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Share Your February Photos! (2022)

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Quote from HeggenDazs on February 6, 2022, 6:46 pm

 Dura by Alec Heggen, on Flickr

 Shimano by Alec Heggen, on Flickr

 Worn From Battle by Alec Heggen, on Flickr

Playing around with some low-light, LED lit backdrops and macro stuff with one of my bikes.

Oh man, I like that a lot. Really like the one with the derailleur in focus on the left and the nice bokeh in the background.  I need to do more macro.


Quote from KankRat on February 6, 2022, 11:08 pm

public service announcement:

Watch out where the huskies go and...



I was inspired by @heggendazs to do some more macro, so I was fooling around with the Raynox again. I tried to focus stack with it on my 300mm but it came out truly horrid. I think the focus breathing was so bad that Photoshop couldn't handle it, or perhaps the depth of field was too shallow and I didn't have enough overlap. I don't have a good tripod so that work is difficult.

So I went back to the Raynox + 50mm, which has a more forgiving depth of field and I am having fun shooting handheld using flash. Nothing fancy here...just a spring... but it was fun to try different angles and lighting on it. This is "SOOC"

Edit: Weird how when I upload it to Flickr the background looks striated, but the RAW is a smooth gradient. Oh well.

 IMGP4646 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

SpruceBruce and HeggenDazs have reacted to this post.

That turned out so cool! I really dig the look.

JBP has reacted to this post.

Love the macro and experimentation shots. That's so good for your photography. I need to do more of that. I mostly just snap shoot nowadays, but playing with tools and techniques is where I really start to grow.

Here's two shots from my Sony F828 from the same morning. One infrared, one not. Just have to use my handy dandy magnet to switch between the two modes. Pretty awesome 🙂

 Earl Scott Pond by Snappiness, on Flickr

 Sunrise Over Frozen Stream by Snappiness, on Flickr

Justin Tung, SpruceBruce and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
Justin TungSpruceBruceHeggenDazsdenniscrommettJBP
Happy snappin' 🙂
Quote from HeggenDazs on February 7, 2022, 4:35 am

That turned out so cool! I really dig the look.

Thank you!


Quote from Snappy on February 7, 2022, 1:27 pm

Love the macro and experimentation shots. That's so good for your photography. I need to do more of that. I mostly just snap shoot nowadays, but playing with tools and techniques is where I really start to grow.

Here's two shots from my Sony F828 from the same morning. One infrared, one not. Just have to use my handy dandy magnet to switch between the two modes. Pretty awesome 🙂

 Earl Scott Pond by Snappiness, on Flickr

 Sunrise Over Frozen Stream by Snappiness, on Flickr

That sounds so fun. I'd be showing everyone, " this trick." *pulls out magnet* lol

That starburst is so nice. That's something I want to try to do more. My first one was the other day and was completely by accident.

That's so true about experimentation. Experimenting with macro around my house taught me a lot about depth of field, composition, bokeh, tripod use, shutter speed, flash...and made all my other photography better. I mean, I knew about those things, but didn't really understand how to use them so well. But experimenting with a challenging shooting method in a controlled environment can teach you a lot.

So, speaking of experimentation, here's a couple more shots of that same spring. I wasn't going to share these because I was just being goofy... but it's kinda neat, maybe. In honor of the goofiness I'll tell how I did it and how I think a pro might have done it.

Black photo:
Redneck way: put my finger in front of the on-board flash, so that the flash hits the background and the spring from behind instead of head-on.
Pro way: External flash from behind... also it would be in focus. haha

Brass-looking photo:
Redneck way: put my fingers above and below the onboard flash... which changed the color temp of the flash and resulted in that.
Pro way: flash in the hotshoe with a gel to change the color temp...


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James Warner, SpruceBruce and denniscrommett have reacted to this post.
James WarnerSpruceBrucedenniscrommett

Thought I'd share two photos from the past day or so: I tried for the first time the built-in ND Filter on my X100F, and it was pretty cool to use such wide apertures in bright light! All the trees in this one area near me in MA were shimmering with ice, and while it was a little hard to capture, I took this photo. Then the second photo was just tonight, outside my window; we live next to the highway department, which is down a hill from a lumber yard, so there are always all kinds of lights and sounds coming from up there. Just looked particularly weird and cool tonight. (ISO 12,800? Don't mind if I do! Not a great photo but just looked kinda cool.)


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  • DSCF2870-1.jpg
James Warner, Beau Carpenter and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerBeau CarpenterSpruceBruceJBP

The ice on those limbs and the bokeh of the light through it is so nice. Coupled with that blue background it's just wonderful.

I've always thought I must be weird for actually liking high ISO shots. Not always but often. If it's a face we can't see or text that we can't read because of noise, yeah, high ISO can suck. But often it just adds a nice grainy texture to a photo that I really like. 12,800 is looking good in that photo.

SpruceBruce and denniscrommett have reacted to this post.

Some more infidelity with the Canon G7Xii (don't tell my K-3, please).

We had some fresh snow this morning so I grabbed a quick snap. There are nice clean snowflakes there, where you can see the crystal structure. Wishing I had noticed and tried some macro with the little Canon. But there really wasn't time for that anyway.

The sunset is a heavy crop to get buildings, cars, and wires out of the way. Taken from a Wal-Mart parking lot a few days ago. Oh the things you see at Wally World 😛

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  • IMG_1739.jpg
James Warner, SpruceBruce and denniscrommett have reacted to this post.
James WarnerSpruceBrucedenniscrommett
Quote from JBP on February 8, 2022, 5:50 pm

Some more infidelity with the Canon G7Xii (don't tell my K-3, please).

We had some fresh snow this morning so I grabbed a quick snap. There are nice clean snowflakes there, where you can see the crystal structure. Wishing I had noticed and tried some macro with the little Canon. But there really wasn't time for that anyway.

The sunset is a heavy crop to get buildings, cars, and wires out of the way. Taken from a Wal-Mart parking lot a few days ago. Oh the things you see at Wally World 😛

Isn't that a photographers joke? But it's so true. I saw a meme going around I'm pretty sure. That when you hike to the top of the mountain you get weather that wasn't planned and it looks terrible, and you get AMAZING sunsets in walmart parking lots. lol!

I think the takeaway is just to spend more time in photographic locations. We don't have a lot of good sunset vistas in San Antonio TX but with wildlife I've learned that's true. I only have lots of owl shots because I go biking with my camera 3-4 days a week. Most of those days I get nothing. But it's just being regular about it that makes the difference.

JBP has reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂

Posted this on my insta for people to guess the camera. You can click through to see the answer xD

What's cool is how much dynamic range it has in this situation. It's an edited JPEG, pretty sure I can't shoot RAW on it (or haven't figured out how). Supposedly, part of this dynamic range comes from the CYGM color filter array, which a few Canon and Nikon cameras had in the early 2000s. You get a loss of color accuracy at the benefit of letting more light into the sensor. Interesting stuff.

 Cloudy Sunrise by Snappiness, on Flickr

SpruceBruce, denniscrommett and JBP have reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂
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