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Share your April photos! (2022)

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It's so great seeing everyone's photos. So far this month, I've had the good luck to find a new place to go for a walk/hike near me: the "Historic Dam Trail, Site of the 1874 Mill River Dam Disaster." Whoa! I love that kind of thing, and it's surprisingly close to my house. (I bet most/all of you can relate to how great it feels to find a new place nearby to go walk around and take photos.) I'm looking forward to finding more things to photograph upon future visits, but here are a couple first shots at this new place. (Fuji X100F)


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James Warner, SpruceBruce and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerSpruceBruceDaniel GonzalezGawadJBP
Quote from denniscrommett on April 18, 2022, 2:58 am

It's so great seeing everyone's photos. So far this month, I've had the good luck to find a new place to go for a walk/hike near me: the "Historic Dam Trail, Site of the 1874 Mill River Dam Disaster." Whoa! I love that kind of thing, and it's surprisingly close to my house. (I bet most/all of you can relate to how great it feels to find a new place nearby to go walk around and take photos.) I'm looking forward to finding more things to photograph upon future visits, but here are a couple first shots at this new place. (Fuji X100F)


Beautiful find and pics. Now I'm curious how bad the 1874 Mill River Dam Disaster was...

And I'm enjoying the rest of the snaps too. I am preparing for a few trips next month that I'm excited about. Not sure which camera I want to take for those. Besides that I have mostly just photographed kids around the house or the trails as I go biking. Will be nice to switch things up a bit.

Also currently going through a purge of a bunch of cameras I'm not using as much anymore. Time to let someone else have fun with them 🙂

Shooting with my Ricoh GXR 33mm A12 module lately:

 Fort by Snappiness, on Flickr

 Flowers by Snappiness, on Flickr

 Grass by Snappiness, on Flickr

 Cacti by Snappiness, on Flickr

 Beware by Snappiness, on Flickr

SpruceBruce, denniscrommett and JBP have reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂

Thank you @james-warner-b! I guess it was quite a disaster. The landscape they're preserved as a trail is really beautiful though and kind of strangely stark for our otherwise very wooded area. Crazy stuff!

And beautiful GXR photos; man I'd love to try one of those; so fascinating.

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@denniscrommett love discovering new places to explore around me.  Sometimes I wonder, if I wasn't a photographer, if I'd stunt my list of new places that I've explored as of late. I think it offers a new and refreshing perspective to everyday life.

@james-warner-b  the catepillar cactus shot is so cool!  You should print it.

I got my new Pentax K mount to Z adapter, so now I can enjoy my old film glass on the Z7.  Not the same as probably owning a K1, I'm deliberating selling the KP and making the jump.  SMC A 35-105F3.5 at a local non profit farm.  I'm really enjoying the lens wide open, with its constant aperture.

James Warner, Gawad and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerGawadHeggenDazsdenniscrommettkcphotogeekJBP
Quote from SpruceBruce on April 17, 2022, 6:39 am

Working through a roll of Delta 100 through the MZ-S and the SMC A 35-105 F3.5.  Looking forward to sharing results from it in a near future thread.  Taken with the Minolta 7D/28mm F2.8

An old newspaper building in Belle Plaine MN and an abandoned printing press taken on my Fuji Finepix Pro S2



What do you think of the MZ-S body? I just recently picked up the only *ist I could find on the internet for a decent price with the two kit zooms. Been walking around with my more modern Pentax K mount lenses on it and snapping some shots on Kodak Gold 400, Fuji Provia 200 and Velvia 50. Which is the reason I've not been posting as much here. I've got no shots to share! hah. Hopefully I'll send these all out shortly and have some stuff to share.

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@sprucebruce, I totally agree with what you said about exploring new places: I definitely feel like having an "excuse" like taking photos leads me to explore more, and has also been teaching me to even just look around more, notice more things. It's like how I say I wish I smoked cigarettes: it gives you an "excuse" to go outside and take a minute to yourself. If that's all photography ever gives me -- those moments and that exploration -- I'll take it.

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Lovely photos, everyone. What has been said about photography forcing us to explore our surroundings more, wherever we find ourselves, and to look at the world differently, is so true. I love that photography makes me look for the beauty in everything, everywhere. It starts to change the way you look at the world even when you aren't photographing. I think for that reason alone it is more than a hobby. As Snappy said in one of his videos, it's good for the soul. 🙂

Here are some more bird in flight shots with my K-3 and new-used 55-300 PLM. I have so many good (for me) photos of his osprey in terms of light, framing, posture etc., but not one came out crystal clear. I got a lot of photos of vultures as well, and some of a heron (what a treat that was, but I was totally unprepared and was lucky to get any shots of him at all). Only one came out very sharp, it's the first one here of the vulture. I wonder if I was shaking too much even with 1/1500s. Definitely possible, especially with the osprey as I had just done some running to get close to him before he flew off (believe it or not that didn't scare him off lol). More practice required!

As I was taking photos of the osprey, I heard loud voices in the distance. After I found out they were yelling at me because there was a bald eagle flying right over my head. They told me he was RIGHT OVER me. And I didn't notice. Ouch. That one hurt, y'all. But it was a good day for photography. 🙂

 IMGP0074 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP0090 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP0117 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP0094 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP0264 by JBP_Mobusaki, on Flickr

James Warner, SpruceBruce and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerSpruceBruceGawaddenniscrommett
Quote from JBP on April 20, 2022, 12:02 am

I love that photography makes me look for the beauty in everything, everywhere. It starts to change the way you look at the world even when you aren't photographing. I think for that reason alone it is more than a hobby. As Snappy said in one of his videos, it's good for the soul. 🙂

Perfectly said, I totally agree @jbp! (and @james-warner-b!) And those are great photos! Herons are so cool. Occasionally one will land in our back yard on its way to wherever it's headed. They're such dinosaurs.

JBP has reacted to this post.
Quote from HeggenDazs on April 19, 2022, 3:20 pm
Quote from SpruceBruce on April 17, 2022, 6:39 am

Working through a roll of Delta 100 through the MZ-S and the SMC A 35-105 F3.5.  Looking forward to sharing results from it in a near future thread.  Taken with the Minolta 7D/28mm F2.8

An old newspaper building in Belle Plaine MN and an abandoned printing press taken on my Fuji Finepix Pro S2



What do you think of the MZ-S body? I just recently picked up the only *ist I could find on the internet for a decent price with the two kit zooms. Been walking around with my more modern Pentax K mount lenses on it and snapping some shots on Kodak Gold 400, Fuji Provia 200 and Velvia 50. Which is the reason I've not been posting as much here. I've got no shots to share! hah. Hopefully I'll send these all out shortly and have some stuff to share.

The best Autofocus film SLR I've ever used.  Snappy and quick, and doesn't usually miss.  The controls are a bit odd at first, since it's always in P mode and uses it dial which then switches the body to Tv mode.

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Haven't been able to get out as much as last month due to work and getting ready to move house. But Lee Haze's competition gave me something to aim for, I sent the pic below. I agreed with Lee's choice for the best shot, I thought JBP's shot was also excellent.

The below was taken with the Pentax MX-1

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James Warner, Justin Tung and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerJustin TungBeau CarpenterSpruceBruceGawadJBP
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