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Pentax DA 12-24mm Wide Angle Lens Initial Thoughts

I have an usual fascination with wide angle lenses. Other photographers may drool over 85mm portrait lenses, or the versatile 70-200mm f2.8 lens, but give me a 24mm or wide lens and you have my attention. So, when Juan Buhler reached out and asked if I would like to try out his old Pentax DA 12-24mm lens for APSC I of course said yes.

Lens Overview

The Pentax DA 12-24mm F4 lens was released back in 2005 and the best I can tell was only recently discontinued. It bears the older green ring design style that Pentax used in the early 2000s and has since replaced with red or gold. The lens is not particularly large or heavy, though it has a massive 77mm filter ring - something that was somewhat of an issue as I dug around for adapters for a circular polarizer I could use. But despite that it handles very well on an APSC body and doesn’t feel overwhelming like the massive full-frame Rokinon 14mm f2.8 I have. I love that lens, by the way, but the front element on it scares me every time I use it.


From my limited testing so far I am extremely impressed by the optical quality of this lens. Wide open at F4 it performs well and tightens up the corners when you stop down, as virtually all lenses do. But it’s this high performance base line that has me excited. I feel like I am getting images from my 24mp Pentax KP that look similar to the high resolution of my 36mp Pentax K-1 - purely because of the lenses resolving power. Perhaps that is a dramatic example, and I’m sure you could break down the numbers for me and explain how wrong my eyes are, but there it is anyway. I’m sure if you compared with other lenses you may seem some difference, and maybe it’s not the “sharpest” ultra wide zoom lens for APSC, but it is certainly sharp enough for any artist to not worry about sharpness and I will leave it at that.

It’s worth noting the close focusing distance of 30cm, something I am quite a fan of on wide angles in particular. When shot wide open and zoomed in to 24mm it produces surprisingly good bokeh and separation that one could easily use this for creative effect. When zoomed out all the way to 12mm you can focus just a few inches from the front element to your subject - be sure not to bump the glass into anything!


I haven’t shot this lens in any short of action sport scenario (maybe I’ll do mountain biking, that might be fun), but for all other purposes the AF works just fine. Like most ultra wide and wide angle lenses achieving focus is a little easier since you have a bit more wiggle room anyway. There also seems to be something about the AF system in these types of lenses that maybe don’t have to move the elements as far or something that speeds up the process. In any case, everything I’ve noticed so far leads me to believe it is a quick and reliable AF lens.


I did want to briefly mention flare. Ultra wide angle lenses have a particularly hard go at controlling flare and it’s something as a photographer you need to be aware of and know how to mitigate. In the case of the DA 12-24mm lens flare is reasonably well controlled and isn’t the worst looking when it does happen, but you will definitely want to use some sort of hood in bright light and I will be looking for some ad-hoc solution as my copy did not come with one. Just something to think about if you are picking up a used copy and it doesn’t come with a hood. You will more than likely want one.


These are just my initial thoughts about the Pentax DA 12-24mm F4 lens, and while they could change with more use, I am pretty sure I will continue to love this lens. First impressions are hard to shake, and when they are good you are off to a good start. The lens handles extremely well and produces consistently good results. It’s small and light enough I could see bringing it in a backpack on a hike, or leaving it on the camera as a walk-around through the city.

Here are just a few sample photos I’ve taken so far. Look for more soon as well as a more in-depth review. Check out Juan Buhler’s video review on his channel. His photos are an even better indication of what this lens is capable of in the hands of a good artist over many years. Enjoy, and until next time, happy snappin’


Juan Buhler’s YouTube video review for the Pentax DA 12-24mm F4 lens.

PentaxForums user reviews for the Pentax DA 12-24mm F4 lens.

Tristan Carlos, Beau Carpenter and SpruceBruce have reacted to this post.
Tristan CarlosBeau CarpenterSpruceBruce
Happy snappin' 🙂

Nice first impressions! I literally just sold mind today. 😀

I agree with the findings above and of course it's quite a nice lens and probably the best "budget" UWA for Pentax APS-C.

The main reason I sold mine is that I also use it on my K-1 at 18mm and having the FA 20mm 2.8, I found that the FOV is actually not that different, if not almost the same. Of course I could use it with my KP and *ist D and use it at 12mm but the size made it kinda awkward to carry. Compared to other UWA, the Pentax DA 12-24mm had a long and narrow body compared to the Tamron 10-24mm and Sigma 10-20mm. That said, I would pick the DA 12-24mm over the Tamron and Sigma any day. I just had the FA 20mm with the K-1 so out it goes for me. 🙂