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Share Your February Photos! (2022)

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Quote from red5isalive on February 11, 2022, 5:57 pm
Quote from JBP on February 11, 2022, 3:04 pm
Quote from red5isalive on February 11, 2022, 11:49 am

Hi everyone,

Firsts months of the year aren't very Racing productive for me, yet the last weekend I was able to shoot some Rally event,


 _IMG2839 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG3360 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG4365 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG3395 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG4269 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG4616 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG5665 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG2644 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG3458 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG2676 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG2865 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG2764 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG4451 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG5802 - copia by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


Ah and some views of the surroundings


 _IMG4882 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG5795 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


I hope you like them



GREAT stuff!! I would love to shoot that kind of thing. We have a classic car show and race event near me once a year. I have been meaning to go for several years now. I would be so proud of myself if I got images like that...I'm not sure I could pull it off. What lens were you using for the cars?

Just do it!

Try it 🙂 Don't be scared of it.

I did start with photography (digital photography and real go to events with a camera) back in 2011 if I am not mistaken as a mere spectator and I just learnt from practice. In 2014 I have had started to get media passes (well, I got one that year and I was like getting one per year since 2016) and then on I have been able to shoot many more events as Media.  But there is always that one day when you decide to just give it a try/go and test yourself.

I did bought my first camera (2nd hand camera) in 2011 or late 2010 and I was just willing to know if I am going to like it.

I did some photography lab before in the mid 90's at high school but I never had an SLR before so I was that kid that with a simple camera was not getting anything, and I have had my first ever camera (point and shoot) back in the mid-late 80's.

Back to the present times I have to tell you I had a media pass for that event, so I was able to be in front of the crowd when needed, even tho for Rally events spectator areas use to be great. I did so so many Rally events as an spectator and you can pull out superb images.

In this case of this kind of events one key aspect is planification. If you know where you wanna go and where to you imagine that images can look good, you have a great chance to get good images. Also timing is very very important.

The lenses used (sorry I just forgot to mention this in the post, I'll edit it to add them) are:

Tamron SP 70-200mm f2.8, Sigma 17-50mm f2.8 and I think I was using the DA 50mm f1.8 at night also. Plus a Sigma flash.

I was just looking up the event that's nearby to start planning a trip (Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix, beautiful old automobiles). It's 5 months away, plenty of time to practice beforehand. Thank you for the encouragement! I will give it a go, maybe cajole a family member to drive around in an empty parking lot or something while I take photos to practice. 🤣 You're right though, you just have go out and do it.

I'm happy to hear you were using two lenses I currently own: the Sigma 17-50mm f2.8 and DA 50mm f1.8. Love them both and will have to bring them along for that trip. 👍

Daniel Gonzalez and denniscrommett have reacted to this post.
Daniel Gonzalezdenniscrommett
Quote from HeggenDazs on February 11, 2022, 3:04 pm

@red5isalive dang! great action shots. I've always wondered how the K-3 II would perform in sports but never tried it personally.

Thank you!

Yes the K3-II is capable, as the K3 also is. You just need to pair them with fast glass. And by that I mean fast focusing lenses. Mines aren't slow, neither the fastests.

I'll try to explain myself as well as I can:

  • AF in camera is important, as it is also the continuous shooting to be active, not shooting frame by frame,as action goes so fast. You need to shoot as many photos as possible, specially because a lot of them would not be in focus.
  • Now the lenses part. As a personal example to caption action: I have had an old Pentax 55-300mm lens. I think it was the AL lens. It was not fast focusing. It demaneded quite a lot of dedication from you to pre-focus to where the subject will pass by, and was able to loose focus easy. I then bought a Sigma 100-300mm f4 as a friend told me it does improves auto-focus. Don't ask me what is it that makes it faster, but yes it is quite faster focusing and also not so prone to loose track on the subject. Unfortunately this one got a hit and is not working 100% so I recently bought a Tamron SP 700-200mm f2.8 and I knew it was gonna be slower than my Sigma. It indeed seems to be a bit slower and prones to loose tracking easier. Now what I do to get the vehicle is pre-focus where it will come from and that helps camera+lens do their job.

    What I mean is that is not a point and shoot situation, usually you get to know where the vehicle will appear from.

    Of course the K3-III is way faster. I have been able to test it last year in 3 events. It is way faster, the AF is more accurate and reliable (it also fails somehow tho). But is this the camera I want at that price point? I was starting to look at D500's to be honest.

