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Share your April Photos (2024)

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I little later than usual let's kick of the April photo sharing


Last Sunday marked the end of an era in my neighbourhood (Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines) with the closure of Greenbelt 1, a local mall and landmark harkening back to the days of Marcos Snr. and his regime. The building is being renovated/upgraded which in truth is long overdue but this building is steeped in a 70/80s vibe which I personally liked. I didn't have very long so the pictures don't do it justice.

All pics taken with the Ricoh GR III 

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James Warner, KankRat and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerKankRatJBPgrover

Without a doubt the most incredible thing I have ever witnessed with my own two eyes.  

 The Dark Side of the Moon by Mark Kasick, on Flickr


James Warner, kcphotogeek and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerkcphotogeekJBPgroverprisonwineKamera Brand

I'll take the bullet for everyone and follow up the amazing eclipse shot with my crappy photos 🙂

Spent an hour or so last Sunday walking about with my Ricoh GXR A16 (24-85mm F3.5-5.6) S10(24-72mm F2.5-4.4 IR Converted). First shot is the IR module, the rest are the A16

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KankRat, JBP and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
KankRatJBPgroverlil ie
Quote from kcphotogeek on April 9, 2024, 4:38 pm

I'll take the bullet for everyone and follow up the amazing eclipse shot with my crappy photos 🙂

Spent an hour or so last Sunday walking about with my Ricoh GXR A16 (24-85mm F3.5-5.6) S10(24-72mm F2.5-4.4 IR Converted). First shot is the IR module, the rest are the A16

Very nice. Love the IR photos!! Always enjoy your street photography shots. I've been seeing a lot of that style with my interest in the Ricoh GR series lately. So many youtube videos for the GRIII and so much incredible work done with it.

I spent an evening forcing myself to use 14mm on my 14-140 with the Lumix GX7 (28mm equivalent, same as Ricoh GR) to see how I liked that focal length. Wide angle is not my usual thing so I think I'd be happier with the new GRIIIx model, which has a 40mm equivalent focal length. It is fun to force yourself to use focal lengths and gear outside of your comfort zone, though!
 P1100110 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

Same camera and lens as above but I allowed myself 140mm for this shot, with a Raynox 150. I'm always blown away by the image quality you can get from these tiny sensors.
 P1100210 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

Another macro this time with K3iii and 100mm macro.
 IMGP9842 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

Same as above but 35mm macro, edited in camera with the reversal film jpeg profile.
 IMGP1060 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

Last but not least, a worm butt with K3iii and DA* 50-135.
 IMGP0128 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

KankRat, kcphotogeek and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
KankRatkcphotogeekgroverlil ieprisonwine
Quote from kcphotogeek on April 9, 2024, 4:38 pm

I'll take the bullet for everyone and follow up the amazing eclipse shot with my crappy photos 🙂

Spent an hour or so last Sunday walking about with my Ricoh GXR A16 (24-85mm F3.5-5.6) S10(24-72mm F2.5-4.4 IR Converted). First shot is the IR module, the rest are the A16

Those are pretty far from what I would call crappy.  Thanks for the compliment though.

kcphotogeek and prisonwine have reacted to this post.

Just wanted to relay my eclipse experience.

For the 2017 eclipse I stayed in Chicago, where we did not reach totality. Only something like 90% and it also was cloudy. It was interesting but not mind blowing.  If you didn't know an eclipse was going on- you would not know an eclipse was going on.  My friend drove to Kentucky to witness totality which at the time I thought was nuts since we were getting 90% at home.  I called him up after it was over.  He was on the way home and he and his wife were so excited.  You could hear it in their voices.  They were flat out blown away. 

So this time I drove with a colleague from work to pretty close to Indianapolis about 3 hours away. We watched from a. park in the middle of what looked like an industrial park.  There were maybe 30 cars in the lot.  It never really gets dark out even up to about 95% then when totality hits it's a whole new world.  It's as if someone turned a light switch off. Stars and planets become visible. The birds stopped. You could hear ever single person gasp when it hit.  Neither words nor photography can describe how amazing the sun/  moon looked. Those prominences you see around the sun?  Those were easily visible by the eye alone and much brighter and more orange. They looked like embers in a fire. It's as if you are in a dream and weird dream at that. Absolutely surreal. I have not seen one single photo capture what I saw.  I will never forget the experience. It was the shortest 3 1/2 minutes of my life. 

I'll be 79 when the next one hits in the states.  I really hope to be still kicking and retaining a marble or two- cause I really want to see it again. 

If you get the chance to experience to experience totality- absolutely do whatever it takes to see it.  Without a doubt the most amazing spectacle I have ever witnessed and there is not even a close second. 

James Warner, kcphotogeek and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerkcphotogeekJBPgroverprisonwine

Everyone had fun at the eclipse huh....... I'm over here taking pictures of traffic lights. I did see a total eclipse circa 2014 so I don't feel like missed out too much (I'm in denial)




 IMG42428 This bug was on my balcony door today, I couldnt identify it at all, it was super weird; any entomologists please hit me up




 IMG42309 my recent investigation into Italian cuisine brought me to Spaghetti all'Assassina, terrifying dish, truly evil, scary to cook at every step. Recommend to everyone.

kcphotogeek and JBP have reacted to this post.

had a lot of fun with my e-500 this morning. spring is such a good time for ccd sensors

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James Warner, JBP and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerJBPgroverlil ie
Quote from KankRat on April 9, 2024, 1:43 am

Without a doubt the most incredible thing I have ever witnessed with my own two eyes.  

 The Dark Side of the Moon by Mark Kasick, on Flickr


Excellent work! We missed this years due to some constraints, but we caught 2017's in totality and holy smokes you're right. Unbelievable to whole experience being there. Makes me want to chase them around the globe 😀

Went on a camping trip, and got rained/tornado'd out (Pentax K-1 weather sealing and stabilization coming in clutch for this handheld shot in the rain)

 Waterfall by Snappiness, on Flickr

I'm adapting a bunch of crazy lenses to my Fuji XH1 for an upcoming video project, so here's a few from a lens ripped from a Minolta HI-MATIC point and shoot camera. Soft and glowy lens (stuck wide open) but somehow sharp enough? Cool effect.

 Dandelion by Snappiness, on Flickr

 Blossoms by Snappiness, on Flickr

 Farm Field Sunset by Snappiness, on Flickr

 Rural Highway by Snappiness, on Flickr


JBP, grover and prisonwine have reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂
Quote from lil ie on April 13, 2024, 8:45 pm

my recent investigation into Italian cuisine brought me to Spaghetti all'Assassina, terrifying dish, truly evil, scary to cook at every step. Recommend to everyone.

My students at school were just telling me about that dish, haha! What a name. Nice pics!

Quote from prisonwine on April 14, 2024, 4:39 pm

had a lot of fun with my e-500 this morning. spring is such a good time for ccd sensors

Way to make that camera shine, nice work!

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Happy snappin' 🙂
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