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Share your January Photos! (2022!)

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Quote from Snappy on January 10, 2022, 5:21 pm
Quote from Gawad on January 9, 2022, 6:57 am

finally got to go out for a shoot and I'm excited to finally share some shots.

@sprucebruce didn't know minolta had made digital cameras but the images are lovely.

loved all the shots guys ♥️♥️

Really pretty shots, @gawad. Great work.

Everyone else too. The winter snow shots from @justintung and @sprucebruce almost make me want snow. Almost, lol. But really, awesome work guys.

Thanks everyone for always inspiring me to go out and shoot, no matter the weather.

I've been keeping it on the down low (and by that meaning I'm not posting on PentaxForums, YT, Instagram, or Facebook about it), but I did finally get my Pentax K-3 III the other day. Weather got crazy so I've only been able to take it out once, but my first impressions are very, very good. As I expected they would be. I mean, I am a very biased K-3 shooter lol.

This shot unfortunately has motion blur because I wasn't being careful, and it isn't a great shot anyway but it's what I got so far!


I don't think it's motion blur, everything looks sharp other than the wing furthest from the focal plane and the tail . It looks like the the focus is on the wing closest to the camera and it fell of from there. The eye is sharp that's what counts.

Quote from KankRat on January 10, 2022, 7:19 pm

Try stopping down to at least 1 full stop from wide open. It can make a dramatic difference in sharpness in some lenses.  I would have been inclined to shoot those at f8.  It looks like it might be overcast. That can't help.

I'm glad to see someone posting on the 18-xxx zooms.  The Nikon 18-200mm is going pretty cheap now.

I think it's Tamron that makes an 18-400mm.

Yeah, I could've probably stopped down on a couple of those shots my main issue was the overcast that day. I was taking shots that were as slow as 1/15th of a second in the streets since Galena is in a valley with little light in some spots. So while I could've played with the aperture settings more I totally forgot and so everything is essentially wide open.

Hello everyone. I'm new to the forum and this is my first time sharing photos here. I figure I'll try to use Flickr... sorry if this doesn't work. These are from last Saturday on a local trail. We got some snow and it made what little green is left in the forest really pop.

Edit: Forgot to mention... congrats on the K-3iii, Snappy! Someday I'll have my hands on one, too. 🙂

 IMGP6729 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP6731 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP6786 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

SpruceBruce, Gawad and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
Quote from JBP on January 12, 2022, 9:38 pm

Hello everyone. I'm new to the forum and this is my first time sharing photos here. I figure I'll try to use Flickr... sorry if this doesn't work. These are from last Saturday on a local trail. We got some snow and it made what little green is left in the forest really pop.

Edit: Forgot to mention... congrats on the K-3iii, Snappy! Someday I'll have my hands on one, too. 🙂

 IMGP6729 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP6731 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP6786 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

Love the detail shots! I feel like I get in nature and I just freak out and try to stuff trees into grand compositions. Shooting the small is definitely a different perspective!

SpruceBruce, denniscrommett and JBP have reacted to this post.
Ever striving for minimum competency
Quote from Justin Tung on January 13, 2022, 1:05 am

Love the detail shots! I feel like I get in nature and I just freak out and try to stuff trees into grand compositions. Shooting the small is definitely a different perspective!

Thank you! I'm the opposite. I struggle to make good scene shots. Close ups seem to be what I have the most success with in terms of composition. I did push myself to make several wide angle scene shots on that hike but I don't like them as much.

Justin Tung, SpruceBruce and denniscrommett have reacted to this post.
Justin TungSpruceBrucedenniscrommett

Some of you may be surprised that I first started taking photographs cutting my teeth doing street photography in NYC! Having said that, it was nice to be back for a little. It had just snowed, and there was a few inches on the ground, so I figured it was a good time to try a hand back on the old beat.

While it definitely felt good to be hunting for those moments and compositions, especially with a more powerful camera in my hand than I ever hand before, I feel like my instincts and wonts have changed a lot. Before I loved the human element, waiting to see how a scene develops or how people through a frame, but now I feel like I want to put people small, in a big frame. Almost like the subject is the street, and people just happen to be one of the things that fill it. Very different from how I used to shoot, and it's good to know that things have changed. For the better? We'll see. but they've changed haha.

