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Share Your December Photos! (2021)

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Few pics with my new GXR, just the A12 28mm and A16 modules for now still waiting for my adapter & Voightlander 40mm before I can try my M Mount module. Street and urban don’t usually take graffiti pics but was just testing the flash. Overall great performance on these 2 modules so far. The snap focus is arguably better implemented than it is on the GR III. The colors are good straight out or camera

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Justin Tung, Beau Carpenter and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
Justin TungBeau CarpenterSpruceBruceGawadHeggenDazs

the images this month are amazing, guys. wow.

I came to share a discount panorama which is really just a normal shot cropped way more than it should be

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James Warner, Justin Tung and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerJustin TungSpruceBruceHeggenDazskcphotogeek

Decided to bring my Pentax Q with me, along with the 02/06 Standard/Telephoto Lens on my current Alaska work rotation.  The battery lasts maybe 40 shots in -50F weather.  These were snapped near Salcha, on and off the Richardson Highway.

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Justin Tung, Beau Carpenter and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
Justin TungBeau CarpenterGawadHeggenDazskcphotogeek

Holy smokes the Q and GXR both still take some amazing shots for their age. I also really like the very "natural" feel of the noise the GXR creates. It doesn't look anything like digital color noise. Speaking of good looking noise, that panoramic shot has some wonderful noise texture. The light breaking through the trees really adds to it. Great shots, everyone.

SpruceBruce has reacted to this post.
Quote from Gawad on December 16, 2021, 3:59 am

the images this month are amazing, guys. wow.

I came to share a discount panorama which is really just a normal shot cropped way more than it should be

Pano crop was a nice idea here. Beautiful backlit shot! The wind in the tail really makes it for me.

Love that you're giving the Q some love, @sprucebruce . I miss mine sometimes. It really was an awesome camera, just saw less use when I bought the GR. Not because those cameras are interchangeable all the way, just my use case for them was. Still, the native lenses were sharp and adapting lenses to it was just too much fun.

Here's one of the last shots I took on my KP this month before deciding to sell it. I've been on the fence a while about that. I just never fell in love with it the same way I did the K3, so I'm "downgrading". But don't get me wrong, it's a stellar camera that I think will be a favorite for a long time to come. Especially for the price it is today.

 Morning Bird by Snappiness, on Flickr

Beau Carpenter, SpruceBruce and HeggenDazs have reacted to this post.
Beau CarpenterSpruceBruceHeggenDazs
Happy snappin' 🙂

@james-warner-b giving up the KP? What did you like about the K-3 that you're not getting from your experience with the KP? I've really loved my K-3 II and have zero plans to get rid of it. It's a great, complimentary addition to my fleet paired with the K-1.

 Candlelit Chess and Whiskey by Alec Heggen, on Flickr

 Somber before the Storm by Alec Heggen, on Flickr

 The Wall by Alec Heggen, on Flickr

 Pillar and Alley by Alec Heggen, on Flickr

 Watching the Waterfront by Alec Heggen, on Flickr

 Awaiting the Storm by Alec Heggen, on Flickr

James Warner, SpruceBruce and Gawad have reacted to this post.
James WarnerSpruceBruceGawad

@gawad Discount or not, it’s a great shot!  Especially the way the light hits the horses tail.  Was this on the Sony A3500? I just invested in the A mount system, hopefully I’ll have a thread to share soon.

@james-warner-b. What’s the route you’re most likely going?  You toyed Nikon possibly if I recall, or are you looking to go back to the K3 lineup?  I’ve watched the K3 III drop in price quite a bit, I’ve seen bodies used for $1500 now.  I’m tempted to trade the KP in for one at that price. But then again I could have a K1 at that price too...I played with the K3 II at the camera shop in Oregon, I was quite impressed with it.

I may sell the Q, it just doesn’t get enough love from me at this point though tbh,  I thought I’d bring it up this time to see how it does in the bitter cold.  I thought about selling the Q, and getting a Q7/ QS-1 to see if the noise gets slightly better with the newer slightly larger sensor.  Although I have a few 4x6 prints I’ve printed out of it, that I love and they look just fine.

@heggendazs I love how you make something out of nothing, my eye doesn’t always work like yours does.  It’s something I need to improve on with my own photography, probably because I do a lot of landscape/abandoned building/car so I see a lot of compositions that way.  Did the storm hit you guys hard in Iowa?  I called some work buddies and made sure my car wasn’t pummeled with hail, since I’m not home until the 23rd.

@kcphotogeek  Great shots!  I really want to try out the GXR one day.  They look great and once again welcome to the forum!

