photo spot for me. I might have to go looking for some junkyards around here, beyond my local "Recycling Center!"

Quote from denniscrommett on January 22, 2022, 2:05 pm

Oh man, @sprucebruce, those photos of the junkyard are great and that is a total dream photo spot for me. I might have to go looking for some junkyards around here, beyond my local "Recycling Center!"

Same here! I could spend hours there. Great photos, SpruceBruce!

denniscrommett has reacted to this post.
Quote from Snappy on January 21, 2022, 2:17 am

Are those hand-held? Another point for Pentax SR 😀

Nice optics, and a good find for the price! I had a 28-75 f2.8 Tamron for my K-1 for a while. For whatever reason I fell away from those normal range zooms, but now I'm wondering why. They are so handy. Zoom in tight and shoot wide open looks great for portraits (of people or cats :P) and still can shoot wide for scenes.

Yep, hand-held. 🙂 If only the SR could make my toddler hold still, that would be tops. lol

Thank you. It is amazingly sharp stopped down. It may be the sharpest lens I own, not sure yet. The 50mm plastic fantastic is tough competition in that regard.

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