SpruceBruce, Gawad and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
Ever striving for minimum competency
Quote from JBP on January 12, 2022, 9:38 pm

Hello everyone. I'm new to the forum and this is my first time sharing photos here. I figure I'll try to use Flickr... sorry if this doesn't work. These are from last Saturday on a local trail. We got some snow and it made what little green is left in the forest really pop.

Edit: Forgot to mention... congrats on the K-3iii, Snappy! Someday I'll have my hands on one, too. 🙂

 IMGP6729 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP6731 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP6786 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

Great shots! Welcome to the forum, @jbp! Keep sharing your pictures and feel free to start new threads about whatever you have a hankering to talk about. We're all kinds of people over here.

No snow where I live. I don't miss the cold, but I do miss the beauty of it 🙂

Quote from Justin Tung on January 13, 2022, 5:31 am

Some of you may be surprised that I first started taking photographs cutting my teeth doing street photography in NYC! Having said that, it was nice to be back for a little. It had just snowed, and there was a few inches on the ground, so I figured it was a good time to try a hand back on the old beat.

While it definitely felt good to be hunting for those moments and compositions, especially with a more powerful camera in my hand than I ever hand before, I feel like my instincts and wonts have changed a lot. Before I loved the human element, waiting to see how a scene develops or how people through a frame, but now I feel like I want to put people small, in a big frame. Almost like the subject is the street, and people just happen to be one of the things that fill it. Very different from how I used to shoot, and it's good to know that things have changed. For the better? We'll see. but they've changed haha.

I like the approach you took to the compositions here by keeping the subject small. NYC is such a BIG place and I feel that this shows that. I've only been once and while I could never live there it is a neat experience walking around and taking the subway. A lot of cool history there too. I just read 1776 by David McCullough, and part of the revolutionary war is over NYC and that area as a whole. Crazy to think those battle took place right there.

Justin Tung, SpruceBruce and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Justin TungSpruceBrucedenniscrommettJBP
Happy snappin' 🙂

Can't find any owls, but got lucky today with a hawk and some caracara's.

On the Pentax K-3 III with the DA* 300mm F4.

KankRat, SpruceBruce and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂
Quote from Snappy on January 13, 2022, 6:13 pm

Great shots! Welcome to the forum, @jbp! Keep sharing your pictures and feel free to start new threads about whatever you have a hankering to talk about. We're all kinds of people over here.

No snow where I live. I don't miss the cold, but I do miss the beauty of it 🙂

Thank you! The snow almost makes the long, cold winters worth it. Great shots yourself. That lens is fantastic; the clarity is amazing. I bet it's a great combo with the K-3III. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on that camera. 🙂

Here's some more shots with my K-3 and 18-135 from that same hike last Saturday. I don't know if they qualify as landscape photography, but these are my attempts at capturing the scene and feeling of the trail. For some reason they're all B&W... I've been on a B&W bender lately ever since my wife said she likes them. I think she's using mind control.

 IMGP6769 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP6771 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP6763 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

James Warner, SpruceBruce and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerSpruceBruceGawadHeggenDazs
Quote from JBP on January 14, 2022, 1:12 am
Quote from Snappy on January 13, 2022, 6:13 pm

Great shots! Welcome to the forum, @jbp! Keep sharing your pictures and feel free to start new threads about whatever you have a hankering to talk about. We're all kinds of people over here.

No snow where I live. I don't miss the cold, but I do miss the beauty of it 🙂

Thank you! The snow almost makes the long, cold winters worth it. Great shots yourself. That lens is fantastic; the clarity is amazing. I bet it's a great combo with the K-3III. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on that camera. 🙂

Here's some more shots with my K-3 and 18-135 from that same hike last Saturday. I don't know if they qualify as landscape photography, but these are my attempts at capturing the scene and feeling of the trail. For some reason they're all B&W... I've been on a B&W bender lately ever since my wife said she likes them. I think she's using mind control.

 IMGP6769 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP6771 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP6763 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

I think black and white can work really nicely for snowscapes because I often naturally see it in black and white myself and end up composing for light shapes and shadows more than color (cuz there usually isn't any). Not always of course, but often. Nice pics!

I didn't take these, but my friend did 😀 First time he has shot a Pentax, did pretty well I'd say! That's me on the bike terrified to do even a short jump. 😛 Also noticed I apparently bite my lower lip every time I jump.

The DA* 300mm performed AWESOME on the K-3III. Much faster and more confident than my older (but much beloved, mind you) Pentax bodies.

KankRat, SpruceBruce and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂
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