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Share you September Photos! (2022)

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Quote from KankRat on September 9, 2022, 12:40 am

Deep Prime went a little too deep on this one.  It looks like portrait mode on an iPhone.  Am I wrong the preview looks pretty much like nothing  like what gets exported to LR?

Fake Bokeh.

Edit. Real Bokeh. took a second look at the original.


Looks pretty good to me on the small view, but I know what you mean. I've had shots that come out looking like over processed smartphone pics. At least with PureRaw you can adjust the level of intensity it goes with, and it actually uses different methods for those. So it's something to play around with.

LR does by default add some processing to RAW files, so maybe that's why it looks different than the preview? Dunno. Anyway, loving the wildlife shots. I've taken a break from wildlife for the last bit but your pics are giving me the itch to get going again 😀


Happy snappin' 🙂

Landscape photography in combination with cycling has the advantage that some kind of foreground interest is at hand. 😉

Olympus E-M10II, m.Zuiko 14-150.


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James Warner and denniscrommett have reacted to this post.
James Warnerdenniscrommett
Veni, vidi, serravi.
Quote from James Warner on September 9, 2022, 1:59 am
Quote from KankRat on September 9, 2022, 12:40 am

Deep Prime went a little too deep on this one.  It looks like portrait mode on an iPhone.  Am I wrong the preview looks pretty much like nothing  like what gets exported to LR?

Fake Bokeh.

Edit. Real Bokeh. took a second look at the original.


Looks pretty good to me on the small view, but I know what you mean. I've had shots that come out looking like over processed smartphone pics. At least with PureRaw you can adjust the level of intensity it goes with, and it actually uses different methods for those. So it's something to play around with.

LR does by default add some processing to RAW files, so maybe that's why it looks different than the preview? Dunno. Anyway, loving the wildlife shots. I've taken a break from wildlife for the last bit but your pics are giving me the itch to get going again 😀


what I am saying is PL5's preview for Deep Prime doesn't exactly represent what gets exported back to Lightroom. The changes are applied once you export.

I think I forgot what the image exactly looked like when it was in LR.  It has sort of a "3D" look by itself.



James Warner has reacted to this post.
James Warner
Quote from EckyH on September 9, 2022, 7:36 am

Landscape photography in combination with cycling has the advantage that some kind of foreground interest is at hand. 😉

Olympus E-M10II, m.Zuiko 14-150.


Agreed. When I bought the Tokina 11-16mm (for crop sensor). I quickly learned that landscape photography was just a wee bit harder than it looks.

That has to be the perfect bike camera set up you got there.


Quote from KankRat on September 9, 2022, 12:04 pm

I quickly learned that landscape photography was just a wee bit harder than it looks. it is with everything when we want to make it good.

That has to be the perfect bike camera set up you got there.

It's a good combination, no doubt. The limiting factor in my case mostly is behind the viewfinder.

Having written that - a fully articulating display would be more practical for photographs in portrait mode from worm's-eye view. Maybe, one day, when the E-M10II is broken and the second hand market prices for the E-M5III are low enough...

Additionally I'm not sure whether the m.Zuiko 12-50 (with some macro capability at 43mm focal length) would be the better choice to take it with me on the bicycle, because the 12mm focal length instead of the 14mm would be more practical for my landscape photographs. If I need a telephoto zoom lens, I could put the small m.Zuiko 40-150 (great lens, btw!) in the bag too.
The proof is in the pudding, so I have to find it out myself.


Veni, vidi, serravi.

Having written that - a fully articulating display would be more practical for photographs in portrait mode from worm's-eye view. Maybe, one day, when the E-M10II is broken and the second hand market prices for the E-M5III are low enough...

The one qualification my next camera MUST have is an articulating screen that flips UP.

Quote from KankRat on September 9, 2022, 12:40 am

Deep Prime went a little too deep on this one.  It looks like portrait mode on an iPhone.  Am I wrong the preview looks pretty much like nothing  like what gets exported to LR?

Fake Bokeh.

Edit. Real Bokeh. took a second look at the original.


My understanding is that the preview is the same as the preview on your camera. I.e., what would be generated as a JPEG by your camera were you to shoot JPEG or RAW+. Why Lightroom doesn't, or can't, retain that info I don't know. But I believe it is entirely separate from the RAW data itself, and that's all LR bothers to pull in. At least this is what I was told.

Here's a few astro shots practicing with astrotracer type 3 on the Pentax K-3 III and DA* 300mm F4. One single shot and one 5 shot stacked.

 Andromeda by Snappiness, on Flickr

 Andromeda by Snappiness, on Flickr


Justin Tung, Beau Carpenter and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
Justin TungBeau CarpenterSpruceBrucedenniscrommettDavid MaynardEckyH
Happy snappin' 🙂
Quote from James Warner on September 9, 2022, 6:04 pm

Here's a few astro shots practicing with astrotracer type 3 on the Pentax K-3 III and DA* 300mm F4. One single shot and one 5 shot stacked.

Especially your single shot is impressive: your copy of the DA*300 seems to be very good and thirty seconds with no star trails at that focal length show how good that technique works.

The stacked version show some problems especially in the upper right area. Are the light frames similar to other the single image? What stacking software did you use?

Somewhere in one of the moving boxes there must be my astro stuff (equatorial travel mount, polar finder, battery holder etc)...


Veni, vidi, serravi.
Quote from EckyH on September 9, 2022, 9:49 pm
Quote from James Warner on September 9, 2022, 6:04 pm

Here's a few astro shots practicing with astrotracer type 3 on the Pentax K-3 III and DA* 300mm F4. One single shot and one 5 shot stacked.

Especially your single shot is impressive: your copy of the DA*300 seems to be very good and thirty seconds with no star trails at that focal length show how good that technique works.

The stacked version show some problems especially in the upper right area. Are the light frames similar to other the single image? What stacking software did you use?

Somewhere in one of the moving boxes there must be my astro stuff (equatorial travel mount, polar finder, battery holder etc)...


It was my stacking - so I moved to a mac a number of months ago, but Deep Sky Tracker that I used before does not work on Mac. So I tried photoshop and the results came out not so great. It'll take some practice. And then of course photoshop won't let me do fancy stuff like lights or flats. But I don't do this enough to warrant purchasing any software at this point.

Happy snappin' 🙂
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