About other gear, there is this guy I know shooting next to me, in a slightly better spot (5 to 10 meters after me) with a full frame machine (Nikon D780) and a newer version of the Sigma 70-200mm f2.8 and man, those pics looks fantastic. You compare them to his previous year's and it is just spectacular what he was able to capture. I never ever ever before realised FF could bring this detail. I never wanted FF cameras due to the fact that crop bodies bring more reach, but wow I was surprised by those images.

And about me and keeping the Tamron, we will see. I need to test it out a bit more, I think I'd love to get another SIgma 100-300mm f4 if possible, but only time will tell.


Sorry it was a long reply xD

James Warner and JBP have reacted to this post.
James WarnerJBP
My social media:
Quote from JBP on February 11, 2022, 6:09 pm
Quote from red5isalive on February 11, 2022, 5:57 pm
Quote from JBP on February 11, 2022, 3:04 pm
Quote from red5isalive on February 11, 2022, 11:49 am

Hi everyone,

Firsts months of the year aren't very Racing productive for me, yet the last weekend I was able to shoot some Rally event,


 _IMG2839 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG3360 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG4365 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG3395 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG4269 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG4616 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG5665 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG2644 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG3458 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG2676 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG2865 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG2764 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG4451 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG5802 - copia by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


Ah and some views of the surroundings


 _IMG4882 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


 _IMG5795 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


I hope you like them



GREAT stuff!! I would love to shoot that kind of thing. We have a classic car show and race event near me once a year. I have been meaning to go for several years now. I would be so proud of myself if I got images like that...I'm not sure I could pull it off. What lens were you using for the cars?

Just do it!

Try it 🙂 Don't be scared of it.

I did start with photography (digital photography and real go to events with a camera) back in 2011 if I am not mistaken as a mere spectator and I just learnt from practice. In 2014 I have had started to get media passes (well, I got one that year and I was like getting one per year since 2016) and then on I have been able to shoot many more events as Media.  But there is always that one day when you decide to just give it a try/go and test yourself.

I did bought my first camera (2nd hand camera) in 2011 or late 2010 and I was just willing to know if I am going to like it.

I did some photography lab before in the mid 90's at high school but I never had an SLR before so I was that kid that with a simple camera was not getting anything, and I have had my first ever camera (point and shoot) back in the mid-late 80's.

Back to the present times I have to tell you I had a media pass for that event, so I was able to be in front of the crowd when needed, even tho for Rally events spectator areas use to be great. I did so so many Rally events as an spectator and you can pull out superb images.

In this case of this kind of events one key aspect is planification. If you know where you wanna go and where to you imagine that images can look good, you have a great chance to get good images. Also timing is very very important.

The lenses used (sorry I just forgot to mention this in the post, I'll edit it to add them) are:

Tamron SP 70-200mm f2.8, Sigma 17-50mm f2.8 and I think I was using the DA 50mm f1.8 at night also. Plus a Sigma flash.

I was just looking up the event that's nearby to start planning a trip (Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix, beautiful old automobiles). It's 5 months away, plenty of time to practice beforehand. Thank you for the encouragement! I will give it a go, maybe cajole a family member to drive around in an empty parking lot or something while I take photos to practice. 🤣 You're right though, you just have go out and do it.

I'm happy to hear you were using two lenses I currently own: the Sigma 17-50mm f2.8 and DA 50mm f1.8. Love them both and will have to bring them along for that trip. 👍

Hahaha if you can get your family entertained and let you mean your own business that would be great.

And if he can drive for you, this is actually a great idea on practicing. I did that in the streets of Barcelona many times. And people look at you like "what is that? A policeman? I hate you...." xD

Yes The Sigma 17-50mm f2.8 is such a great lens for inside car shoots. Like this one for instance:
 _IMG5744 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr

Or this one if you can get close enough to action

 _IMG5525 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


I do like also the DA 50mm don't get me wrong. It produces beautiful images as well and it works with action as well (I just don't use it so often)


 _IMG1527 by Daniel Gonzalez Aguilera, en Flickr


This was taken with the K3-II + DA 50mm f1.8 some months ago in a Circuit close here (well you might have seen it on tv: Circuit de Catalunya).

