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SD1 vs SDQH Detail Comparison

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Quote from Lorenzo Rossi on May 26, 2024, 2:56 pm

Thank you very much, they were taken in Bolzano, in South Tyrol in northern Italy, I can confirm it’s a really nice place 😊

Yes, SDQH need more “digital” adjustments like sharpening and “crispness” in SPP to look similar to the Merrill files, so guess that’s what you are noticing. If you don’t do that, usually you incur in the “mushy” look that a lot of people complain about in Quattro files. I tend to prefer the “crunchy” look I’m used from the Merrills, so save for portraits I tend to process all Quattro files like that.

Yes, the ZD was for me almost a shocking surprise, considering it has “only” 22MP, but they are REALLY good pixels, at low ISO with plenty of light of course. I’ll try to post something my on the future.

I was going to guess northern Italy or southern Austria!

I usually just leave that crispness setting in the middle. I've never seen the complaints about the mushyness, but I'm afraid to start looking.

I have listed my SDQH on ebay as well now. For the same reasons you mentioned. But also I think that the SD1 is just more of a"foveon" than the SDQH. The SD1 feels more unique as a camera and specific as a tool. I know exactly when and how I want to use it and when I don't. The SDQH starts to feel like a compromise between the SD1 and a more typical bayer camera, a more livable camera as a day-to-day shooter which unfortunately must also make it less special. That combined with now having the K-1, when I have to ask myself what camera to take with me. I feel like it doesn't really make sense to grab the SDQH. If I want that Foveon look and I want that experience, the SD1 is better. If I don't want to deal with the limitations the K-1 just makes more sense. The Quattro just starts to feel like indecision.

The SD1 also has a noise character which I have used frequently in photos that I really love, which doesn't seem to be as present in the Quattros.

I will be on the lookout for your ZD photos in the monthly photo threads!

Hi posted something in the Mamiya ZD thread  if you want to take a look

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