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Pentax 21mm f3.2

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Quote from HoLun on April 16, 2023, 11:59 pm

I also have the SMC version, I got it because people says the lens makes great sun stars, and it does makes nice sun stars when stop down.

I also got mine pretty cheap, it some some minor fungus on the inside, I took it apart and cleaned and and its good as new now.

the build quality is excellent, just like those older manual lenses, all the lens element are held in metal cells with machined retaining rings, everything on the inside are metal except the cam rollers which are made form Teflon. unlike the cheaper DA and DAL lenses, which have element groups that are assembled by heat sealed plastic cells that are pretty much unserviceable, the only thing you can do to those if it ever got fungus or haze is just throw it in the trash.

I don't have other feedbacks other than on the construction, I mess with cameras and lenses more than I take pictures with them lol.

Thanks for the info. It's good to know that they are metal inside. Many companies don't build lenses like that anymore. My Pentax-F 35-70mm may be quite funky-looking with the plastic external case, but the inside is all-metal, too.

Daniel Gonzalez and HoLun have reacted to this post.
Daniel GonzalezHoLun

I have this lens, I use it very often, it's great, it gives really amazing results. You will be very satisfied with it.

Daniel Gonzalez has reacted to this post.
Daniel Gonzalez
Quote from Evelynn on May 5, 2023, 6:40 am

I have this lens, I use it very often, it's great, it gives really amazing results. You will be very satisfied with it.

Thank you very much for your feedback,

Yes I like it so far 😀

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