And of course I encourage you to try so. I also encourage you in not feeling bad for not getting what you would like as a result if that happens. It happened to me back then, and many times after. Practice makes the master.

James Warner, Gawad and JBP have reacted to this post.
James WarnerGawadJBP
My social media:
Quote from red5isalive on February 11, 2022, 6:09 pm
Quote from HeggenDazs on February 11, 2022, 3:04 pm

@red5isalive dang! great action shots. I've always wondered how the K-3 II would perform in sports but never tried it personally.

Thank you!

Yes the K3-II is capable, as the K3 also is. You just need to pair them with fast glass. And by that I mean fast focusing lenses. Mines aren't slow, neither the fastests.

I'll try to explain myself as well as I can:

  • AF in camera is important, as it is also the continuous shooting to be active, not shooting frame by frame,as action goes so fast. You need to shoot as many photos as possible, specially because a lot of them would not be in focus.
  • Now the lenses part. As a personal example to caption action: I have had an old Pentax 55-300mm lens. I think it was the AL lens. It was not fast focusing. It demaneded quite a lot of dedication from you to pre-focus to where the subject will pass by, and was able to loose focus easy. I then bought a Sigma 100-300mm f4 as a friend told me it does improves auto-focus. Don't ask me what is it that makes it faster, but yes it is quite faster focusing and also not so prone to loose track on the subject. Unfortunately this one got a hit and is not working 100% so I recently bought a Tamron SP 700-200mm f2.8 and I knew it was gonna be slower than my Sigma. It indeed seems to be a bit slower and prones to loose tracking easier. Now what I do to get the vehicle is pre-focus where it will come from and that helps camera+lens do their job.What I mean is that is not a point and shoot situation, usually you get to know where the vehicle will appear from.

    Of course the K3-III is way faster. I have been able to test it last year in 3 events. It is way faster, the AF is more accurate and reliable (it also fails somehow tho). But is this the camera I want at that price point? I was starting to look at D500's to be honest.

About other gear, there is this guy I know shooting next to me, in a slightly better spot (5 to 10 meters after me) with a full frame machine (Nikon D780) and a newer version of the Sigma 70-200mm f2.8 and man, those pics looks fantastic. You compare them to his previous year's and it is just spectacular what he was able to capture. I never ever ever before realised FF could bring this detail. I never wanted FF cameras due to the fact that crop bodies bring more reach, but wow I was surprised by those images.

And about me and keeping the Tamron, we will see. I need to test it out a bit more, I think I'd love to get another SIgma 100-300mm f4 if possible, but only time will tell.


Sorry it was a long reply xD

This is really great advice. Taking a bunch of photos in AF-C is something I only recently started doing (before I was trying to avoid extra files to sort through) and it improved my keeper rate (dogs, birds). Focusing where I think the action will be beforehand is something I need to get better at but has helped tremendously when I've managed it.

Neat that you got to try the K3iii. Did you think the K-3iii's larger viewfinder made it easier/more enjoyable to shoot action?

As for full frame...there's a thread going about APS-C vs Full Frame and it isn't helping my Gear Acquisition Syndrome at all 🤣

Daniel Gonzalez has reacted to this post.
Daniel Gonzalez
Quote from JBP on February 11, 2022, 6:19 pm
Quote from red5isalive on February 11, 2022, 6:09 pm
Quote from HeggenDazs on February 11, 2022, 3:04 pm

@red5isalive dang! great action shots. I've always wondered how the K-3 II would perform in sports but never tried it personally.

Thank you!

Yes the K3-II is capable, as the K3 also is. You just need to pair them with fast glass. And by that I mean fast focusing lenses. Mines aren't slow, neither the fastests.

I'll try to explain myself as well as I can:

  • AF in camera is important, as it is also the continuous shooting to be active, not shooting frame by frame,as action goes so fast. You need to shoot as many photos as possible, specially because a lot of them would not be in focus.
  • Now the lenses part. As a personal example to caption action: I have had an old Pentax 55-300mm lens. I think it was the AL lens. It was not fast focusing. It demaneded quite a lot of dedication from you to pre-focus to where the subject will pass by, and was able to loose focus easy. I then bought a Sigma 100-300mm f4 as a friend told me it does improves auto-focus. Don't ask me what is it that makes it faster, but yes it is quite faster focusing and also not so prone to loose track on the subject. Unfortunately this one got a hit and is not working 100% so I recently bought a Tamron SP 700-200mm f2.8 and I knew it was gonna be slower than my Sigma. It indeed seems to be a bit slower and prones to loose tracking easier. Now what I do to get the vehicle is pre-focus where it will come from and that helps camera+lens do their job.What I mean is that is not a point and shoot situation, usually you get to know where the vehicle will appear from.Of course the K3-III is way faster. I have been able to test it last year in 3 events. It is way faster, the AF is more accurate and reliable (it also fails somehow tho). But is this the camera I want at that price point? I was starting to look at D500's to be honest.

