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Nifty Fifty (50mm prime) Lens Club

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did some fooling around in the backlot of the studio, just kinda playing with bokeh on the 50mm with close subjects still. I feel like it'll be a while before I adventure beyond the fun of crazy small focus zones and powerful bokeh.

I gotta say, 50mm is y favorite focal length for general shooting on both apsc and fullframe (film to be more accurate) and for both I'm using a slightly beat up but still lovely canon fd 50mm f1.4 ssc.

the lens is sharp enough stopped down and opening up the apreture gives abit of a hazey look that I really like for portraits so it's okay. also I don't think I could afford such a fast lens with modern prices so this was a really sweet buy I can't really complain and the colors from it are lovely.

here are some samples:

 DSC04521 by abdelrahman abdelgawad, on Flickr">.

 2021-01-21 11.50.08 1 by abdelrahman abdelgawad, on Flickr">.

 DSC04508 by abdelrahman abdelgawad, on Flickr">.

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All the photos in here are stunning! I'm not terribly comfortable with 50mm - seems I'm always too close or too far from my subject and I just feel a bit out of sorts. But I love how fast my Pentax "plastic fantastic" 50mm f/1.8 is and how nice the IQ is so I try to use it and get better at it.

Here are some from a 2021 New Years Eve hike. The light was low but this lens was up to the task.

 IMGP5930 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

I was surprised how noisy this image was at ISO 2200. Typically I consider that very safe for the K-3. But there's a big difference between high ISO in good light and high ISO in low light. I cleaned this up using DXO's "Deep Prime" noise reduction.
 IMGP5937 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

 IMGP6005 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

denniscrommett has reacted to this post.
Quote from JBP on January 16, 2022, 9:50 pm

I was surprised how noisy this image was at ISO 2200. Typically I consider that very safe for the K-3. But there's a big difference between high ISO in good light and high ISO in low light. I cleaned this up using DXO's "Deep Prime" noise reduction.

Yes, I've noticed that too. I don't really have the technical knowledge to describe why that is - but something but the sensor getting less light to begin with before upping the gain. But that makes a practical difference for when you are upping ISO because the scene is very dark, verses a shot with enough light but you want to stop down/up the shutter speed for other reasons.

I think 50mm on APS-C is a little long but it still makes for a great portrait lens or to isolate just about anything. On FF it makes a nice walk-around. I'm liking that length on my film bodies right now for family stuff.

Can't remember if I already shared this in another thread. I've been shooting with a Fujinon 55mm f1.8 given to me. It's m42 mount. Loving it on my K-1. Anyone from Texas will probably recognize the beaver 😂

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Happy snappin' 🙂

I did some experiments at high ISO and that's absolutely true. If everything is in good light I can get away with max ISO on the K-3, 51200, and have an OK image. Low light, or even good light with deep shadows, and you lose all the detail in the dark areas. I had a white page against a tan background and at ISO 25k the line between them disappeared and couldn't be recovered even with DXO's best noise reduction tools.

I agree about 50mm on film. It's a good "day in the life" focal length. I haven't shot film in about 16 years, but I picked up some rolls the other day and plan to get back into it. 🙂

Here's one I almost lost (see the left side) from 2006. Canon AE-1 Program and 50mm lens. That dog was so spoiled lol

 Sleeping Beagle by Mobusaki, on Flickr

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Shot with my plastic fantastic DA 50mm f/1.8 on my K-3. These images are sequential (except the last one), with only one skipped because his eyes were closed. Sun was out, shooting in TAv mode at f/8 and 1600s. My keeper rate was over 90% (73/80). These photos don't convey how fast this guy is, but let me tell you this guy is FAST.  I never even thought to try action shots with a screw-driven prime before, but it's what I had on my camera at the time. Turns out it can work quite well. Love the nifty fifty!

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Some fresh snow reflections

 IMGP5214 by Mobusaki, on Flickr

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Making a video about the Pentax-M 50mm f1.7. Who knows when it'll be done, lol. But it reminded me to put it back on the camera and take some pics.

 Bubbles! by Snappiness, on Flickr

 Bubbles! by Snappiness, on Flickr

SpruceBruce, HeggenDazs and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂

The bokeh makes it seem like the bubbles go on forever. Pretty neat!

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A Pentax 50/1.8 on the K1000, with Fomapan 200 in Rodinal.


 Untitled (27) by Andrew Lossing, on Flickr

James Warner, SpruceBruce and JBP have reacted to this post.
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I ramble on sometimes about snap photography, photographic philosophy and equipment! Ye be warned.
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