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September Photo thread! (2021)

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Quote from Justin Tung on September 18, 2021, 9:12 pm

I'd been sitting on two rolls of cine film, one roll of Kodak Vision3 500T, and one roll of Fuji Eterna 250D. I've been wanting to do some low light stuff recently, and these higher speed films gave me the perfect excuse to do it. I know 250 isn't "high speed", but considering the last time I went to take night shots I was effectively using 50 iso film, 250 felt like an absolute luxury.

This was also my first time developing film with remjet. These two rolls were the 8th and 9th roll I'm getting out of this half of a kit, and I didn't mind contaminating the chemicals with a little residual remjet. I used a solution of baking soda and washing soda to wash it off first, but there was still a bit left on the reels at the end for me to rub off. No biggie though.

those are just gorgeous you absolutely killed it with the development and scanning.

@sprucebruce I love the b&w shots and the details are just so beautiful

@kankrat speedlights are the bane of my existence and here you just made it look so natural that's amazing.

also went on a walk this morning too as I haven't fixed my sleep schedule yet and got some shots that I really liked

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Beau Carpenter and SpruceBruce have reacted to this post.
Beau CarpenterSpruceBruce
Quote from Gawad on September 21, 2021, 2:11 am

also went on a walk this morning too as I haven't fixed my sleep schedule yet and got some shots that I really liked

Beautiful morning light! Love the colors.

I've been stuck indoors not shooting a ton these last two weeks which is a bummer. Hopefully more outdoor adventures soon. In the meantime, here's a few from earlier this month I didn't edit until now.

Beau Carpenter, SpruceBruce and Gawad have reacted to this post.
Beau CarpenterSpruceBruceGawad
Happy snappin' 🙂

Great work all around! Yes, I find flash photography to be a little bit intimidating as well.

Looked back through my September shots to find a few favorites. Mostly family photos, but there were a couple from a local river that I liked. Mostly taken on the Canon 5d with 35mm or 200mm.

 _MG_0071 by Beau Carpenter, on Flickr

 _MG_0050 by Beau Carpenter, on Flickr

 _MG_0034 by Beau Carpenter, on Flickr

 _MG_0011 by Beau Carpenter, on Flickr

 _1400714 by Beau Carpenter, on Flickr

James Warner, SpruceBruce and Gawad have reacted to this post.
James WarnerSpruceBruceGawad
Quote from Snappy on September 22, 2021, 2:12 am
Quote from Gawad on September 21, 2021, 2:11 am

also went on a walk this morning too as I haven't fixed my sleep schedule yet and got some shots that I really liked

Beautiful morning light! Love the colors.

I've been stuck indoors not shooting a ton these last two weeks which is a bummer. Hopefully more outdoor adventures soon. In the meantime, here's a few from earlier this month I didn't edit until now.

Not to diminish the value of any of your other owl photos, but this is probably one of my favorites! Has a really unique feel in my opinion.

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That owl composition captures so much emotion.  It looks as if it's having an existential crisis.


The DOF is great on those shots.  That leaf on the water is so satisfying, with the textures you captured.

Itasca State Park, the Headwaters of the Mississippi River.  The shore shots are at the rapids at the North End of Lake Itasca where it starts the flow as the Mississippi River all the way down to the Gulf of Mexico. And a pioneer cabin and headstone from the 1850s.  The fall colors are coming into full swing shortly! Bonus pup shot.  Fuji Finepix S2 Pro and Nikkor Ai-S 24mm F2.8.


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Beau Carpenter and Gawad have reacted to this post.
Beau CarpenterGawad


Awesome shots. The 5D is putting out some very classic photos. I am working on a piece for a while about all the reasons I think older digital cameras (and perhaps specifically with CCD sensors) are going to be the "new film". I grew up with film photos, but as I got older it was those CCD sensor cameras and the look just reminds me of growing up. Hard to put a finger on it.

And thanks about the owl shot. My goal first was just to get owl shots. Now that I have dozens I am trying to get more creative owl shots. So that was one where I intentionally left it further so I could get more of the environment in a frame. Only so many pictures of perfectly perched owls you can look at, haha.


Looks like a beautiful day. Beautiful colors. We just got a wave of cooler weather here in Texas, and those pictures look like the beginning of Autumn.

Beau Carpenter, SpruceBruce and Gawad have reacted to this post.
Beau CarpenterSpruceBruceGawad
Happy snappin' 🙂

I was sent an old 8mp camera to play with. It's a little finicky, but mostly works well. I will say the one thing I'm not used to is having no sensor stabilization. The last few old cameras I have played with haven't quite been old enough to not have it (with the exception of the Pentax K10D, because Pentax was one of the brands fastest to doing in-body stabilization). I keep getting blurry shots because the zoom range on here is huge and ISO doesn't go up very much. So, I just need to carry around a tripod. Probably a good habit anyway.



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SpruceBruce and Gawad have reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂

amazing shot with such beautiful quality and colors I'm really looking forward to the content coming from that package:D

Quote from Gawad on September 25, 2021, 6:04 am

amazing shot with such beautiful quality and colors I'm really looking forward to the content coming from that package:D

Me too. And by that I mean, I can't wait until I have time to shoot all of it 😀 (Seems like there's never enough time...)

Went on a family campout. Some random shots straight of camera from Ricoh GR, and some birding shots from the Pentax-DA 1.4x teleconverter I'm playing with on my DA* 300mm f4.

Trailside spider, Ricoh GR

Our camping outhouse, Ricoh GR

Morning at the campsite, Ricoh GR

Obligatory camping smores, Ricoh GR

Birding, Pentax KP + DA* 300mm f4 + HD Pentax-DA teleconverter



Beau Carpenter, SpruceBruce and Gawad have reacted to this post.
Beau CarpenterSpruceBruceGawad
Happy snappin' 🙂

Getting a kick out of two Sony A100's I bought on eBay recently. Both the same camera, one IR converted and one not. Some neat history behind the first Sony Alpha camera. I am writing up a post and a video for it, but who knows when I'll get around to making it. So many posts in the backlog lol.

Just walking around neighborhood stuff so far.



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Beau Carpenter, SpruceBruce and Gawad have reacted to this post.
Beau CarpenterSpruceBruceGawad
Happy snappin' 🙂
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