About other gear, there is this guy I know shooting next to me, in a slightly better spot (5 to 10 meters after me) with a full frame machine (Nikon D780) and a newer version of the Sigma 70-200mm f2.8 and man, those pics looks fantastic. You compare them to his previous year's and it is just spectacular what he was able to capture. I never ever ever before realised FF could bring this detail. I never wanted FF cameras due to the fact that crop bodies bring more reach, but wow I was surprised by those images.

And about me and keeping the Tamron, we will see. I need to test it out a bit more, I think I'd love to get another SIgma 100-300mm f4 if possible, but only time will tell.


Sorry it was a long reply xD

This is really great advice. Taking a bunch of photos in AF-C is something I only recently started doing (before I was trying to avoid extra files to sort through) and it improved my keeper rate (dogs, birds). Focusing where I think the action will be beforehand is something I need to get better at but has helped tremendously when I've managed it.

Neat that you got to try the K3iii. Did you think the K-3iii's larger viewfinder made it easier/more enjoyable to shoot action?

As for full frame...there's a thread going about APS-C vs Full Frame and it isn't helping my Gear Acquisition Syndrome at all 🤣

Hahahahaha no i better won't join that thread xDD

Yes exactly. That is how I shoot. I do pre-focus and shoot usually center point or single point focus (sometimes I play with it's position).

It was a great experience to get to test the K3-III. I do find it to be a great camera. Finally we are having a good AF system, both in Live View and non-LV mode. I liked from it that it has an in-camera built in crop mode that you can use by clicking two buttons.

I think the larger viewfinder helps to enjoy the overall experience, yes. Specially for someone like me that uses glasses. Nowadays I do not check much my parameters on the screen in the viewfinder because many times I don't see it. In the K3-III you do. Or I noticed them maybe because they where bigger? I don't remember but it is a nice viewfinder.  And a nice camera.

Just the one thing I disliked about it? The Buffer. It is too slow to shoot jpg+raw images (I use to do this), it does improve slightly from the previous generations but after 30-40 images it just can not keep up.

JBP has reacted to this post.
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Took a day off to enjoy 44F weather.

 Bald eagle Starved Rock by Mark Kasick, on Flickr


James Warner, SpruceBruce and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerSpruceBruceGawadJBP
Quote from red5isalive on February 11, 2022, 6:26 pm
Quote from JBP on February 11, 2022, 6:19 pm
Quote from red5isalive on February 11, 2022, 6:09 pm
Quote from HeggenDazs on February 11, 2022, 3:04 pm

@red5isalive dang! great action shots. I've always wondered how the K-3 II would perform in sports but never tried it personally.

Thank you!

Yes the K3-II is capable, as the K3 also is. You just need to pair them with fast glass. And by that I mean fast focusing lenses. Mines aren't slow, neither the fastests.

I'll try to explain myself as well as I can:

  • AF in camera is important, as it is also the continuous shooting to be active, not shooting frame by frame,as action goes so fast. You need to shoot as many photos as possible, specially because a lot of them would not be in focus.
  • Now the lenses part. As a personal example to caption action: I have had an old Pentax 55-300mm lens. I think it was the AL lens. It was not fast focusing. It demaneded quite a lot of dedication from you to pre-focus to where the subject will pass by, and was able to loose focus easy. I then bought a Sigma 100-300mm f4 as a friend told me it does improves auto-focus. Don't ask me what is it that makes it faster, but yes it is quite faster focusing and also not so prone to loose track on the subject. Unfortunately this one got a hit and is not working 100% so I recently bought a Tamron SP 700-200mm f2.8 and I knew it was gonna be slower than my Sigma. It indeed seems to be a bit slower and prones to loose tracking easier. Now what I do to get the vehicle is pre-focus where it will come from and that helps camera+lens do their job.What I mean is that is not a point and shoot situation, usually you get to know where the vehicle will appear from.Of course the K3-III is way faster. I have been able to test it last year in 3 events. It is way faster, the AF is more accurate and reliable (it also fails somehow tho). But is this the camera I want at that price point? I was starting to look at D500's to be honest.

