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Share your January Photos! (2022!)

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You're braver than I, and not for the jumps: I'm not sure I'd be able to let anyone else touch my new camera! Haha He did good work with it though! Caught you getting some good air so you must have been going pretty fast. Glad to hear (and see) that the camera is as nice as they say. 🙂

Some shots from a nearby reservoir yesterday with my K-3 & 55-300 DA L. I wanted the ~$350 PLM version but I got this for $60 on ebay. For that much I'll happily live with slow autofocus for a while!

Just some snow that has started to melt and then frozen again.
 IMGP8529 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

Lonely leaf.

 IMGP8515 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

Justin Tung, KankRat and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Justin TungKankRatGawaddenniscrommett
Quote from JBP on January 15, 2022, 3:48 am

You're braver than I, and not for the jumps: I'm not sure I'd be able to let anyone else touch my new camera! Haha He did good work with it though! Caught you getting some good air so you must have been going pretty fast. Glad to hear (and see) that the camera is as nice as they say. 🙂

Haha, yeah maybe risky. He is a photographer though and has a nice FF Canon, so at least I knew he knew how to shoot a camera. We've been out shooting together. Also, good friend, I'm sure he would've paid for anything he broke.

But still, myyy preecciousss xD

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Happy snappin' 🙂

Believe it or not, this is a wild red-tailed hawk.  A gigantic crop.  I am astounded at how sharp the 300mm f4 is with subjects that are reasonably close.  I would love to get the newer PF version. Take a look at in in Flickr (click on the image).  The detail around the eye is just bonkers. The catch light is the sun, not a flash and you can see clouds reflected in it's eye.  I took many shots of this beautiful adult (notice dark brown eyes- juveniles are yellow), planned this one by centering the head in the frame, not that corner sharpness would be a thing.   I used that Adobe super resolution for more pixels.

 Red-Tailed Hawk Close Up by Mark Kasick, on Flickr

Gawad, denniscrommett and 2 other users have reacted to this post.

Absolutely stunning, KankRat! The detail is insane, and it's like the hawk is posing for you. It's like a perfect portrait but it's a wildlife photo. Bravo!

Thanks.  I've gotten really close to hawks before just like this.  so close in fact that I wasn't sure if it was going to turn on me LOL.  Most of the time if you take few shots and then back off, they will have a rodent in their talons soon enough.  I believe they sense prey are around and the risk of your prescence is out weighed by a the idea of a full belly.  I always keep in mind that as long as I am around I could be spooking their prey, so I try not get in the way.

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Quote from KankRat on January 16, 2022, 3:14 pm


That's fresh blood on it's beak it just caught a vole and ate it. Yum. Tastes like chicken.

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Quote from Snappy on January 13, 2022, 6:15 pm

Can't find any owls, but got lucky today with a hawk and some caracara's.

On the Pentax K-3 III with the DA* 300mm F4.

I am happy you got the K3 iii, it's good that you stick to your Pentax roots. Such bummer that there is so support from Tamron or Sigma.

We occasionally get migratory RSHs but they are never that vibrantly colored, you could easily mistake for RTH.  I've only seen a caracara once, before I was into birds.  It was sitting on a fence roadside somewhere between Houston and Brownsville and I was like "what on earth is THAT?

Since then I occasionally get a giant (horse sized)  caracara following me around in my dreams.  I think it was because I read some urban legend about such a creature making appearances in some town in Illinois, maybe Alton?

Imagine if hawks were so big or bigger.  Thankfully evolution said nah.

Anyway, I need to plan a trip down there to do some birding and bass fishing.

 RTH by Mark Kasick, on Flickr

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We had a heavy snowfall (12"+) Sunday night and Monday morning which made for interesting travel conditions (I had to drive my wife to work, a fun adventure for us) and great photograph opportunities. Unfortunately I did not have a chance to get out there and really photograph anything, but I was able to snap a few shots on the way home from picking up my wife.

One nice thing about conditions like this is there are not many other vehicles on the road, which affords one the time to stop and take a quick photo, whereas normally I would simply have to say "gee, that would be a nice photo" and move on. Still, I had to hurry and I consider these mostly documentation I drive away I always think of what I would have done differently given the time.

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