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Share Your December Photos! (2021)

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Quote from SpruceBruce on December 19, 2021, 9:43 am
Quote from Justin Tung on December 18, 2021, 4:46 pm

Finished finals, and I decided to treat myself to a roll of film! I had a roll of Catlabs 80 that I think I got over the summer and has been in my freezer ever since. Developed at home in D-76, and oh my goodness. The negatives are gorgeous. 80 speed definitely isn't going to be an everyday go-to film, but I definitely will be shooting this again!

Also I don't think I'll ever get tired of shooting medium format at f/1.9.


I've always wanted to try this stock, but I've got a ton of Ilford I've got to go through.  I really like the contrast, that Keep Out shack/pumphouse/compressor house/whatever it is....? and Car Frame are super cool.  What were you using to shoot at that wide of an aperture, if I recall correctly the Olympus TLR you used was limited to F2.8 wide open.  It's very sharp too!

These are from the Mamiya 645 1000s! a 1.9 TLR would be insane, but on 645 it's really good as well. I was torn between getting a faster lens that covers a smaller negative, or the same depth of field from a larger negative with a slower max aperture. I'm glad I went with this system because the aperture lets me shoot in lower light, and still get a gorgeous medium format focus rolloff.

SpruceBruce has reacted to this post.
Ever striving for minimum competency

@JustinTung Hah, I checked one out the other day at my camera shop.  It was the original M model with an 80mm F2.8, I'm very tempted to acquire it, I have some 35mm SLRs that I wanted to trade in.

@Kankrat My girlfriend was raised in a cabin not about 15 minutes from the Mississippi headwaters in Northern MN.  I love hitting the feeder creeks and small pools for Smallmouth, my favorite species to chase on the fly!  I have all kinds of spots I could share up that way, if you're ever in the area.

@james-warner-b I'm actually convincing my girlfriend to make a road trip to Idaho to check out some hot springs there, such an underrated state too!

Hope all you fellow Snappiness folks are having a good Holiday season! And if I'm too busy to get on here for a bit, a Happy New Years as well!

James Warner and KankRat have reacted to this post.
James WarnerKankRat
Quote from SpruceBruce on December 30, 2021, 12:15 am

@JustinTung Hah, I checked one out the other day at my camera shop.  It was the original M model with an 80mm F2.8, I'm very tempted to acquire it, I have some 35mm SLRs that I wanted to trade in.

@Kankrat My girlfriend was raised in a cabin not about 15 minutes from the Mississippi headwaters in Northern MN.  I love hitting the feeder creeks and small pools for Smallmouth, my favorite species to chase on the fly!  I have all kinds of spots I could share up that way, if you're ever in the area.

@james-warner-b I'm actually convincing my girlfriend to make a road trip to Idaho to check out some hot springs there, such an underrated state too!

Hope all you fellow Snappiness folks are having a good Holiday season! And if I'm too busy to get on here for a bit, a Happy New Years as well!

Will do.  I used to do trips into BWCAW and Quetico, but that was a while ago.  We have been sticking to the U.P. lately.

SpruceBruce has reacted to this post.
Quote from SpruceBruce on December 30, 2021, 12:15 am

@james-warner-b I'm actually convincing my girlfriend to make a road trip to Idaho to check out some hot springs there, such an underrated state too!

Hope all you fellow Snappiness folks are having a good Holiday season! And if I'm too busy to get on here for a bit, a Happy New Years as well!

I love Idaho. Went to school there, met my wife there. Her family is still out there so we visit. A lot of really neat stuff. It's also very cold, but given your recent Alaska adventures you should have no problem with that, lol. I'll be excited to see some pictures if you make it out there.

Happy new years everyone 🙂

SpruceBruce has reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂
Quote from SpruceBruce on December 30, 2021, 12:15 am

@JustinTung Hah, I checked one out the other day at my camera shop.  It was the original M model with an 80mm F2.8, I'm very tempted to acquire it, I have some 35mm SLRs that I wanted to trade in.

@Kankrat My girlfriend was raised in a cabin not about 15 minutes from the Mississippi headwaters in Northern MN.  I love hitting the feeder creeks and small pools for Smallmouth, my favorite species to chase on the fly!  I have all kinds of spots I could share up that way, if you're ever in the area.

@james-warner-b I'm actually convincing my girlfriend to make a road trip to Idaho to check out some hot springs there, such an underrated state too!

Hope all you fellow Snappiness folks are having a good Holiday season! And if I'm too busy to get on here for a bit, a Happy New Years as well!

I wanted to get in the system because of the possibility of using a focal reducer and getting a 0.7x crop factor when putting 645 lenses on Full Frame, meaning I'd get a lower crop factor than the Fuji GFX's, at a fraction the cost. Joke's on me though, the focal reducer costs like 700$ bucks, which is more than I paid for the FF mirrorless lol. It's a great time to use on film though, and I have a dummy adapter if I ever want to use the lenses on digital.


Some last pics before midnight from a walk around the neighborhood before flying out for the holidays

James Warner, SpruceBruce and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerSpruceBruceHeggenDazsTSTSJBP
Ever striving for minimum competency
Quote from Justin Tung on January 1, 2022, 2:18 am
Quote from SpruceBruce on December 30, 2021, 12:15 am

@JustinTung Hah, I checked one out the other day at my camera shop.  It was the original M model with an 80mm F2.8, I'm very tempted to acquire it, I have some 35mm SLRs that I wanted to trade in.

@Kankrat My girlfriend was raised in a cabin not about 15 minutes from the Mississippi headwaters in Northern MN.  I love hitting the feeder creeks and small pools for Smallmouth, my favorite species to chase on the fly!  I have all kinds of spots I could share up that way, if you're ever in the area.

@james-warner-b I'm actually convincing my girlfriend to make a road trip to Idaho to check out some hot springs there, such an underrated state too!

Hope all you fellow Snappiness folks are having a good Holiday season! And if I'm too busy to get on here for a bit, a Happy New Years as well!

I wanted to get in the system because of the possibility of using a focal reducer and getting a 0.7x crop factor when putting 645 lenses on Full Frame, meaning I'd get a lower crop factor than the Fuji GFX's, at a fraction the cost. Joke's on me though, the focal reducer costs like 700$ bucks, which is more than I paid for the FF mirrorless lol. It's a great time to use on film though, and I have a dummy adapter if I ever want to use the lenses on digital.


Some last pics before midnight from a walk around the neighborhood before flying out for the holidays

These are lovely 🙂 I'm not really an urban kind of guy but I love visiting urban pictures that capture the scene well. Can make something look special that seems ordinary and people walk past not even noticing. Pretty special. I also feel like any images that show architecture/manmade structures are really good documentary pictures. Things change so rapidly nowadays that it freezes a time and a place so well that might one day otherwise be forgotten.

Justin Tung and SpruceBruce have reacted to this post.
Justin TungSpruceBruce
Happy snappin' 🙂

I'm gonna sneak in here as well. 🙂

This was Dec. 23rd and 27th, from the Clarion River in Cook Forest here in Pennsylvania. The first photo is the river itself, and the rest are photos of ice as I stood in the river. I bought muck boots for the first time this winter. Who knew they would be a valuable photography tool! I stood in the water for a good 30-45 minutes without my feet ever getting cold. That's luxury!

Pentax K-3, the ice photos are with the 55-300 DA L, and the river scene is the 18-135.

 IMGP5951 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP5343 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP5364 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP5374 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP5383 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

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