About other gear, there is this guy I know shooting next to me, in a slightly better spot (5 to 10 meters after me) with a full frame machine (Nikon D780) and a newer version of the Sigma 70-200mm f2.8 and man, those pics looks fantastic. You compare them to his previous year's and it is just spectacular what he was able to capture. I never ever ever before realised FF could bring this detail. I never wanted FF cameras due to the fact that crop bodies bring more reach, but wow I was surprised by those images.

And about me and keeping the Tamron, we will see. I need to test it out a bit more, I think I'd love to get another SIgma 100-300mm f4 if possible, but only time will tell.


Sorry it was a long reply xD

This is really great advice. Taking a bunch of photos in AF-C is something I only recently started doing (before I was trying to avoid extra files to sort through) and it improved my keeper rate (dogs, birds). Focusing where I think the action will be beforehand is something I need to get better at but has helped tremendously when I've managed it.

Neat that you got to try the K3iii. Did you think the K-3iii's larger viewfinder made it easier/more enjoyable to shoot action?

As for full frame...there's a thread going about APS-C vs Full Frame and it isn't helping my Gear Acquisition Syndrome at all 🤣

Hahahahaha no i better won't join that thread xDD

Yes exactly. That is how I shoot. I do pre-focus and shoot usually center point or single point focus (sometimes I play with it's position).

It was a great experience to get to test the K3-III. I do find it to be a great camera. Finally we are having a good AF system, both in Live View and non-LV mode. I liked from it that it has an in-camera built in crop mode that you can use by clicking two buttons.

I think the larger viewfinder helps to enjoy the overall experience, yes. Specially for someone like me that uses glasses. Nowadays I do not check much my parameters on the screen in the viewfinder because many times I don't see it. In the K3-III you do. Or I noticed them maybe because they where bigger? I don't remember but it is a nice viewfinder.  And a nice camera.

Just the one thing I disliked about it? The Buffer. It is too slow to shoot jpg+raw images (I use to do this), it does improve slightly from the previous generations but after 30-40 images it just can not keep up.

I'm glad to hear that about the OVF. I have glasses and have trouble seeing everything at once. The buffer and lack of articulating screen are the biggest drawbacks to me. Oh, and the cost. haha.


Quote from KankRat on February 12, 2022, 12:44 am

Took a day off to enjoy 44F weather.

 Bald eagle Starved Rock by Mark Kasick, on Flickr


My jaw dropped when I saw that. I wasn't ready. Next time give us a "are you sitting down?" warning first. 🤣 As if the eagle's pose and clarity isn't good enough, the background is suuuper nice as well. Bravo!

Daniel Gonzalez has reacted to this post.
Daniel Gonzalez
Quote from JBP on February 12, 2022, 12:53 am
Quote from red5isalive on February 11, 2022, 6:26 pm
Quote from JBP on February 11, 2022, 6:19 pm
Quote from red5isalive on February 11, 2022, 6:09 pm
Quote from HeggenDazs on February 11, 2022, 3:04 pm

@red5isalive dang! great action shots. I've always wondered how the K-3 II would perform in sports but never tried it personally.

Thank you!

Yes the K3-II is capable, as the K3 also is. You just need to pair them with fast glass. And by that I mean fast focusing lenses. Mines aren't slow, neither the fastests.

I'll try to explain myself as well as I can:

  • AF in camera is important, as it is also the continuous shooting to be active, not shooting frame by frame,as action goes so fast. You need to shoot as many photos as possible, specially because a lot of them would not be in focus.
  • Now the lenses part. As a personal example to caption action: I have had an old Pentax 55-300mm lens. I think it was the AL lens. It was not fast focusing. It demaneded quite a lot of dedication from you to pre-focus to where the subject will pass by, and was able to loose focus easy. I then bought a Sigma 100-300mm f4 as a friend told me it does improves auto-focus. Don't ask me what is it that makes it faster, but yes it is quite faster focusing and also not so prone to loose track on the subject. Unfortunately this one got a hit and is not working 100% so I recently bought a Tamron SP 700-200mm f2.8 and I knew it was gonna be slower than my Sigma. It indeed seems to be a bit slower and prones to loose tracking easier. Now what I do to get the vehicle is pre-focus where it will come from and that helps camera+lens do their job.What I mean is that is not a point and shoot situation, usually you get to know where the vehicle will appear from.Of course the K3-III is way faster. I have been able to test it last year in 3 events. It is way faster, the AF is more accurate and reliable (it also fails somehow tho). But is this the camera I want at that price point? I was starting to look at D500's to be honest.

