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My Flickr Year

Flickr has a new sort of end-of-year recap thingy that I've never seen before. Has anyone seen this yet?

You go to this link logged in, and it should show you your stats:

You can there "share" yours by having it upload the image to your stream. Here's mine:

 MyFlickrYear2023 Photo by Snappiness, on Flickr

I wish they had more than just your most faved photo. Maybe it could also show your most used camera, or lens, the groups you uploaded most to, things like that. 

What do you think?

JBP has reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂

That's neat! Flickr needs to do more stuff like this. I like all your ideas. Maybe if they're clever enough it could also give you some data on types of photos like % portraits, macros, wildlife.


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