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Recommend a $200 DSLR for the beach

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Quick update. Second day of vacation and I am really enjoying the camera so far. Single shot AF is pretty snappy and hasn't missed but one time. Have been shooting a mix of manual and aperture priority and exposures are very consistent.

I mostly shoot portraits (can't post my best work) and have been extremely happy with the 18-135mm which I took to the beach yesterday.

A few testers from the day before I left and a couple of vacation shots, all edited on LR Mobile.

Beau Carpenter, SpruceBruce and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Beau CarpenterSpruceBrucedenniscrommettkcphotogeek

Only really since starting to watch snappiness have I had so much exposure to Pentax. I've never considered one of their cameras in the past, particularly a DSLR. I have gradually started to hunt them down here in Australia. Well 2 things have become apparent. If you can find the model you're after it will be expensive. Very expensive. Pentax seems to have kept its value here. Secondly you can not find the model you're after. I've had my eye on a Pentax Q.....HAHAHAHA well that's for another day as I don't think they reached the shores of Australia.

dhendrix has reacted to this post.
Quote from dhendrix on June 27, 2022, 5:12 pm

Quick update. Second day of vacation and I am really enjoying the camera so far. Single shot AF is pretty snappy and hasn't missed but one time. Have been shooting a mix of manual and aperture priority and exposures are very consistent.

I mostly shoot portraits (can't post my best work) and have been extremely happy with the 18-135mm which I took to the beach yesterday.

A few testers from the day before I left and a couple of vacation shots, all edited on LR Mobile.


Glad to see you're enjoying the camera, shots look really nice. I actually just pulled the trigger on the 18-135 myself bought from Japan for about 120USD in mint condition, clearing out some older stuff (or stuff I'm not using) and realised I didn't have a WR lens for Pentax below 55mm other than the kit lens which isn't as bad as some people say but still worth upgrading.

dhendrix has reacted to this post.
Quote from dhendrix on June 21, 2022, 9:45 pm

My gear came today! I am seriously impressed with the quality and condition of everything. It all looks brand new. And way cheaper than putting together a similar outfit for my mirrorless system even though I already have a body.

  • K-5, shutter count ~8K: $188
  • DA 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 WR: $138
  • DA 35mm f/2.4: $89

Snapped a quick picture of the camera and lens, will report back after my vacation with some photos!

Ah how did I miss this? I get so excited every time I see a K-5... I just need to get one but "the boss" says no more camera gear. 😒 What a lovely specimen you have there, and two fantastic lenses to pair it with! The 18-135 is the lens I would recommend people get first, and if I could have only one, it's that one. And the 35mm prime is nice and fast aperture and super sharp. Great choices, bravo. πŸ™‚


Quote from dhendrix on June 27, 2022, 5:12 pm

Quick update. Second day of vacation and I am really enjoying the camera so far. Single shot AF is pretty snappy and hasn't missed but one time. Have been shooting a mix of manual and aperture priority and exposures are very consistent.

I mostly shoot portraits (can't post my best work) and have been extremely happy with the 18-135mm which I took to the beach yesterday.

A few testers from the day before I left and a couple of vacation shots, all edited on LR Mobile.

Love it! Great photos, and looks like a great trip! Glad you like your Pentax kit! πŸ™‚ And I had to laugh out loud, I didn't see the lazy squirrel the first time. On second viewing I noticed him. Lol, I guess it was hot and he just had to chill. 😎 The bokeh is very nice in that shot, is it with the 35mm or the 18-135?

And gosh, those colors are so nice. It has been commented on before but for whatever reason the ~16mp cameras colors and rendering are just superb, and IMO the K-5 and Fuji X-T1 are chief among them.

Now to go look at K-5 listings again... oh the wife would be maaad

dhendrix has reacted to this post.

@jbp That shot was with the 18-135mm @ 135mm and f/5.6. It was over 100 degrees out and he was just splayed out.

(Non-portrait) Picture of the day today, again with the 18-135mm:

James Warner, denniscrommett and JBP have reacted to this post.
James WarnerdenniscrommettJBP
Quote from dhendrix on June 29, 2022, 1:33 am

@jbp That shot was with the 18-135mm @ 135mm and f/5.6. It was over 100 degrees out and he was just splayed out.

(Non-portrait) Picture of the day today, again with the 18-135mm:

Lovely. Seems like the K-5 and 18-135 really go well together.

dhendrix has reacted to this post.

Quick update! Inspired by Snappiness I decided to make a video about my experience with the K5. Check it out if you'd like:



James Warner, Beau Carpenter and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerBeau CarpenterdenniscrommettJBPEckyH
Quote from dhendrix on July 21, 2022, 3:10 pm

Quick update! Inspired by Snappiness I decided to make a video about my experience with the K5. Check it out if you'd like:



YES! Much excite! I need to get back to work so I'll have to finish it later but I watched the first 2 minutes so far and I'm really enjoying it. Love the sample photos (many we've seen here, such great shots) and I can see the love in your eye when you look at the camera. haha That's how you know it's a good camera. πŸ™‚

I have a beach trip upcoming and I was (am?) going to use my K10D but man am I tempted to be a copycat and pick up a K-5. 😁 I've always wanted one - there really does seem to be something special about those 16mp sensors. Plus the ergos, features, user modes... etc. πŸ™‚

denniscrommett, FradBoob and EckyH have reacted to this post.

Finished it! Great first video. I won't repeat my comment on youtube but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm glad you are enjoying your Pentax gear so much. The pictures really speak for themselves, don't they? πŸ™‚ You really did it right jumping into Pentax with a K-5, a 35 and 50mm plastic fantastic, and an 18-135. πŸ‘

Beau Carpenter has reacted to this post.
Beau Carpenter

Came here to recommend the K-5 and very pleased to see everyone beat me to it. An incredible camera even 12 years later.

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