Walking around Pioneer Park in Fairbanks on a snowy morning!  Q & 02 Standard Zoom.

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Gawad and HeggenDazs have reacted to this post.

@sprucebruce stellar shots man! I love the houseboat just leaning onto a snow bank and the little woodworking cabin with that nice blanket of snow.

One thing I will say about some of my "weird" shots that don't have a strong subject or not a lot going on is that I like shooting things with a lot of texture and interesting patina it really makes that little subject worth a whole photo. I will say though, I take hundreds of photos before I get one right, there are a lot of photos that go into my archive without a second look. I'm still very much developing an artistic identity as a photographer, my first artistic medium was clay and ceramics.

As for the storm, yes unfortunately we did have quite a storm. We had massively high winds and destructive gusts. Fortunately however, my family and friends are all safe. A few towns in the surrounding area were hit by tornadoes and need assistance so people in my town are drumming up foods and funds to help them recover.

SpruceBruce has reacted to this post.
Quote from HeggenDazs on December 16, 2021, 10:48 pm

@james-warner-b giving up the KP? What did you like about the K-3 that you're not getting from your experience with the KP? I've really loved my K-3 II and have zero plans to get rid of it. It's a great, complimentary addition to my fleet paired with the K-1.

Quote from SpruceBruce on December 17, 2021, 2:41 am

@james-warner-b. What’s the route you’re most likely going?  You toyed Nikon possibly if I recall, or are you looking to go back to the K3 lineup?  I’ve watched the K3 III drop in price quite a bit, I’ve seen bodies used for $1500 now.  I’m tempted to trade the KP in for one at that price. But then again I could have a K1 at that price too...I played with the K3 II at the camera shop in Oregon, I was quite impressed with it.

I may sell the Q, it just doesn’t get enough love from me at this point though tbh,  I thought I’d bring it up this time to see how it does in the bitter cold.  I thought about selling the Q, and getting a Q7/ QS-1 to see if the noise gets slightly better with the newer slightly larger sensor.  Although I have a few 4x6 prints I’ve printed out of it, that I love and they look just fine.

Really awesome photos both of you. I love the ambience of all your recent photos @heggendazs . Almost have an old timey vibe with the look but also the subject matter. And the Alaska shots are just too cool (sorta intended pun) @SpruceBruce I feel for you though going out there in that freezing temperature.

As for the KP... I didn't want to make a big deal about it on my channel at least because I don't want to send the wrong message about KP, or send the message that I just like to swap cameras all the time for attention haha. I just think those videos released every three months of people switching brands are really annoying and kinda besides the point of photography. And I say that knowing full well I try a lot of camera gear lol. Hopefully that makes sense.

The KP is a fantastic camera and wanting to "downgrade" to a K-3 or upgrade to a K-3III comes down to basically one thing - controls and handling. And I think the best way to sum up the difference is just personal preference. I've just spent so many hours with the K3 or K1 (which is a similar style just larger) in hand, that I can't get used to the KP in the same way, even after six months + of use. It served me really well all the same.

If I go go to an original K3 I will get the feeling I like back, plus a little extra cash. Not as concerned about high ISO anymore now playing with some of the great software out there. The KP is incredible at low light as is. It actually looks even better than the K-1 at high ISO, but maybe some test chart would prove me wrong. Just a subjective opinion xD

I have also seen the K3III drop much faster in price than I anticipated. I keep looking at a $1400 body and second guessing myself. Going that route would get me familiar feel + some extras, but at a premium. And I'm a cheap guy at heart. It would make for some fun though as it is still a relatively new camera with not a lot of coverage about it.

I am still thinking about Nikon for a dedicated wildlife setup. It just seems that if I have the K-1 anyway for other photography and only use a Pentax crop body for wildlife, I might as well go with a camera and system that supports that type of photography better in regards to capabilities and lens selection. But I'm going to pause that for a little bit at least. It makes sense in my head but not my heart and my heart tends to win out in the end.

As far as the K-1/K-3III goes, either would be fine. The K-3III you can keep you same lens lineup, the K-1 you get FF compatibility with lots of vintage lenses. But in my experience you can have just as much fun with vintage glass on crop/m43/smaller sensors.

I had the Q10 and sold it for the Q. For me the difference wasn't big enough and the Q's metal body was just really neat. But I get what you mean about it not getting enough love. This happens to me a lot and I've embraced it. Enjoy a toy for a while, pass it along and get something else fun. As long as it's not out of discontent and just for the sake of exploring and curiosity. Should always practice contentment 🙂

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Happy snappin' 🙂
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