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New Pentax KF DSLR Leaked 2022

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Just yesterday information about a new Pentax KF DSLR was leaked on PentaxForums (and seems to have spread from there). The origin source appears to be from someone connected to Nokishita Camera.

While full specs are still forth coming, here's what I can ascertain from the leaked images:

  • Very similar to the Pentax K70 in design and features. Body may even be identical.
  • Same 24mp sensor.
  • Viewfinder maybe changed, but same specs as Pentax K70.
  • Screen flips forward like before, but doesn't have a bezel in the renders. Could be touch screen?
  • There are three colors: A normal black and two limited edition colors for blue and white.

It's a confusing release - it appears at most a minor upgrade to the K70, and at least the same camera in new colors.

See the leaked renders here:

See Google translations of leaked flyers below.

What do you think of this "new" release by Pentax??

Uploaded files:
  • Screenshot_20221108-171034.png
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Happy snappin' 🙂

And the page that reveals the same specs as K70...

Uploaded files:
  • Screenshot_20221109-143220.png
EckyH has reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂

Looks like a warmed over camera as noted. But, I'm ok with that. I'd be upset if this camera was the result of months (or years) of rumors. This was just announced yesterday and will be released in a couple weeks.

More specs here:

EckyH has reacted to this post.

Official Ricoh video (tell me I couldn't make a better video for them, lol)

And DPReview was actually pretty fair and kind all things considered. I would have ripped Ricoh apart more for this one, but maybe that's because I love them even more and want the best for them:

EckyH has reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂

The problem I see with this machine for me is the SAFOX X AF module. It doesn't use the SAFOX XIII as the K3-III and at this price point, I rather buy another SAFOX X machine like a K5-IIS

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But it comes blue!

The DSLR isn't dead yet! Pentax set to launch a new model: the KF | Digital Camera World

James Warner and EckyH have reacted to this post.
James WarnerEckyH
Quote from KankRat on November 11, 2022, 7:57 pm

But it comes blue!

Oh yes...
Despite blue isn't my favourite colour, the blue one doubtlessly is the most elegant version.

Imho the most likely theory for the specs of the KF is the supply chain issue: Ricoh ran out of parts for the K-70, so they replaced them with other ones and due to slightly different specs of the parts they decided to name the resulting product differently. That would explain some apparently strange things, like the Micro USB connector.
My main argument for that theory is that we can see similar things at the OMDS OM-5, which is a slightly changed Olympus E-M5III.

To be honest: the K-70 and the KF are very good cameras and definitively more than sufficient for photographers on my level.


James Warner and Carl have reacted to this post.
James WarnerCarl
Veni, vidi, serravi.

It's an odd move from Pentax there were better ways to use spare parts and make up for missing ones as some people pointed out not all the parts from the K-70 would be available. Still think a K-70a or special limited edition one (like the J ltd KP) would have been better from a marketing perspective and even a profit margin one.

Strategically its a departure from what they communicated before and that's okay in terms of I think its good to have an entry level option. However its bad as it does cast doubt over other future releases, will a new 50-135 DA* only show a slight update also? Will the lens roadmap be followed and indeed produce lenses to take advantage of their current flagship camera the K3 III. I got taken apart a bit for saying I was putting my decision to buy the K-3 III on pause for a little while as there are some doubts in Pentax's direction on the Pentaxians FB group. Apparently I don't like free speech somehow and am a camera snob...anyone who knows me will find that very funny.

From a Ricoh perspective the GR IIIx has been well received as it did what GR fans wanted, perhaps they need to do the same on the Pentax line.


I read that in the film days there were something like 9 different versions of the LX with different parts.

Quote from KankRat on November 14, 2022, 2:56 pm

I read that in the film days there were something like 9 different versions of the LX with different parts.

I think now even minor changes/differences require an update in name, unlike the film days. Look at lenses from the film days even the number of aperture blades or elements could change but the lens name wouldn’t necessarily change

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