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So after learning about how James put 3d models of his cameras into the classic camera database, photogrammetry, I tried the phone app he suggested and it was pretty fun but I want better results and try different methods and programs on the PC, I am starting to get some good results.

I end up building a turntable, from a pioneer audio turntable that i have, with a broken tone arm so nothing of value is loss here. I was originally going to just use the whole turntable by turning down the platter speed, but since its a quartz locked table, doing that will require some work, so I end just just going full manual, ripping the motor off the bearing and bolt he bearing onto a piece of wood as a base. super smooth,  works good enough.

still trying different cameras and lens combo to get the cleanest results

right now I am using a nikon J1 with a 18.5mm f1.8 , the small 1" sensor gives deeper depth of field on wider apreture, seem to work nice enough.

tho this got quite a bit of learning curve if you are not using a phone app like widar. and it takes quite a bit of time and a powerful pc, you will need both a good GPU and and fast CPU.


this is the first results i am happy with, took 250 images to get this, going to try to get the bottom also on my next try.

1950s super ricohflex TRL camera

heres the acutal camera I used to get the model.



SpruceBruce, Gawad and 2 other users have reacted to this post.

Looking good! It's fun isn't it? Wild to see how accurate it is when you think about the calculations it has to make behind the scenes.

When I was doing this years ago I went the PC route, and yeah, you need a good GPU. I can't remember the program I used, but you had to compile it yourself to run it and on my lower end (but modern) nvidia card it could take hours depending on the complexity. Then I had to run it through another program to soften up the rough edges. Anyway, I'm curious what offerings they have nowadays for the computer. I will probably stick with the phone app for now for ease of use and speed. I think the results are good enough for what I'm doing. That does look really good though.

Happy snappin' 🙂