About other gear, there is this guy I know shooting next to me, in a slightly better spot (5 to 10 meters after me) with a full frame machine (Nikon D780) and a newer version of the Sigma 70-200mm f2.8 and man, those pics looks fantastic. You compare them to his previous year's and it is just spectacular what he was able to capture. I never ever ever before realised FF could bring this detail. I never wanted FF cameras due to the fact that crop bodies bring more reach, but wow I was surprised by those images.

And about me and keeping the Tamron, we will see. I need to test it out a bit more, I think I'd love to get another SIgma 100-300mm f4 if possible, but only time will tell.


Sorry it was a long reply xD

This is really great advice. Taking a bunch of photos in AF-C is something I only recently started doing (before I was trying to avoid extra files to sort through) and it improved my keeper rate (dogs, birds). Focusing where I think the action will be beforehand is something I need to get better at but has helped tremendously when I've managed it.

Neat that you got to try the K3iii. Did you think the K-3iii's larger viewfinder made it easier/more enjoyable to shoot action?

As for full frame...there's a thread going about APS-C vs Full Frame and it isn't helping my Gear Acquisition Syndrome at all 🤣

Hahahahaha no i better won't join that thread xDD

Yes exactly. That is how I shoot. I do pre-focus and shoot usually center point or single point focus (sometimes I play with it's position).

It was a great experience to get to test the K3-III. I do find it to be a great camera. Finally we are having a good AF system, both in Live View and non-LV mode. I liked from it that it has an in-camera built in crop mode that you can use by clicking two buttons.

I think the larger viewfinder helps to enjoy the overall experience, yes. Specially for someone like me that uses glasses. Nowadays I do not check much my parameters on the screen in the viewfinder because many times I don't see it. In the K3-III you do. Or I noticed them maybe because they where bigger? I don't remember but it is a nice viewfinder.  And a nice camera.

Just the one thing I disliked about it? The Buffer. It is too slow to shoot jpg+raw images (I use to do this), it does improve slightly from the previous generations but after 30-40 images it just can not keep up.

I'm glad to hear that about the OVF. I have glasses and have trouble seeing everything at once. The buffer and lack of articulating screen are the biggest drawbacks to me. Oh, and the cost. haha.


Quote from KankRat on February 12, 2022, 12:44 am

Took a day off to enjoy 44F weather.

 Bald eagle Starved Rock by Mark Kasick, on Flickr


My jaw dropped when I saw that. I wasn't ready. Next time give us a "are you sitting down?" warning first. 🤣 As if the eagle's pose and clarity isn't good enough, the background is suuuper nice as well. Bravo!

Thanks.  I felt off my game today, as I have not been shooting wildlife in a while as in a month or two.  I blew a potential  really epic  almost eye level shot, being distracted.  Lighting was meh.

It's about a 170 mile trip round trip for me to go this spot, but worth it in that it affords an opportunity to shoot down or at eye level of an eagle.

Pro tip-  It's probably not a great idea to stand under any bird, but particularly a bald eagle 035 by Mark Kasick, on Flickr


Quote from KankRat on February 12, 2022, 1:40 am
Quote from JBP on February 12, 2022, 12:53 am
Quote from red5isalive on February 11, 2022, 6:26 pm
Quote from JBP on February 11, 2022, 6:19 pm
Quote from red5isalive on February 11, 2022, 6:09 pm
Quote from HeggenDazs on February 11, 2022, 3:04 pm

@red5isalive dang! great action shots. I've always wondered how the K-3 II would perform in sports but never tried it personally.

Thank you!

Yes the K3-II is capable, as the K3 also is. You just need to pair them with fast glass. And by that I mean fast focusing lenses. Mines aren't slow, neither the fastests.

I'll try to explain myself as well as I can:

  • AF in camera is important, as it is also the continuous shooting to be active, not shooting frame by frame,as action goes so fast. You need to shoot as many photos as possible, specially because a lot of them would not be in focus.
  • Now the lenses part. As a personal example to caption action: I have had an old Pentax 55-300mm lens. I think it was the AL lens. It was not fast focusing. It demaneded quite a lot of dedication from you to pre-focus to where the subject will pass by, and was able to loose focus easy. I then bought a Sigma 100-300mm f4 as a friend told me it does improves auto-focus. Don't ask me what is it that makes it faster, but yes it is quite faster focusing and also not so prone to loose track on the subject. Unfortunately this one got a hit and is not working 100% so I recently bought a Tamron SP 700-200mm f2.8 and I knew it was gonna be slower than my Sigma. It indeed seems to be a bit slower and prones to loose tracking easier. Now what I do to get the vehicle is pre-focus where it will come from and that helps camera+lens do their job.What I mean is that is not a point and shoot situation, usually you get to know where the vehicle will appear from.Of course the K3-III is way faster. I have been able to test it last year in 3 events. It is way faster, the AF is more accurate and reliable (it also fails somehow tho). But is this the camera I want at that price point? I was starting to look at D500's to be honest.

About other gear, there is this guy I know shooting next to me, in a slightly better spot (5 to 10 meters after me) with a full frame machine (Nikon D780) and a newer version of the Sigma 70-200mm f2.8 and man, those pics looks fantastic. You compare them to his previous year's and it is just spectacular what he was able to capture. I never ever ever before realised FF could bring this detail. I never wanted FF cameras due to the fact that crop bodies bring more reach, but wow I was surprised by those images.

And about me and keeping the Tamron, we will see. I need to test it out a bit more, I think I'd love to get another SIgma 100-300mm f4 if possible, but only time will tell.


Sorry it was a long reply xD

This is really great advice. Taking a bunch of photos in AF-C is something I only recently started doing (before I was trying to avoid extra files to sort through) and it improved my keeper rate (dogs, birds). Focusing where I think the action will be beforehand is something I need to get better at but has helped tremendously when I've managed it.

Neat that you got to try the K3iii. Did you think the K-3iii's larger viewfinder made it easier/more enjoyable to shoot action?

As for full frame...there's a thread going about APS-C vs Full Frame and it isn't helping my Gear Acquisition Syndrome at all 🤣

Hahahahaha no i better won't join that thread xDD

Yes exactly. That is how I shoot. I do pre-focus and shoot usually center point or single point focus (sometimes I play with it's position).

It was a great experience to get to test the K3-III. I do find it to be a great camera. Finally we are having a good AF system, both in Live View and non-LV mode. I liked from it that it has an in-camera built in crop mode that you can use by clicking two buttons.

I think the larger viewfinder helps to enjoy the overall experience, yes. Specially for someone like me that uses glasses. Nowadays I do not check much my parameters on the screen in the viewfinder because many times I don't see it. In the K3-III you do. Or I noticed them maybe because they where bigger? I don't remember but it is a nice viewfinder.  And a nice camera.

Just the one thing I disliked about it? The Buffer. It is too slow to shoot jpg+raw images (I use to do this), it does improve slightly from the previous generations but after 30-40 images it just can not keep up.

I'm glad to hear that about the OVF. I have glasses and have trouble seeing everything at once. The buffer and lack of articulating screen are the biggest drawbacks to me. Oh, and the cost. haha.


Quote from KankRat on February 12, 2022, 12:44 am

Took a day off to enjoy 44F weather.

 Bald eagle Starved Rock by Mark Kasick, on Flickr


My jaw dropped when I saw that. I wasn't ready. Next time give us a "are you sitting down?" warning first. 🤣 As if the eagle's pose and clarity isn't good enough, the background is suuuper nice as well. Bravo!

Thanks.  I felt off my game today, as I have not been shooting wildlife in a while as in a month or two.  I blew a potential  really epic  almost eye level shot, being distracted.  Lighting was meh.

It's about a 170 mile trip round trip for me to go this spot, but worth it in that it affords an opportunity to shoot down or at eye level of an eagle.

Pro tip-  It's probably not a great idea to stand under any bird, but particularly a bald eagle 035 by Mark Kasick, on Flickr


🤣 I am always nervous when I look up and see a bird butt right above me.

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Had some fun with bubbles the other day. K-3 and my Sigma 17-50 (it's my baby now) and a flash on the hotshoe.

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